

单词 escalating
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BLAME〕Trimble may find himself on the firing line for not responding to the escalating violence. 特林布尔未能对迅速上升的暴力案件采取措施,有可能受到公开指责。朗文写作活用〔INCREASE〕Investors in the Sports Stadium project are worried by escalating construction costs. 体育场项目的投资者对于越来越高的建筑成本感到担忧。朗文写作活用〔INCREASE〕Staff saw costs escalating and sales slumping as the effect of the recession hit the company. 经济衰退的影响对这家公司造成冲击,于是员工看到成本上涨,而销售量下跌。朗文写作活用〔INCREASE〕Twenty percent of the workforce are experiencing escalating stress levels. 从业人员中有20%感受到压力不断加剧。朗文写作活用〔PRIVATE〕The recent privatization of bus services has led to escalating prices. 最近公共汽车服务的私有化已经导致票价上涨。朗文写作活用〔availability〕The ready availability of guns has contributed to the escalating violence.人们太容易弄到枪支,这也成了暴力事件激增的一个诱因。剑桥高阶〔engage〕The two parties engaged upon an escalating political struggle.两党陷入了日益加剧的政治斗争。朗文当代〔escalate〕Her fear was escalating into panic.她的害怕逐渐变成了惊慌。朗文当代〔escalate〕The escalating rate of inflation will almost certainly bring escalating prices.通货膨胀率的不断上升几乎肯定会导致物价攀升。剑桥高阶〔escalate〕The cost of living is escalating.生活费用越来越高。21世纪英汉〔escalate〕The costs were escalating alarmingly.成本在以惊人的速度增长。朗文当代〔escalate〕The fighting on the border is escalating.边境地区的战斗在不断升级。朗文当代〔escalate〕Violence between the two sides has been steadily escalating.双方的暴力冲突在逐步升级。牛津搭配〔keep〕The troops withheld fire to keep the situation from escalating.为了避免事态升级,部队停火了。麦克米伦高阶〔rein in〕Governments are desperately trying to rein in their escalating health care costs.政府正竭力想要控制住逐渐上涨的医疗保健开支。外研社新世纪〔violence〕UN peacekeepers are struggling to contain the escalating violence.联合国维和人员正在竭力遏制暴力冲突升级。牛津搭配Social problems have been escalating in the town since the steel works closed.钢铁厂关闭后城市的社会问题加剧了。剑桥国际The escalating rate of inflation will almost certainly bring escalating prices.通货膨胀的不断上升几乎必然会导致价格上升。剑桥国际The incident adds a bizarre twist to last week's escalating cycle of violence in the province.这件事情使上周此省内不断升级的暴力发生了不同寻常的转折。剑桥国际The organization is faced with escalating costs and decreasing revenue.这一机构面临着不断上升的成本和不断下降的收入的境况。牛津商务The ready availability of guns has contributed to the escalating violence.容易得到枪支使暴力事件越来越多。剑桥国际The two governments gingerly sought to prevent the crisis escalating.两个政府十分谨慎地设法避免危机升级。剑桥国际




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