

单词 祖国
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ANGRY〕Disgusted with the political corruption in her homeland, Stepanowicz left for good in 1982. 斯捷潘诺维奇痛恨国内的政治腐败,于1982年永远地离开了她的祖国朗文写作活用〔BUT〕War is never welcome, nonetheless, I believe that we must defend our country. 战争总是不受欢迎的,但我认为我们必须保卫祖国朗文写作活用〔COUNTRY〕After spending seven years in Japan, Claude returned to his home country of France. 在日本住了七年后,克劳德回到了祖国法国。朗文写作活用〔COUNTRY〕Many of the refugees are keen to return to their home countries now that the fighting has stopped. 战争结束,许多难民渴望回到祖国朗文写作活用〔DEFEND〕Would you be prepared to fight in defence of your country? 你愿意为保卫祖国而战吗?朗文写作活用〔DIE〕These brave men were ready to fight and die for their country. 这些勇敢的人已准备为祖国而战并牺牲。朗文写作活用〔FREE〕We will continue our struggle until our country is free. 我们将继续奋斗直到祖国获得自由。朗文写作活用〔HOPE〕My grandfather gave up a promising career in law to fight for his country. 我爷爷放弃了前途远大的法律工作,选择了为祖国而战。朗文写作活用〔LIVE〕He left the country in December to take up residence in Panama. 12月份他离开祖国,在巴拿马居住了下来。朗文写作活用〔PRAISE〕Although he was popular in Europe, Hendrix had yet to achieve recognition in his home country. 亨德里克斯尽管在欧洲广受欢迎,但他在自己的祖国尚未得到认可。朗文写作活用〔abase〕Whoever betrays his country shall be abased.谁背叛祖国谁就必遭唾弃。英汉大词典〔able-bodied〕Every able-bodied man had to fight for his country.每一个体格健全的男人都必须为祖国而战斗。朗文当代〔against〕The Pope has sent a message appealing for unity in his homeland, against a background of divisions in the Solidarity movement.团结运动中各派搞分裂,在此情况下教皇发出号召,呼吁祖国保持团结。柯林斯高阶〔backwardness〕We need to accelerate the pace of change in our backward country.我们应当为落后的祖国加快变革的脚步。柯林斯高阶〔betray〕He was accused of betraying his country during the war.他被指控在战争期间背叛了祖国剑桥高阶〔betray〕Ninety per cent of spies betray their countries for money.有九成间谍为了金钱背叛自己的祖国外研社新世纪〔betray〕They betrayed their country by selling its secrets to other governments.他们背叛了自己的祖国,将机密卖给了他国政府。韦氏高阶〔bleed〕They bled for their motherland.他们为祖国流血。文馨英汉〔brazen〕The invaders brazened their way into our motherland.侵略者肆无忌惮地闯入了我们祖国21世纪英汉〔consecrate〕They consecrated their lives to the liberation of their motherland.他们把生命献给了祖国的解放事业。21世纪英汉〔country〕She represented her country at the Beijing Olympics.她代表自己的祖国参加北京奥运会。牛津搭配〔country〕Sri Lanka is my native country, but I've been living in Belgium for the past five years.斯里兰卡是我的祖国,但最近5年我一直住在比利时。剑桥高阶〔dance〕The dancers danced the story of their motherland.舞蹈者以舞蹈语言表演其祖国的传说。21世纪英汉〔democratization〕When he left his native country, he said he would not return until it had been fully democratised.离开祖国时,他说直到国家完全实现民主化后他才会回来。柯林斯高阶〔discredit〕They were a discredit to their country.他们让祖国蒙羞。牛津搭配〔duty〕It's your duty to fight for your country.为祖国而战是你的义务。英汉大词典〔endeavour〕I will endeavour to do my best for my country.我将竭尽全力报效祖国牛津高阶〔exile〕One who lives away from one's native country, whether because of expulsion or voluntary absence.离乡者:被驱逐或因为自愿而居住在自己的祖国之外美国传统〔fame〕Kundera achieved international fame while banned in his own country.昆德拉在自己的祖国遭禁,却获得了国际声望。麦克米伦高阶〔fatherland〕He fought to protect his fatherland.他为保卫祖国而战。韦氏高阶〔fatherland〕Her grandmother told them stories of the fatherland.她奶奶给他们讲祖国的故事。韦氏高阶〔fatherland〕They were willing to serve the fatherland in its hour of need.他们愿意在祖国需要时为国效力。外研社新世纪〔fear〕He also spoke of his fears for the future of his country's culture.他也谈到了对祖国文化前途的担忧。柯林斯高阶〔flag〕Don't expect him to be flying the flag for his home country.不要指望他支持自己的祖国外研社新世纪〔fled〕He killed his enemy and fled the country.他杀死仇敌后逃离祖国21世纪英汉〔forsake〕He has forsaken his native Finland to live in Britain.他离开祖国芬兰移居英国。朗文当代〔glory in〕They gloried in their country's success.他们为祖国的成功而欣喜。韦氏高阶〔go〕Of course we want to go back some day—it's our country, our real home.我们当然希望有一天能回去,那是我们的祖国,我们真正的家。牛津高阶〔gratitude〕We remember with gratitude those who died defending our country.我们心存感激地铭记着那些为保卫祖国牺牲的人们。韦氏高阶〔homeland〕During the war, they were forced to flee their homeland.战争期间他们被迫逃离了祖国牛津搭配〔homeland〕He returned to his homeland for the first time in many years.多年来,他第一次回到了自己的祖国韦氏高阶〔homeland〕It is the role of the army to protect the homeland.保卫祖国是军队的职责。牛津搭配〔homeland〕Many are planning to return to their homeland.很多人正计划回到自己的祖国去。柯林斯高阶〔homeland〕Many refugees have been forced to flee their homeland.很多难民被迫逃离了祖国牛津高阶〔homeland〕They were devastated that they had to leave their beloved homeland.要离开自己热爱的祖国,他们心中悲痛万分。牛津搭配〔homesick〕She felt homesick for her country.她思念自己的祖国牛津搭配〔honour〕She brought honour to her country as an Olympic medal-winner.她赢得奥运会奖牌,为祖国增了光。牛津搭配〔honour〕We are here today to honour the men and women who gave their lives for their country.今天我们在此向那些为祖国献出生命的人们表示敬意。麦克米伦高阶〔land〕He died far from his native land.他死在远离祖国的地方。文馨英汉〔land〕He's fiercely proud of his native land.他为祖国深深地感到自豪。朗文当代〔land〕She longed to return to her native land.她渴望回到她的祖国牛津高阶〔love〕I love my country as you love yours.我热爱我的祖国, 就像你爱你的祖国那样。外研社新世纪〔love〕Patriotism may be defined as love for one's country.爱国主义可以被定义为对自己祖国的热爱。麦克米伦高阶〔love〕She went back to the country she loved.她回到了她深爱的祖国麦克米伦高阶〔love〕We love our motherland.我们热爱祖国21世纪英汉〔loyal〕Steadfast in allegiance to one's homeland, government, or sovereign.忠心的:对自己的祖国,政府或主权无限忠诚的美国传统〔maybe〕Maybe he sincerely wanted to help his country.或许他是诚心诚意地想帮助自己的祖国柯林斯高阶〔mother country〕Even though she hasn't lived in Spain for 50 years, she still calls it her mother country.尽管她已经有50年没住在西班牙了,她仍将西班牙称为自己的祖国剑桥高阶〔mother country〕The country of one's birth or one's ancestors.祖国:一个人出生的国家或祖先的国家美国传统〔motherland〕The whole family wanted to return to the motherland.全家人都想返回祖国韦氏高阶〔motherland〕They are willing to die for the motherland.他们愿为祖国牺牲生命。朗文当代〔native〕He spent most of his professional life outside his native Poland.他大部分的职业生涯都不在祖国波兰度过。朗文当代〔native〕He's a hero in his native country.他是祖国的英雄。韦氏高阶〔native〕It was his first visit to his native country since 1948.这是自1948年以来他首次回到自己的祖国外研社新世纪〔native〕Mother Teresa visited her native Albania.特蕾莎修女访问了她的祖国阿尔巴尼亚。外研社新世纪〔oath〕Servicemen have to swear an oath of loyalty to their country.军人必须宣誓效忠于自己的祖国朗文当代〔offer〕I will offer myself to the state as emergency arise.一旦发生紧急情况,我一定会为祖国献身的。21世纪英汉〔old country〕They left the old country more than 30 years ago.他们30多年前离开了祖国韦氏高阶〔patriotic〕Feeling, expressing, or inspired by love for one's country.爱国的,有爱国热情的:爱国的,表达对祖国的热爱的,被对祖国的爱所鼓舞的美国传统〔patriotism〕Love of and devotion to one's country.爱国主义:热爱祖国和为国献身的精神美国传统〔penetrate with〕All his writings seem to be penetrated with the idea of love and hope for his country.他的所有文章好像都充满了对祖国的爱与希望。21世纪英汉〔pine〕She was pining for the mountains of her native country.她对祖国的青山思念不已。牛津高阶〔pledge〕Every morning, we pledge allegiance to the flag.每天早上,我们都向国旗宣誓忠于祖国韦氏高阶〔pledge〕If you join the armed forces, you have to pledge allegiance to your country.如果参军,你必须宣誓效忠你的祖国剑桥高阶〔proud〕Their country should be proud of them.他们的祖国应以他们为荣。外研社新世纪〔pull〕She felt the pull of her homeland.她感到了祖国的吸引力。牛津搭配〔reeducate〕We must reeducate people to love their motherland.我们必须对人们进行再教育使之热爱祖国21世纪英汉〔respond〕Let us respond.Let us rise as one man in defence of our motherland.让我们做出回答。让我们紧密地团结起来保卫我们的祖国21世纪英汉〔return〕He left his country, never to return .他离开了祖国,一去不复返。朗文当代〔risk〕She was willing to risk death to save her motherland.为了挽救祖国,她宁愿冒牺牲性命的危险。21世纪英汉〔sake〕We must do it for the sake of our country.为了祖国,我们必须这样做。韦氏高阶〔shore〕He was glad to return to his native shores.回到祖国他很高兴。牛津搭配〔side with〕They betrayed their country and sided with the enemy.他们背叛了祖国,与敌人同流合污。韦氏高阶〔slur〕Milton regarded her comment as a slur on his country.米尔顿把她的话看作是对他祖国的诋毁。朗文当代〔speak〕He spoke longingly of his home country.他热切地谈起了自己的祖国朗文当代〔symbolize〕He came to symbolize his country's struggle for independence.他逐渐成为祖国为争取独立而斗争的象征。牛津高阶〔treacherous〕Vargas plays the part of a treacherous aristocrat who betrays his king and country.瓦加斯扮演一个背叛了国王和祖国的不忠贵族。剑桥高阶〔uproot〕To force to leave an accustomed or native location.赶走,赶出家园:被迫离开惯常的居住地或祖国美国传统〔woefully〕He said woefully: 'I love my country, but it does not give a damn about me.' 他哀伤地说道:“我爱我的祖国,但祖国并不爱我。”柯林斯高阶After many years of exile thousands of families will now be able to return to their homeland.多年流亡之后,数千个家庭现在已经能够返回祖国剑桥国际Articles in the more rabidly nationalistic newspapers have been demanding that immigrants be sent back to the countries they came from.更为狂热的民族主义报纸上登的文章一直要求把移民送回其祖国剑桥国际Even though she has not lived in Spain for 50 years, she still calls it her mother country.尽管她有50年不住在西班牙了,她仍然把她叫作她的祖国剑桥国际He used to swim for his country when he was younger.他年轻时常常代表他的祖国参加游泳比赛。剑桥国际If our soldiers have to pay the ultimate price for defending their country, then so be it.如果我们的士兵为了保卫祖国不得不牺牲,那就牺牲吧!剑桥国际If you join the armed forces, you have to pledge allegiance to your country.如果参军,你必须宣誓效忠于你的祖国剑桥国际The obelisk was built in memory of those who died for their country. 这座方尖塔是为了纪念那些为祖国献身的人而建造的。译典通The speech praised those who had displayed gallantry in the liberation of their country.这篇演讲表彰了那些在祖国解放过程中表现英勇的人们。剑桥国际They spent many years hoping to return to their homeland.他们用了多年时间期盼着重返祖国剑桥国际Today we remember those who laid down their lives for their country.今天我们缅怀那些为其祖国而献出生命的人们。剑桥国际We fight for the honor of our country. 我们为祖国的荣誉而战。译典通




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