

单词 私营公司
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FREE〕Some government agencies will be run like private companies, with a free hand when it comes to rules on hiring, buying equipment, etc. 有些政府机构将与私营公司一样经营,在雇请员工、购买设备等方面拥有自主权。朗文写作活用〔MONEY〕Corporate sponsorship ensures that far more money finds its way into sport than would otherwise be the case. 私营公司的赞助确保了体育赛事能够得到更多的资金,不然的话资金是不会那么多的。朗文写作活用〔attracted〕President Mwinyi said his country would also like to attract investment from private companies.姆维尼总统说他的国家同样愿意吸收来自私营公司的投资。柯林斯高阶〔bargaining〕The government would not intervene in private-sector wage bargaining.政府不会介入私营公司的工资谈判。朗文当代〔contract sth out〕The government contracted out hospital cleaning to private companies.政府将医院的清洁工作承包给了私营公司剑桥高阶〔disaster〕Asking a private company to run the prison for profit sounds like a recipe for disaster.请一家私营公司以营利为目的来经营监狱, 这听上去就不会有什么好结果。外研社新世纪〔ideological〕We have no ideological objection to involving private companies in the healthcare system.我们在思想上不反对把私营公司纳入医疗保健体系。麦克米伦高阶〔purvey〕He would, for a hefty fee, purvey strategic advice to private corporations.他会为了巨额酬金把战略性建议透露给私营公司外研社新世纪〔quote〕Heron is a private company and is not quoted on the Stock Market.赫伦公司是一家私营公司,没有在股票交易市场挂牌。柯林斯高阶〔restriction〕The law imposed new financial restrictions on private companies.这条法规对私营公司实施新的金融限制。朗文当代A private company will require approval of the majority of its shareholders for a merger with a public corporation.私营公司与上市公司合并需要得到大多数股东的批准。牛津商务Catering has been franchised (out) to a private company.餐饮特许经营权已授予一家私营公司牛津商务It will be classed as a private sector company for the purposes of the national accounts.出于国民核算的目的,它被列为私营公司牛津商务




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