

单词 种籽
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔almond〕Any of several other plants, such as the Indian almond, especially those with fruits or seeds suggestive of the almond.杏树属植物:其它几种植物,如印度杏树,尤指果实和种籽类似杏树的美国传统〔annatto〕The seed of this plant, used as a coloring and sometimes as a flavoring, especially in Latin American cuisine.胭脂树籽:这种植物的种籽,用作染色品,有时作调味品,尤其在拉丁美洲的烹调中美国传统〔cashew〕The kidney-shaped seed of this tree, eaten after roasting.贾如树籽:这种树的肾状种籽,烤后可食美国传统〔castor bean〕The poisonous seed of the castor-oil plant, from which castor oil is obtained.蓖麻籽:蓖麻的有毒种籽,由这些种籽可提炼出蓖麻油美国传统〔come up〕I sowed some seeds last week, but they haven't come up yet.上星期我种了点种籽,但现在还没长出来。21世纪英汉〔crystalloid〕Botany Any of various minute crystallike particles consisting of protein and found in certain plant cells, especially oily seeds.【植物学】 拟晶体:任一种由蛋白质构成的类似晶体的细微颗粒,发现于某些植物的细胞,尤其是在油料种籽美国传统〔cumin〕The seedlike fruit of this plant used for seasoning, as in curry and chili powders.莳萝子,枯茗子:该植物的种籽状果实,用于调味,如用于咖哩粉或辣椒粉中美国传统〔fruit〕The ripened ovary or ovaries of a seed-bearing plant, together with accessory parts, containing the seeds and occurring in a wide variety of forms.果实:包括种籽且形态多样丰满的植物子房或结籽的植物的子房,常带有附属部分美国传统〔guar gum〕A water-soluble paste made from the seeds of the guar plant and used as a thickener and stabilizer in foods and pharmaceuticals.果阿胶:由瓜尔豆种籽中提炼出来的一种溶于水的胶质,在食品与药物中用作增稠剂和稳定剂美国传统〔rice〕The starchy edible seed of this plant.糯米:这种植物的含淀粉的可食种籽美国传统〔seedy〕Resembling seeds or a seed.籽状的:形状象一粒或多粒种籽美国传统〔shell bean〕Any of various beans cultivated for their edible seeds rather than their pods.壳豆:任一种结可食用种籽而并非由其荚培育的大豆美国传统〔sunflower〕The seedlike fruit or the seeds of this plant.葵花籽:该植物的籽状果实或种籽美国传统〔walnut〕The stone or the ridged or corrugated seed of such a tree.胡桃核(籽):胡桃树的果核或突起的或波状的种籽美国传统We studied the evolution of flowers from seeds and buds. 我们研究从种籽和花蕾到花的成长过程。译典通




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