

单词 equipment
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AND/ALSO〕Climbers have to carry all their equipment on their backs, not to mention their tents and bedding. 登山者得把所有的装备都背上,更不用说帐篷和寝具了。朗文写作活用〔AND/ALSO〕This new equipment will be very expensive to set up. Furthermore, more machines will mean fewer jobs. 安装这种新的设备成本很高,况且,机器越多将意味着就业机会越少。朗文写作活用〔CAN/CAN'T〕A lot of the doctors here still don't know how to use the new equipment. 这里的许多医生仍然不会操作这台新设备。朗文写作活用〔ENOUGH/NOT ENOUGH〕Health workers reported that medicines and basic equipment were in short supply. 医务人员报告说,药品和基本设施供应不足。朗文写作活用〔EQUIPMENT〕Thieves stole all the video equipment from the college. 窃贼盗走了学院里所有的录像设备。朗文写作活用〔Government Issue〕Something, such as military equipment, that is issued by a government.政府提供的一些东西,如军事装备美国传统〔HOLE〕The oil engineers have already moved their drilling equipment into the area. 石油工程师已把钻探设备运进该地区。朗文写作活用〔LEND〕Some caterers will rent equipment and supplies for parties at a reasonable cost. 有些酒席承办公司出租聚会设备和必需品,价格合理。朗文写作活用〔MANAGER〕Head office must approve any order for new equipment. 订购新设备必须得到总部批准。朗文写作活用〔OFFER〕The equipment will be auctioned off to the highest bidder. 这台设备将拍卖给出价最高的人。朗文写作活用〔OLD-FASHIONED〕It is hard to run a business with outdated equipment. 设备陈旧的公司很难经营。朗文写作活用〔SMALL〕Even an infinitesimal change in temperature will be recorded by the equipment. 即使气温变化极其微小,这个仪器也能记录下来。朗文写作活用〔SMALL〕The equipment records minute changes in air pressure. 这个设备可以记录气压的细微变化。朗文写作活用〔SPEND MONEY OR TIME|花钱/时间〕When we built the factory the outlay on machinery was heavy but we were able to buy all the latest equipment. 我们办工厂时买机器的花费很大,不过我们能买到最先进的设备。朗文写作活用〔START〕The local hospital has launched a campaign to raise money for new X-ray equipment. 当地医院正在为购买新的X光设备发起一场筹款活动。朗文写作活用〔SWEAT〕The equipment manager collected the sweaty uniforms and took them down to the hotel laundry. 设备经理把汗湿的制服收起来,送到宾馆的洗衣房里去。朗文写作活用〔TEST〕The national railroad is doing a few trial runs to test new equipment. 全国铁路正在进行几次试车以测试新设备。朗文写作活用〔TEST〕We think the equipment is working fine, but we still need to run a few more tests. 我们觉得这个设备运作正常,但我们还需要再做些测试。朗文写作活用〔USE〕Some of the new equipment is just gathering dust because the staff have not been trained to use it. 一些新设备因为员工没有学会使用,就放着积灰。朗文写作活用〔USE〕Why is millions of pounds worth of state-of-the-art equipment lying idle? 价值数百万英镑的先进设备为什么闲置不用?朗文写作活用〔abandon〕Others had departed in a hurry, hastily abandoning homes and equipment.其他人已匆匆离开, 抛弃了家园和家里的设备。外研社新世纪〔acclaim〕All this equipment has received international acclaim from the specialist hi-fi press.这套设备赢得了国际高保真音响专业报刊的赞誉。外研社新世纪〔added〕New equipment gives them an added incentive to start training again.新设备进一步激励他们重新开始训练。麦克米伦高阶〔advantage〕The equipment has the additional advantage of being easy to carry.这种设备另外还有易于携带的好处。麦克米伦高阶〔antibugging〕They installed antibugging equipment in the embassy.他们在大使馆内安装了反窃听的设备。文馨英汉〔archaic〕Many smaller radio stations broadcast on archaic equipment.许多较小的电台使用过时的设备播音。朗文当代〔armamentarium〕The complete equipment of a physician or medical institution, including books, supplies, and instruments.全套设备:一个医生或医疗机构的全套配备,包括图书,药品和器械美国传统〔armory〕A building for storing arms and military equipment, especially one serving as headquarters for military reserve personnel.军事建筑:存放武器和军事装备的大楼,尤指作为预备役人员司令部的建筑美国传统〔assignment〕My assignment was to clean the equipment. = They gave me the assignment of cleaning the equipment.分派给我的任务是清洁设备。韦氏高阶〔automated〕The equipment was made on highly automated production lines.该设备是在高度自动化生产线上制造出来的。外研社新世纪〔automated〕The equipment was made on highly automated production lines.该设备是在高度自动化的生产线上制造的。柯林斯高阶〔automation〕The automatic operation or control of equipment, a process, or a system.自动化:指设备、程序或系统的自动运动或控制美国传统〔automation〕The techniques and equipment used to achieve automatic operation or control.自动学:用于实现自动运行或控制的技术或设备美国传统〔badly off〕The school is rather badly off for equipment.学校相当缺乏设备。朗文当代〔baggage〕The movable equipment and supplies of an army.辎重:可移动的装备和军队必需品美国传统〔bare〕They only had the bare minimum of equipment.他们只有最少量的设备。麦克米伦高阶〔basis〕Safety equipment was checked on a daily basis.安全设备每天都检查。麦克米伦高阶〔bay〕Put the equipment in No 3 bay.把设备放在 3 号仓房。牛津高阶〔behind〕Some of the equipment got left behind.有些设备留了下来。麦克米伦高阶〔belief〕Thieves broke into the building in the mistaken belief that there was expensive computer equipment inside.窃贼闯进大楼,误以为楼里有昂贵的计算机设备。朗文当代〔board〕Is all the equipment on board (the boat/train/bus/plane)? 所有的设备都装上(船/火车/巴士/飞机)了吗?韦氏高阶〔boating〕They own a store that sells boating equipment.他们有一家划艇装备店。韦氏高阶〔bowl〕The school is always having to get out the begging bowl for books and basic equipment.这所学校总是不得不伸手讨要图书和基本设施。牛津搭配〔breakdown〕The factory has had frequent equipment breakdowns.这家工厂的设备故障频出。韦氏高阶〔camcorder〕A self-contained unit of communications equipment made up of a lightweight, hand-held television camera and a videocassette recorder.摄像放像机:一种整套装在一起的通讯装置,由一轻便的手提电视摄像机和一录像机组成美国传统〔cartridge belt〕A belt with loops or pockets for carrying ammunition or other kinds of equipment.子弹带:用来携带弹药或其它种类的器械的带有环或口袋的带子美国传统〔cash-and-carry〕All equipment is sold on a cash-and-carry basis.所有设备都是以付现自提方式销售的。外研社新世纪〔catch〕He was caught with bomb-making equipment in his home.他被发现家里藏有制造炸弹的设备。牛津高阶〔changeover〕A conversion to a different purpose or from one system to another, as in equipment or production techniques.大变更:改变目标或由一体系向另一体系的更换,如设备或生产技术的更换美国传统〔check〕They spent the rest of the morning checking over their equipment.他们把上午余下的时间用来检查设备。朗文当代〔constant〕The equipment should be stored at a constant temperature.这个设备应该在恒温条件下存放。韦氏高阶〔consumable〕Suppliers add computer consumables, office equipment and furniture to their product range.供货商在其产品范围中增加了计算机耗材、办公设备和家具。柯林斯高阶〔costly〕They have been investing in costly new equipment.他们一直投资于价格高昂的新设备。麦克米伦高阶〔cottage industry〕A usually small-scale industry carried on at home or out of the home by family members using their own equipment.家庭手工业:家庭成员用自己的装备在家里或家外进行的通常小型的工业美国传统〔crawlspace〕A low or narrow space, such as one beneath the upper or lower story of a building, that gives workers access to plumbing or wiring equipment.爬行空隙:一幢楼最高层或最底层下面可使工人进入维修管道或电线设备的矮而窄的空间美国传统〔crux〕The crux of the problem lay in the lack of equipment.问题的症结在于缺乏设备。朗文当代〔deploy〕Equipment and supplies have been deployed across the country.设备和供给品已调配到全国各地。韦氏高阶〔depot〕A storage installation for military equipment and supplies.军备仓库:存放军事装备及物资的仓库美国传统〔disinfectant〕They use a strong disinfectant on the medical equipment.他们用一种强消毒剂给医疗设备消毒。韦氏高阶〔disposable〕Every disposable piece of equipment was sent to the fire.每一种可用的设备都被大火烧毁了美国传统〔entanglement〕Many dolphins are accidentally killed through entanglement with fishing equipment.很多海豚因为被渔具缠住而意外死亡。外研社新世纪〔equipage〕Equipment or furnishings.装备,设备美国传统〔equipment〕He lacks the mental equipment to succeed in politics.他缺乏在政治上取得成功所需的心理素质。牛津搭配〔equipment〕Never go climbing without the proper equipment.千万不要在没有适当的装备的情况下登山。牛津搭配〔equipment〕No special equipment is needed.无需任何专门设备。牛津搭配〔equipment〕The basic equipment consists of a plastic mask and a length of rope.基本设备是一个塑料面罩和一段绳子。牛津搭配〔equipment〕The photographer came early to set up his equipment.摄影师为安装设备很早就来了。韦氏高阶〔equipment〕They don't have the mental equipment to know any better.他们的头脑还不够,无法理解得更深。麦克米伦高阶〔except〕High technology equipment would be excepted from any trade agreement.任何贸易协定都不会把高科技设备包括在内。朗文当代〔expense〕We were supposed to provide safety equipment at our own expense.我们必须自己掏腰包购买安全设备。麦克米伦高阶〔exporter〕China is the top exporter of telecommunications equipment.中国是通信设备的第一大出口国。牛津搭配〔extend〕The banks agreed to extend credit for the purchase of new equipment.银行同意为购置新设备提供信贷。外研社新世纪〔fail-soft〕Capable of operating at a reduced level of efficiency after the failure of a component or power source. Used of electronic equipment.故障保护的:在动力或能源部件发生故障时,能以其降低了的性能继续运行。用于电子设备美国传统〔fire sale〕The company is having a fire sale of its old office equipment.这家公司正在低价甩卖旧的办公设备。韦氏高阶〔fix〕If you need more equipment, Mark will fix you up.如果需要更多的设备,马克可以为你们安排。麦克米伦高阶〔free〕We can probably free up £20,000 for new computer equipment.我们大概可以省下两万英镑来购买新的计算机设备。麦克米伦高阶〔get across〕We had no way of getting our equipment across the river.我们没办法把设备运过河去。外研社新世纪〔go〕Over 50% of the budget went into the design of the equipment.超过50%的预算用于设备的设计。麦克米伦高阶〔gunwale〕The car is stuffed to the gunwales with camera equipment.照相器材把车塞得满满的。英汉大词典〔hamper〕Necessary but encumbering equipment on a ship.船上必需的但是累赘的设备美国传统〔handling〕The equipment should be able to withstand a certain amount of rough handling.这件设备应能经得住一定的磕磕碰碰。朗文当代〔hire〕The equipment is on hire from a local company.设备是从当地一家公司租来的。牛津搭配〔holster〕A belt with loops or slots for carrying small tools or other equipment.皮带上有可装一些小工具或装备的环或槽美国传统〔impregnate〕Undercover officers found drug-making equipment used to impregnate paper with LSD.卧底警察发现了用迷幻药来浸泡纸张的制毒设备。外研社新世纪〔improvisation〕I'm afraid we don't have all the necessary equipment, so a little improvisation might be required.恐怕我们的必需设备不全,所以我们可能需要把东西临时凑合一下。剑桥高阶〔in situ〕Our equipment remained in situ overnight.我们的设备一整夜都留在原地。麦克米伦高阶〔inadequacy〕The test soon revealed several inadequacies in the equipment.检测结果很快就显示出设备的好几处缺陷。牛津搭配〔instruction〕He gave us instruction in the use of the equipment.他教导我们怎么样用设备。牛津同义词〔instrument landing〕An aircraft landing made by means of instruments and ground-based radio equipment only.仪表着陆:飞机只借助仪表和地面无线电设备着陆美国传统〔interface〕The new system interfaces with existing telephone equipment.新系统与现有的电话设备相连接。牛津高阶〔item〕Repairs were carried out on several items of equipment.对设备的几个部件进行了修理。麦克米伦高阶〔kit〕The studio is lavishly kitted out with camera equipment.演播室里配备了大量的摄像器材。朗文当代〔land〕These craft are designed for landing troops and equipment.这些舰船是用来运送部队和设备上岸的。韦氏高阶〔lash〕The equipment is lashed up and ready to go.设备已捆紧待运。英汉大词典〔lift〕The helicopters are designed to quickly lift soldiers and equipment to the battlefield.这些直升机是为将士兵和装备快速空运到战场上而设计的。柯林斯高阶〔load〕They load all their equipment into backpacks.他们把所有装备装进了背包。外研社新世纪〔lockdown〕A device that secures a piece of equipment, especially a computer, so that it cannot be moved or stolen.防盗装置:预防设备被移动或偷窃的安全装置,尤指用于计算机美国传统〔maintenance〕We carry out routine maintenance of the equipment.我们定期维修设备。牛津搭配〔make〕Thieves broke into the school and made off with computer equipment worth £40,000.窃贼闯入学校,盗走了价值 4 万英镑的计算机设备。朗文当代〔manager〕A student who is in charge of the equipment and records of a school or college team.保管员:负责某个学校或学院队的器材和记录的学生美国传统〔measurement〕Objective measurement is difficult with such poor equipment.用这样蹩脚的设备很难进行如实的测量。牛津搭配〔minute〕The equipment is able to detect the minutest errors.这种设备能检测出最微小的误差。韦氏高阶〔money〕The school needs to raise (= collect) money for new playground equipment.这间学校需要筹资购买操场设备。剑桥高阶〔mule〕All the equipment had been brought over the mountains on the backs of mules.所有装备都由骡背驮过了山。文馨英汉〔near〕All our computer equipment will be replaced in the near future.我们所有的电脑设备在不久的将来会被更换。剑桥高阶〔needle exchange〕Needle exchanges provide clean and sterile equipment to promote safer injecting and reduce the spread of blood-borne viruses.针头换新处提供干净消毒的设备,鼓励安全注射,减少病毒通过血液传播。剑桥高阶〔newborn〕This equipment has saved the lives of a number of newborn children.这种设备已经挽救了多名新生儿的生命。外研社新世纪〔obstruct〕Tenants must not obstruct access to fire equipment.房客不得阻塞通往灭火设备的过道。麦克米伦高阶〔often〕An inspector comes round every so often to check the safety equipment.偶尔有检查员来检查安全设备。朗文当代〔operate〕The ventilation equipment was not operating properly.通风设备运行不畅。麦克米伦高阶〔order〕The vessel's safety equipment was not in good order.这艘船上的安全设备状况堪忧。外研社新世纪〔own〕Bring your own equipment.把自己的装备带上。朗文当代〔pace〕The pace of change means that equipment has to be constantly replaced.这种变化速度意味着设备非得经常更新不可。牛津搭配〔perfect〕The equipment was in perfect condition.设备完好无损。麦克米伦高阶〔periodically〕The equipment should be tested periodically.设备应定期检测。剑桥高阶〔piece〕Power tools can be expensive pieces of equipment.动力工具可能会是价格昂贵的设备。麦克米伦高阶〔pit against〕Chinese geologists are pitting their knowledge, skill and modern technical equipment against nature in an effort to get more oil for their country.为了替祖国获得更多的石油,中国地质学家以自己的知识、技能以及现代的技术设备与自然进行斗争。21世纪英汉〔playground〕An outdoor area set aside for recreation and play, especially one containing equipment such as seesaws and swings.操场:用于消遣和玩耍的户外场地,尤指提供,如跷跷板和秋千等设备美国传统〔power〕Its radar equipment was powered by a nuclear reactor.它的雷达装置是由一个核反应堆提供动力的。 英汉大词典〔practicable〕It is their duty to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that the equipment is safe.只要力所能及,确保设备安全是他们的职责。朗文当代〔priority〕The newly founded airborne division gets priority in men and equipment.这个新组建的空降师在人员和装备方面都享有优先权。英汉大词典〔proper〕You have to have the proper equipment.你得有合适的设备。外研社新世纪〔purchase〕The equipment can be purchased from your local supplier.这种设备可从您当地的供应商购买。牛津高阶〔putrefy〕Without digging equipment and manpower many putrefying corpses remained on the streets.由于缺乏挖掘设备和人手, 很多开始腐败的尸体还留在大街上。外研社新世纪〔range〕It's best to stay out of range of recording equipment.最好呆在录音设备所及范围之外。麦克米伦高阶〔reception〕Conversion of transmitted radio waves or electric signals into perceptible forms, such as sound or light, by means of antennas and electronic equipment.接收:用天线和电器将传送播放的波或电信号转化为诸如声音或光线这样可感觉到的形式美国传统〔recognition〕The equipment and methods of production have improved out of all recognition (= greatly improved).生产设备和生产方式提高之快令人难以置信。牛津搭配〔regularly〕The equipment needs to be checked regularly.设备需要经常检查。麦克米伦高阶〔relief〕Relief agencies are stepping up efforts to provide food, shelter and agricultural equipment.救济机构正加大力度提供食物、住所和农用器械。柯林斯高阶〔risk〕I'm not prepared to take risks-I want the equipment thoroughly checked.我不愿意冒险,设备必须彻底地检查。牛津搭配〔rubber〕My only equipment is a rubber and a pencil.我仅有的工具是一块橡皮和一支铅笔。外研社新世纪〔sabotage〕A group of environmentalists were caught sabotaging the logging equipment.一群环保主义者被发现在故意破坏伐木设施。麦克米伦高阶〔saddler〕One that makes, repairs, or sells equipment for horses.制造或贩卖马具的人:制造、修理或销售马具的人美国传统〔sale〕All video equipment is on sale today and tomorrow.所有录像设备今明两天降价出售。牛津搭配〔satellite〕The new equipment will link vehicles by satellite to their office.新设备将通过卫星把车辆连到它们所属的办事处。麦克米伦高阶〔scrap〕The old equipment was sold for scrap.这台旧设备作为废品卖出。麦克米伦高阶〔setup〕The gathering and organization of the equipment needed for an operation, a procedure, or a task.组织:操作、程序或任务所需的设备的集合与组织美国传统〔set〕To establish in business by providing capital, equipment, or other backing.开始经商:通过提供资本、设备或其它支持而建立企业美国传统〔sign in〕He signed the video equipment (back) in.他签字退还了录像设备。韦氏高阶〔sign out〕He signed the video equipment out.他签名登记借用了这台录像设备。韦氏高阶〔signal〕This equipment can detect very low-frequency signals.这种设备能够探测甚低频信号。牛津搭配〔signal〕We'll need better equipment to generate a 50 Hz signal.为产生50赫兹的声波,我们需要更好的设备。韦氏高阶〔site〕The site offers used equipment for sale.这一网站出售二手装备。牛津搭配〔specification〕The equipment will be manufactured to your specifications.这个设备将按照你要求的规格进行生产制造。韦氏高阶〔standard〕No other executive car can offer you the same level of standard equipment at this price.再无其他高级轿车能按这个价格水平为你提供同样水准的标准配置。柯林斯高阶〔strap on〕They strapped on a variety of equipment.他们用皮带把各种装备捆好。21世纪英汉〔strongly〕Equipment will have to be strongly made to endure the weather conditions on the ice cap.设备必须制造得非常坚固,才能经受住冰盖上的天气条件。剑桥高阶〔sufficient〕Our budget is hardly sufficient to pay people, let alone buy any new equipment.我们的预算几乎不够支付工资,更不用说买新设备了。牛津搭配〔supplier〕They used to be a leading supplier of military equipment.他们曾经是军事装备的主要供应商。剑桥高阶〔surely〕The problem surely lies in the design of the equipment.问题肯定出在设备的设计上。剑桥高阶〔surface〕The divers were forced to surface after their equipment was damaged.潜水员在潜水设备受损后被迫浮出水面。麦克米伦高阶〔surge protector〕A portable device containing electrical outlets that protects equipment plugged into it from a surge in current.电量防止器:配有电源插座的便携装备,可防止插入的配件因电量猛增而受损美国传统〔take〕The uninterrupted running of a movie or television camera or a set of recording equipment in filming a movie or television program or cutting a record.未停机的拍摄:在拍摄一部电影或电视节目或剪辑一段录音时,电影或电视摄像机或一套录音设备不停顿的拍摄或录制美国传统〔tax-deductible〕Keep track of tax-deductible expenses, such as the supplies and equipment you buy.记下可减免税的支出, 譬如你购买的日常用品和设备。外研社新世纪〔tax-deductible〕Keep track of tax-deductible expenses, such as the supplies and equipment you buy.记下可减免课税的开支,比如买的原料和设备。柯林斯高阶〔that〕That we need more equipment is obvious.显然,我们需要更多的设备。英汉大词典〔top of the range〕Our equipment is top of the range.我们的设备是最昂贵的。牛津高阶〔transmission〕The equipment is used for the transmission of television signals.这个设备是用来传输电视信号的。韦氏高阶〔transport〕The transport of soldiers and equipment now is complete.现在已经完成士兵和装备的运输。外研社新世纪〔tricky〕The equipment can be tricky to install.这设备安装起来可能很费事。牛津高阶〔try sth out〕Don't forget to try out the equipment before setting up the experiment.别忘了在安装实验设备以前检验一下。剑桥高阶〔twin town〕This led Zagreb's twin town, Mainz, to donate £70,000-worth of high-quality equipment.这使萨格勒布的姊妹城美因茨捐赠了价值7万英镑的高级设备。外研社新世纪〔underspend〕The inquiry found that the company had seriously underspen t on safety equipment.调查发现,公司对安全设备的投资严重不足。牛津高阶〔urgent〕New equipment is urgently needed.急需新设备。牛津高阶〔usage〕With normal usage, the equipment should last at least five years.在正常使用的情况下,这种设备至少能用 5 年。牛津搭配〔usual〕It's usual to ask permission before borrowing any equipment.通常在借用设备前要先得到许可。麦克米伦高阶〔video〕Of or relating to videotaped productions or videotape equipment and technology.录影的:录像制作的产品的、录像设备和技术的或与其有关的美国传统〔watt〕Use a 3 amp fuse for equipment up to 720 watts.720 瓦以下的设备使用3安培的保险丝。柯林斯高阶〔wire〕Slang To install electronic eavesdropping equipment in (a room, for example).【俚语】 安装窃听装置:在(如屋子)里安装电子窃听装置美国传统〔wow〕Slow variation in the pitch of a sound reproduction resulting from variations in the speed of the recording or reproducing equipment.音符失真,声音走音:由于录音或放声装置中速度的变化而引起的,在放声中出现的较慢的音调变化美国传统〔wrong〕Don't get me wrong, I think it's a good school, but they really should get some more up-to-date equipment.别误会,我认为这所学校很不错,不过他们真应该有一些更现代化的设备。麦克米伦高阶A car manufacturer has a derived demand for manufacturing equipment, components, steel, etc. so that it can satisfy its customers.汽车制造商对生产设备、零部件及钢铁等的派生需求是为了能够满足顾客的需要。牛津商务At-home employees may lack the proper space or equipment.在家工作的雇员可能缺乏适当的空间或设备。牛津商务For an initial outlay of £2000 to buy the equipment, you should be earning up to £500 a month if the product sells well.买这套设备的首笔花费为2000 英镑,要是这种产品卖得好的话,你可以每月赚得500英镑。剑桥国际I had to ask my secretary to get some more stationery from (the) stores (= the place in an office, factory, etc. where equipment is kept until needed).我得让我的秘书去库房多拿些办公用品来。剑桥国际I would have done the job myself but I didn't have the proper equipment.我倒是想自己做这件事的,可是我没有合适的工具。剑桥国际If two pieces of equipment, people, etc. are working in tandem they are working together, esp. well or closely.协同地,联合地剑桥国际If you want to use a piece of American electrical equipment in Britain, you may need to use a transformer to step up the voltage.如果你想在英国使用美国的电器设备,你可能要用变压器来提高电压。剑桥国际It's just typical of Ian to spend all that money on the equipment and then lose interest half way through the course.伊恩就是这号人,把所有的钱都花在设备上, 中途又失去了兴趣。剑桥国际Never use water to put out fires in electrical equipment.千万不要用水来灭电器里的火。剑桥国际The equipment could be used for a variety of educational purposes.那套设备可以为多种教育目的服务。剑桥国际The equipment is checked on a regular basis.设备定期进行检查。牛津商务The equipment sent out a regular high-pitched signal.这个装置发出有规律的高音信号。剑桥国际The Soviet Union used to be the country's main supplier of (= used to provide the country with most of its) fuel and military equipment.苏联曾是该国的燃料和军事设备的主要供应国。剑桥国际The air was abuzz with military helicopters, airlifting injured people and equipment.正在空运伤员和设备的军用直升飞机在空中喧闹地飞来飞去。剑桥国际The company supplies Daewoo with a range of equipment.这家公司向大宇公司提供一系列设备。牛津商务The government is appealing for supplies of first-aid equipment.政府在呼吁人们提供急救设备。剑桥国际The hospital has set up a special fund to buy new equipment.医院设立了一个特别基金以购置新设备。剑桥国际The loan is collateralized by the company's plant and equipment.公司的厂房和设备被用作贷款的抵押品。牛津商务The patient's responses are recorded on a sensitive piece of equipment which gives extremely accurate readings.病人的反应由一架灵敏的仪器记录下来,它能给出极其精确的读数。剑桥国际The pie chart showed that 80% of the money had been spent on staff, 15% on buildings and 5% on equipment.扇形图表明80%的钱花在员工上,15%的花在建筑上,5%的花在设备上。剑桥国际The research has spin-offs (= useful products produced in addition to the main products of a process) in the development of medical equipment.这项研究在发展医疗设备方面增添了一些派生产品。剑桥国际The soldiers had to carry their equipment on their backs for miles.士兵们不得不把他们的装备背上几英里。剑桥国际The villagers are powerless against the army's modern military equipment.村民们在军队现代化的装备面前无能为力。剑桥国际They have been charged with supplying arms (=weapons and equipment used to kill and injure people) to the guerillas.他们被指控向游击队提供武器。剑桥国际This piece of equipment needs a thirty-amp fuse.这件设备需用30安培的熔丝。剑桥国际We bought a lot of camping equipment at an army surplus store/(Am usually) army-navy store/(Aus) army disposals store.我们在军用物资处理商店买了很多野营设备。剑桥国际We stock a wide range of camping equipment.我们有各式各样的露营设备的存货。牛津商务With little equipment and unsuitable footwear, she epitomizes (= is a typical example of) the inexperienced and unprepared mountain walker.她所带必需品很少,穿的鞋也不合适,正是没有经验又准备不足的山区步行者的典型。剑桥国际With so little medical equipment, there's a grave risk of infection.在医疗设备紧缺的情况下有极大的引发感染的危险。剑桥国际




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