

单词 祭品
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Iphigenia〕The daughter of Clytemnestra and Agamemnon, who was offered as a sacrifice by Agamemnon but rescued by Artemis. She later became a priestess.依菲琴尼亚:克吕泰墨斯特拉和阿加门农的女儿,被阿加门农献作祭品但被阿耳忒弥斯所救。她后来成了一名女祭司美国传统〔Isaac〕In the Old Testament, the son of Abraham who was offered as a sacrifice to God. The sacrifice was prevented at the last moment by divine intervention.以撒:在《旧约》中,指亚伯拉罕之子,被作为祭品献给上帝。祭献在最后一刻因神意的干预而被阻止美国传统〔Lammas〕A feast formerly celebrated in England, during which bread from the season's first wheat was consecrated at Mass in thanksgiving for the harvest.收获节:一种旧时在英格兰庆祝的节日,用该季节中收获的首批小麦制成的面包在为丰收感恩祈祷的弥撒中作为祭品献祭美国传统〔altar〕A horse from the winning team was sacrificed on the altar of Mars.获胜队的一匹马用作祭品被送上战神祭坛。外研社新世纪〔altar〕An elevated place or structure before which religious ceremonies may be enacted or upon which sacrifices may be offered.圣坛;祭坛:架高的地点或结构,在其前面举行宗教仪式或在其上面摆放祭品美国传统〔altar〕He built an altar to God and made a sacrifice.他给上帝建了祭坛,并献了祭品牛津搭配〔appease〕They made sacrifices to appease the gods.他们供奉祭品,求神息怒。韦氏高阶〔burnt offering〕A slaughtered animal or other offering burned on an altar as a religious sacrifice.祭品:作为宗教牺牲品,在祭坛上焚烧的被宰杀的动物或其他供品美国传统〔consecrate〕To sanctify (bread and wine) for use in Communion.献祭:在圣餐中把(面包和酒)做为祭品美国传统〔corban〕A sacrifice made to God by the ancient Hebrews at the Temple in Jerusalem.祭品:古代希伯来人在耶路撒冷地圣殿献给上帝的供物美国传统〔immolate〕To kill as a sacrifice.宰杀作祭品美国传统〔invoke〕The great magicians of old always invoked their gods with sacrifice.旧时一些有名的巫师经常以祭品祈求他们所供奉神灵的助佑。柯林斯高阶〔laver〕A large basin used in the ancient Jewish Temple by a priest for ablutions before making a sacrificial offering.洗礼盆:古犹太教神殿中祭司在献祭品前用来洗手的大盆美国传统〔libation〕At the shrine of the god there were offerings, libations and incense.在神庙里供奉着祭品、酒和香火。外研社新世纪〔oblation〕Something offered, especially the bread and wine of the Eucharist.供品,祭品:供品,尤指圣餐仪式中的面包和酒美国传统〔offering〕They made sacrificial offerings to the gods.他们向诸神献上了祭品牛津搭配〔propitiable〕They offered sacrifices to propitiate the god.他们供奉祭品以求神息怒。21世纪英汉〔propitiate〕He made an offering to propitiate the angry gods.他供奉祭品以求神灵息怒。韦氏高阶〔propitiate〕Sacrifices were made to propitiate the gods.人们供奉祭品以求神灵息怒。牛津高阶〔ritual murder〕The murder of a person as a human sacrifice to a deity.活人祭仪:把活人杀掉用作祭献给神的人身祭品美国传统〔sacrifice〕A victim offered in this way.祭品:以这种方式供奉的牺牲品美国传统〔sacrifice〕Goats were offered as sacrifices to the gods.山羊被当作献给神的祭品麦克米伦高阶〔sacrifice〕In those days, an animal was offered as a sacrifice to God.那时候把动物作为献给上帝的祭品朗文当代〔sacrifice〕The goat was offered as a sacrifice.这只山羊被用作祭品韦氏高阶〔sacrifice〕The people offered a lamb on the altar as a sacrifice for their sins.人们在祭坛上献祭一头羔羊作为赎罪的祭品剑桥高阶〔sacrifice〕The priest sacrificed a chicken.祭司用一只鸡作祭品柯林斯高阶〔sacrifice〕The priest sacrificed a chicken.那位祭司用了一只鸡作祭品外研社新世纪〔sacrifice〕The villagers hoped the gods would accept their sacrifice.村民们盼望神灵能接受他们的祭品韦氏高阶〔sacrifice〕They offered sacrifices to the gods.他们向众神献上祭品牛津高阶〔sacrifice〕They sacrificed oxen and sheep.他们以牛羊为祭品英汉大词典〔sacrifice〕To offer as a sacrifice to a deity.供奉:作为祭品献给神美国传统〔soma〕An intoxicating or hallucinogenic beverage, used as an offering to the Hindu gods and consumed by participants in Vedic ritual sacrifices.苏玛酒:可致醉或引起幻觉的饮料,用作印度神灵的祭品,由吠陀祭祀仪式的参与者饮用美国传统〔victim〕A living creature slain and offered as a sacrifice during a religious rite.祭品:在宗教仪式中的屠杀并奉为牺牲品的活的动物美国传统The ancient Aztecs sacrificed people to the gods.古代阿兹特克族人将人作为祭神的祭品剑桥国际The people offered a lamb on the altar as a sacrifice for their sins.人们向祭坛献上一头羔羊作为他们赎罪的祭品剑桥国际




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