

单词 监护人
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LOOK AFTER〕Children under 17 will only be admitted in the company of a parent or adult guardian. 17岁以下的儿童须由一名家长或成年监护人陪同才可入内。朗文写作活用〔LOOK AFTER〕Could you contact Mrs Smith's guardians and tell them she's been admitted to hospital? 你能否联系上史密斯太太的监护人,告诉他们她已被送进医院?朗文写作活用〔LOOK AFTER〕He discovered that his guardian, Aunt Mimi, had not legally adopted him. 他发现自己的监护人美美姨妈并没有依法领养他。朗文写作活用〔LOOK AFTER〕The court must obtain the consent of the child's parent or guardian. 法院必须征得孩子父母中的一方或监护人的同意。朗文写作活用〔LOOK AFTER〕When Sara was 7, Aunt Maggie became her legal guardian. 萨拉7岁的时候,玛吉姨妈成了她的法定监护人朗文写作活用〔WRITE〕You have to get the signature of the child's parent or guardian. 你必须取得小孩父母或者监护人的签名。朗文写作活用〔absence〕In the absence of a will the courts decide who the guardian is.在没有遗嘱的情况下,由法庭指定监护人柯林斯高阶〔absence〕In the absence of a will, the courts decide who the guardian is.在没有遗嘱的情况下, 由法庭指定监护人外研社新世纪〔accompanying〕Children under twelve require an accompanying parent or guardian to see this movie.12岁以下的儿童看这部电影必须要有父母或监护人的陪同。剑桥高阶〔appoint〕After his parents died, the boy's uncle was appointed as his guardian.父母双亡之后,这个男孩的叔叔被指定为他的监护人韦氏高阶〔baby sitter〕A person engaged to care for one or more children when the parents or guardians are not at home.临时保姆:当父母或监护人不在家时被雇用来照顾一个或更多孩子的人美国传统〔battered child〕A child upon whom multiple, continuing, often serious nonaccidental injuries have been inflicted usually by parents, guardians, or other caregivers.受虐儿童:遭受多次的连续性伤害的儿童,通常为严重的非意外伤害,由其父母、监护人或其他看管者加诸给他们美国传统〔capacity〕The Princess was there in her capacity as patron of the charity.公主是以慈善机构监护人的身份到场的。麦克米伦高阶〔chaperone〕Her mother and sister acted as chaperones during filming.在电影拍摄过程中,她的妈妈和姐姐作为监护人照顾她。剑桥高阶〔chaperone〕I was a chaperone on one of my son's school trips.我在儿子的一次学校郊游中担任行为监护人韦氏高阶〔consent〕Your parent or guardian will be asked for their consent to your examination or treatment.你的检查或治疗都要征得父母或监护人的同意。外研社新世纪〔conservator〕Law One that is responsible for the person and property of an incompetent.【法律】 监护人:对无行为能力者的人身及财产负责的人美国传统〔constitute〕The court constituted him legal guardian of the child.法庭指定他为这个孩子的合法监护人21世纪英汉〔custodial〕Her mother is the custodial parent.她妈妈是她的监护人韦氏高阶〔custodian〕Farmers are custodians of the land for the next generation.农民是为子孙后代看管土地的监护人朗文当代〔custodian〕The Department was appointed as the child's legal custodian.该部门被指定为这个孩子的法定监护人外研社新世纪〔custodian〕When his father died his uncle became his legal custodian.他父亲去世后,叔叔成了他的法定监护人英汉大词典〔entertaining〕You weren't allowed to entertain men in your rooms even with a chaperone.即使你有监护人陪同,也不允许在房间里招待男性。柯林斯高阶〔guardianship〕The court granted guardianship to her uncle.法院批准她叔叔为她的监护人韦氏高阶〔guardian〕After the death of her parents, her uncle was appointed as her legal guardian.父母去世后,她的叔叔被指定为她的合法监护人韦氏高阶〔guardian〕He became his niece's legal guardian.他成了他侄女的法定监护人外研社新世纪〔guardian〕His aunt is his legal guardian. 他姑妈是他的法定监护人朗文当代〔guardian〕Law One who is legally responsible for the care and management of the person or property of an incompetent or a minor.【法律】 监护人:依法负责照料和管理丧失管理自己事务能力的人或未成年人本人或其财产的人美国传统〔guardian〕The child's parents or guardians must give their consent before she has the operation.在给这个孩子动手术前,一定要得到她父母或其监护人的同意。剑桥高阶〔guardian〕The court appoints a legal guardian for the child.法庭给这个孩子指定了一名合法监护人牛津搭配〔in loco parentis〕While children are in school, teachers are legally in loco parentis.孩子在校期间老师就是法定监护人剑桥高阶〔keeper〕An attendant, a guard, or a warden.看守:侍者、保卫人员或监护人美国传统〔parent〕A guardian; a protector.监护人;保护人美国传统〔parent〕The form must be signed by a parent or guardian of the child.表格必须由孩子的父母之一或监护人签名。韦氏高阶〔precipitate〕Ward membership may easily precipitate itself into many visible forms of behaviour.监护人的资格很容易以许多显而易见的行为方式体现出来。21世纪英汉〔pupillary〕Of or relating to a student or ward.属于或有关学生或受监护人美国传统〔report card〕A report of a student's progress presented periodically to a parent or guardian.成绩报告单:定期向学生的父母或监护人递呈的关于学生的学业进展的报告书美国传统〔reverse〕Our roles as child and guardian had now been reversed.我们身为孩子和监护人的角色现在对换了。朗文当代〔spotter〕When you lift weights, you should always have a spotter.举重时一定要有监护人员在场。韦氏高阶〔throwaway〕A child or teenager who has been rejected, ejected, or abandoned by parents or guardians and lives on the streets.弃儿:被父母或监护人抛弃、驱赶或遗弃并生活在街上的儿童或少年美国传统〔ticket〕Children under twelve cannot be ticketed unless accompanied by parent or guardian.12岁以下没有父母或监护人陪同的孩子不能购票。英汉大词典〔tutelage〕The capacity or activity of a guardian; guardianship.守护,监护:监护人或守护人的能力范围或行为;监护,保护美国传统〔tutelage〕The state of being under the direction of a guardian or tutor.受监护,被保护:处于监护人或辅导者的指导之下的状态美国传统〔tutelary〕Of or relating to a guardian or guardianship.监护的,监护人的:属于或关于监护人或监护的美国传统〔tutorial〕Of or relating to tutors or a tutor.家庭教师的,辅导老师的,大学导师的:属于或关于家庭教师、辅导老师或大学导师;监护人美国传统〔tutor〕Law The legal guardian of a minor and of the minor's property.【法律】 监员人:未成年人及未成年人财产的合法监护人美国传统〔wardship〕The state of being in the charge of a guardian.监护人的身份:负有监护人的职责的状态美国传统〔ward〕Law A minor or incompetent person placed under the care or protection of a guardian or court.【法律】 受监护人:受监护人或法庭保护或照料的未成年人或无行为能力人美国传统〔ward〕The courts made me a ward of my aunt and she brought me up.法院指定姨母为我的监护人,她把我抚养成人。英汉大词典〔where〕His guardian finally allowed him to go to Marseilles, from where he went on his first voyage.他的监护人终于让他去了马赛,从那儿他开始了他的首次航海旅行。英汉大词典Almost any kind of property can be transferred to a custodial account.几乎任何种类的财产都可以转到监护人账户。牛津商务His ward, Mary Lennox, had been orphaned in India and was now living with him.他的受监护人----玛丽·列诺克斯----在印度成了孤儿,如今与他住在一起。剑桥国际She opened a custodial account for her daughter at the bank.她在银行替女儿开立了一个监护人账户。牛津商务The court must appoint a guardian ad litem.法庭必须指定一位诉讼监护人牛津商务The courts made him a ward of his uncle. 法院指定他舅父为他的监护人译典通The girl's parents or guardians must give their consent before she has the operation.这个女孩的双亲或监护人在女孩动手术之前必须表示同意。剑桥国际The guardian read his ward a sermon on his extravagance. 监护人严词申斥被监护人挥霍浪费。译典通




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