

单词 私人车道
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔change down〕Changing down, he turned into the drive.他放慢车速, 拐进了私人车道外研社新世纪〔driveway〕A long driveway led to the mansion.一条很长的私人车道通向这座豪宅。韦氏高阶〔driveway〕A private road that connects a house, a garage, or another building with the street.私人车道:连接房子、车库或其它建筑物与街道间的私人车道美国传统〔drive〕A white car was parked in the drive.一辆白色汽车停在了私人车道上。韦氏高阶〔drive〕He parked his car in the drive.他把车停在私人车道上。朗文当代〔drive〕I parked in the drive.我把车停在私人车道上。剑桥高阶〔flatly〕Ellen is walking down the drive with a square flat box balanced on one hand.埃伦正一手托着一个方形的扁盒子沿私人车道走着。柯林斯高阶〔hose down〕In one driveway a chauffeur wearing rubber boots was hosing down a limousine.其中一条私人车道上,一位穿着橡胶靴的专职司机正用水管冲洗一辆豪华轿车。柯林斯高阶〔hose down〕In one driveway a chauffeur wearing rubber boots was hosing down a limousine.在一条私人车道上, 一名穿胶靴的司机正在冲洗一辆豪华加长轿车。外研社新世纪〔leaf〕The Japanese maple that stands across the drive had just come into leaf.私人车道对面那棵鸡爪枫刚吐新叶。外研社新世纪〔park〕She parked the car on the drive.她把车停在了私人车道上。朗文当代〔pave〕The driveway is paved with concrete.私人车道用混凝土铺成。韦氏高阶〔paving〕The driveway was covered with concrete/brick paving.私人车道铺上了混凝土/砖块。韦氏高阶〔pull〕The car pulled out of the driveway.那辆车驶离了私人车道韦氏高阶〔reverse〕Another car reversed out of the drive.又一辆汽车从私人车道上倒了出来。外研社新世纪〔sedated〕He pulled sedately out of the short driveway.他慢慢地把车开出了巴掌大的私人车道柯林斯高阶〔turn around〕We turned around in someone's driveway.我们在人家的私人车道上掉了头。韦氏高阶〔turn〕A car turned into the driveway.小汽车驶入了私人车道韦氏高阶〔tyre〕He roared up the drive with a screech of tyres.他的车轰鸣着驶上私人车道,轮胎发出刺耳的声响。牛津搭配〔walk〕She walked up the drive towards / toward the door.她沿着私人车道向门口走去。牛津搭配Our neighbours are having their drive tarmacked.我们的邻居在给他们的私人车道铺柏油碎石。剑桥国际We saw a red car parked on his drive. 我们看到一辆红色轿车停在他的私人车道上。译典通




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