

单词 的内部
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Cepheid〕Any of a class of intrinsically variable stars with exceptionally regular periods of light pulsation.造父变星:一类具有极规律的光波震动期的内部可变的星美国传统〔DECORATE〕The ornate interior of the opera house was almost overwhelming. 这家歌剧院华丽的内部装饰几乎称得上是气势宏伟。朗文写作活用〔IN/INSIDE〕All I've seen of Australia is the inside of a hotel room at Sydney airport. 我在澳大利亚所看到的就是悉尼机场一个旅馆房间的内部朗文写作活用〔LONG〕The internal security of his country was the President's other abiding concern. 国家的内部稳定是总统另一件难以释怀的心事。朗文写作活用〔SPOIL〕Serious in-fighting ruined the Conservatives’ chances of winning the election. 严重的内部斗争破坏了保守党当选的机会。朗文写作活用〔TOILET〕Even the lavatory was luxurious, with a marble interior and soft, white hand towels. 甚至连洗手间都是豪华型的,有大理石的内部装饰和柔软雪白的手巾。朗文写作活用〔Take a look〕I wanted to get a look inside the car's engine.我想看一眼汽车发动机的内部韦氏高阶〔Vatican〕Normally the Vatican does not intervene in the internal affairs of religious orders except in cases of disputed elections.除非涉及一些有争议的选举,罗马教廷一般不会干预各教派的内部事务。柯林斯高阶〔administer〕They had the right to administer their own internal affairs.他们有权管辖他们自己的内部事务。21世纪英汉〔aisle〕A passageway for inside traffic, as in a department store, warehouse, or supermarket.内部通道:商店、仓库或超级市场的内部车辆通道美国传统〔amylose〕The inner portion of a starch granule, consisting of relatively soluble polysaccharides having an unbranched, linear, or spiral structure.淀粉糖:淀粉颗粒的内部成分,包括具有直链,线性或螺旋结构的相对可溶性多糖美国传统〔ballistic〕Of or relating to the study of the internal action of firearms.发射学的:火器的内部作用研究的或与之相关的美国传统〔bencher〕Chiefly British A member of the inner or higher bar who acts as a governor of one of the Inns of Court.【多用于英国】 法官:做为英国律师协会主管委员的内部或高层律师成员美国传统〔bomb〕A container capable of withstanding high internal pressure.高压贮罐:能承受很高的内部压力的容器美国传统〔bowel〕Lyn went off into the dark bowels of the building.林恩进入了这座漆黑的建筑物的内部柯林斯高阶〔breakaway〕The faction began to develop its own internal organization increasing the likelihood of a complete breakaway.该派系开始发展自己的内部组织, 增加了彻底独立的可能性。外研社新世纪〔bronchoscope〕A slender tubular instrument with a small light on the end for inspection of the interior of the bronchi.支气管镜:细长的管状器械,末端有一小灯,以观察支气管的内部美国传统〔bylaw〕A law or rule governing the internal affairs of an organization.章程:一种法规或规则,用于管理一个组织的内部事务美国传统〔canker〕Canker can infect the inner parts of the horse's hoof.马蹄疮可以感染马蹄的内部外研社新世纪〔ceiling〕The upper interior surface of a room.天花板:房间的内部上侧表面美国传统〔cella〕The inner room or sanctuary of an ancient Greek or Roman temple.内殿:古希腊或古罗马庙宇的内部房间或殿房美国传统〔confound〕The insides of a computer confound my wife.电脑的内部构造让我妻子很迷惑。外研社新世纪〔culture〕The institutions have realised they need to change their culture to improve efficiency and service.这些机构已经意识到需要改变他们的内部文化以提高效率、改进服务。柯林斯高阶〔cut-out〕Engine cut-out devices and steering wheel locks do not protect the car's contents.发动机断电装置和方向盘锁无法保护汽车的内部柯林斯高阶〔dope〕The government had plenty of dope on him.政府掌握大量关于他的内部消息。柯林斯高阶〔dope〕What's the dope on the new guy? 有什么关于这个新来的家伙的内部消息?朗文当代〔endosmosis〕The inward flow of a fluid through a permeable membrane toward a fluid of greater concentration.内渗透:一种液体透过可渗透膜流向另一种浓度比它高的液体的内部流动美国传统〔essential〕In a large organization, good internal communication is essential.在一个大机构里,良好的内部交流是绝对必要的。麦克米伦高阶〔free energy〕A thermodynamic quantity that is the difference between the internal energy of a system and the product of its absolute temperature and entropy.自由能:热量值,表示系统的内部能量和它的绝对温度与熵的产物的差别美国传统〔gastroscope〕An endoscope that is inserted through the mouth and used for examining the interior of the stomach.胃镜:通过口腔插入,用来检查胃的内部的一种内窥镜美国传统〔gouge〕Anyone have insider information on what seemingly looks like a gouge?谁有这个看上去像是敲竹杠事件的内部消息?外研社新世纪〔gut〕Fire gutted the house.大火烧毁了房子的内部美国传统〔gut〕Fires gutted the buildings.大火焚毁了多幢建筑物的内部英汉大词典〔headroom〕It's a small car but there's lots of headroom.这是辆小型汽车,但它的内部空间很大。剑桥高阶〔hot〕Do you have any hot tips for today's race? 你可有今天赛马的内部消息吗?牛津高阶〔housekeeping〕The company has made considerable savings through good housekeeping, such as avoiding wastage.公司通过如避免浪费等有效的内部管理方法节约了数量可观的资金。牛津搭配〔iconoclast〕Rogers, an iconoclast in architecture, is sometimes described as putting the insides of buildings on the outside.罗杰斯是个打破建筑学传统的人,有时他被说成是把建筑物的内部结构摆到了外观上。剑桥高阶〔indwell〕To be located or implanted inside something.居住:位于或进入某物的内部美国传统〔inland〕The interior of a country or region.国内:一国或一地区的内部美国传统〔innards〕The inner parts, as of a machine.内部结构:内部机构,如机器的内部结构美国传统〔inner〕You need to have a detailed grasp of the inner workings of the EU.你得详细了解欧盟的内部运作机制。外研社新世纪〔insider〕German banks have more insider knowledge than most.与大多数银行相比, 德国银行掌握的内部消息更多些。外研社新世纪〔insider〕German banks have more insider knowledge than most.德国银行与大多数银行相比知晓更多的内部消息。柯林斯高阶〔inside〕I want to see the inside of the house.我想看看房屋的内部英汉大词典〔inside〕I've never seen the inside of a computer before.我从没见过电脑的内部构造。韦氏高阶〔inside〕They seemed to have inside knowledge of MI5 operations.他们似乎了解军情五处的内部情况。麦克米伦高阶〔interior〕A representation of the inside of a building or room, as in a photograph.室内布景:诸如照片中的建筑或房屋的内部布置美国传统〔interior〕The car's interior is very impressive - wonderful leather seats and a wooden dashboard.这款汽车的内部看上去很气派——优质的皮座椅及木质的仪表板。剑桥高阶〔interior〕The original interior of the hotel has been replaced.旅馆原来的内部装潢已经更换掉了。牛津搭配〔interior〕There is more interior space than in some rival cars.它的内部空间比一些同类车宽敞。外研社新世纪〔internally〕Mr Kelly posted his resignation letter to Mr Jones in the internal mail box.凯利先生把辞职信寄到了琼斯先生的内部邮箱里。柯林斯高阶〔internal〕Of or relating to the domestic affairs of a nation, group, or business.内政的:属于或关于一个国家、群体、或商业的内部事务的美国传统〔internal〕They were opposed to foreign involvement in their internal affairs.他们反对外国势力干涉他们的内部事务。麦克米伦高阶〔internecine〕The whole episode has drawn attention again to internecine strife in the ruling party.全集把注意力再次集中在执政党的内部斗争上。外研社新世纪〔intimate〕The brothers have an intimate knowledge of the inner workings of the regime.这兄弟几个对该政体的内部运作有详尽的了解。麦克米伦高阶〔intrados〕The inner curve of an arch.拱腹:拱形建筑物的内部弯曲部分美国传统〔involution〕Embryology The ingrowth and curling inward of a group of cells, as in the formation of a gastrula from a blastula.【胚胎学】 内长:一组细胞的内部或向内生长,如从囊胚到原肠胚的生长过程美国传统〔keeping〕The modern décor was out of keeping with the church's architecture.这座教堂的内部装饰与其建筑风格不协调。韦氏高阶〔labium〕The inner margin of the opening of a gastropod shell.唇状部分:腹足纲软体动物贝壳开口处的内部边缘美国传统〔lay〕The architect laid out the interior of the building.建筑师设计了房屋的内部结构。英汉大词典〔locate〕Courtrooms are typically located in the interior of the building.法庭通常位于大楼的内部牛津搭配〔lowboy〕A low tablelike chest of drawers.矮屉柜:抽屉的内部,较低,和桌相似美国传统〔lumen〕Anatomy The inner open space or cavity of a tubular organ, as of a blood vessel or an intestine.【解剖学】 腔:管状器官的内部腔室或腔,窝,比如在血管或肠中的腔美国传统〔medulla〕The inner core of certain organs or body structures, such as the marrow of bone.髓质:某些器官或身体结构的内部或深部,如骨髓美国传统〔memo〕An internal memo about his departure had already circulated.一份关于他离开的内部备忘录已经在传阅了。牛津搭配〔monument〕The interior is a monument to the taste of an 18th-century gentleman.房屋的内部装潢是18世纪绅士品味的典范。外研社新世纪〔much〕The interior of the house was much like the outside – ugly and dilapidated.房子的内部和外部非常相像,又难看又破旧。麦克米伦高阶〔old-school tie〕The narrow, clannish attitudes characteristic of the members of a clique.宗派态度:一个集团的内部成员所持的狭隘的宗派观念及态度美国传统〔on the inside〕Who do we know on the inside who can help us? 我们认识哪位能帮助我们的内部人士?剑桥高阶〔ordinary〕The inside of the house is rather ordinary.房子的内部相当平淡无奇。麦克米伦高阶〔outside〕Sports A position at a distance from the inside or center, as of a playing field or racetrack.【体育运动】 界外,外侧位置:远离,如运动场或跑道的内部或中心的位置美国传统〔proprioception〕The unconscious perception of movement and spatial orientation arising from stimuli within the body itself.本体感受:由身体本身的内部刺激引起的对于运动和空间定向的不自觉的感受美国传统〔radioscopy〕Examination of the inner structure of optically opaque objects by x-rays or other penetrating radiation; radiology.放射检验:用X射线或其它穿透性的辐射对不透光的物体的内部构造进行的检查;放射学美国传统〔scrape out〕They were scraping the oven out.他们正在清洁烤箱的内部外研社新世纪〔shall〕The building, as we shall see, is very different in its internal planning, with a great complex of halls and rooms.正如我们下面将看到的,这幢大楼的内部结构风格迥异,走廊和房间如迷宫般复杂交错。柯林斯高阶〔skinny〕People listen to the show in order to get the straight skinny.人们收听这个节目以便获得直接的内部消息美国传统〔squill〕The dried inner scales of the bulbs of any of these plants, used as rat poison and formerly as a cardiac stimulant, expectorant, and diuretic.海葱的鳞茎:晒干了的任一种这些植物的鳞茎的内部鳞片,可用来做老鼠药,过去用作心脏病的刺激物、祛痰剂和利尿剂美国传统〔tipping〕I've a tip for the races… 我有一条关于赛马比赛的内部消息。柯林斯高阶〔tip〕I've a tip for the races.我有一条关于比赛的内部消息。外研社新世纪〔trachea〕Zoology One of the internal respiratory tubes of insects and some other terrestrial arthropods.【动物学】 气管:昆虫和一些其它陆生节肢动物的内部呼吸管道之一美国传统〔within〕By the use of X rays, doctors can see within the body.医生藉X射线可以看到身体的内部英汉大词典〔woodwork〕Objects made of or work done in wood, especially wooden interior fittings in a house, as moldings, doors, staircases, or windowsills.木制器:用木头制成的物品或用木器做的工作,尤指房屋内木制的内部装置,像线脚、门、楼梯或窗台美国传统〔workings〕There was a problem with the clock's inner workings.这个钟的内部零件出了问题。韦氏高阶〔yuppify〕The restaurant's yuppified interior was done in colors like teal and mauve.这家餐馆雅皮士风格的内部装修,采用了蓝绿和淡紫一类的颜色。朗文当代After spending three hours on this computer, I still could not figure out its internal configuration. 搞了三个小时,我还是没搞懂这部电脑的内部配置。译典通An interior decorator designs and decorates the interior of a room or building. 室内装饰家设计,装饰房间或建筑物的内部译典通An internal (Am also inter-office) memo leaked to the press indicates that there had been concern about safety standards before the accident.泄露给新闻界的内部备忘录表明在事故发生之前就已有安全标准方面的担心。剑桥国际Executives must report insider trades within two days.行政人员必须报告两天内的内部交易。牛津商务Her speech was full of in-jokes about people in her department which I couldn't really appreciate.她的话中都是关于她自己部门内的人的内部笑话,我实在无法欣赏。剑桥国际Internal dissensions between members of the group have been increasing since the chairman resigned.自从主席辞职后,集团成员之间的内部分歧一直在加大。剑桥国际It cost a lot of money to decorate the interior of the house. 房屋的内部装饰花去许多钱。译典通It's not usually possible to see inside the castle, so we're very lucky.通常是不大可能看得到城堡的内部的,因此我们是很幸运的了。剑桥国际Once more he disappeared into the entrails of his ship. 他又一次消失在船的内部译典通The car's interior is very impressive--wonderful leather seats and a wooden dashboard.这小汽车的内部给人的印象很深----极好的皮座椅及一个木制的仪表板。剑桥国际The church, with its gold dome and ornate interior, is breathtaking.这个教堂有着金色圆顶和华丽的内部装饰,看得叫人喘不过气来。剑桥国际The interior decoration of the house is a compromise between Chinese and foreign styles. 这所房子的内部装饰是中西两式的折衷物。译典通The paintings were stored in the bowels of the castle throughout the war.在整个战争期间图画被藏在城堡的内部剑桥国际The party is still divided along the same fault lines that split it in the past.使这个党分裂的内部分歧同以前一样。剑桥国际They broke the coconut open to reveal the white inside.他们敲开了椰子,露出了白色的内部剑桥国际They have differentiated their vehicles with new interior designs.他们通过采用新的内部设计使自己的汽车有所区别。牛津商务




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