

单词 百五
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BIG〕The other wrestler was enormous - he must have weighed over 250 pounds. 另一个摔跤手体型庞大,体重肯定有二百五十多磅。朗文写作活用〔PARTY〕Over 150 people went to her 21st birthday party. 一百五十多人参加了她的21岁生日聚会。朗文写作活用〔across〕The bomb blasted a hole 150 kilometers across.那颗炸弹炸开了一个直径一百五十公里的洞。文馨英汉〔disclose〕It was disclosed that £3.5 million was needed to modernize the building.据透露,那幢建筑的现代化改造需要三百五十万英镑。朗文当代〔enshrine〕Almost two and a half million war dead are enshrined at Yasukuni.靖国神社供奉着大约二百五十万阵亡者的亡灵。剑桥高阶〔one〕It cost one hundred and fifty pounds.那东西花了一百五十英镑。牛津高阶〔species〕There are 250 species of shark.鲨鱼有二百五十种。文馨英汉〔unclaimed〕More than €2.5 million lies unclaimed in bank accounts.银行账户里有超过两百五十万欧元的无主存款。剑桥高阶Dad stepped on the gas and the car sped up to 150 kph. 爸一踩油门,车速冲到每小时一百五十公里。译典通His total score was one hundred and fifty-five. 他的总积分是一百五十五。译典通Mix together 250g plain flour and a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda and then add to the cake mixture.将二百五十克纯面粉与一茶匙小苏打搅拌在一起, 然后加入糕点混合物。剑桥国际The House of Commons consisted of 658 members. 下议院由六百五十八名议员组成。译典通The charity has so far raised $2.5 million to finance bone marrow transplants for children.慈善团体已筹得二百五十万美元,用于儿童的骨髓移植。剑桥国际The maximum speed of this car is 150 miles per hour. 这辆车的最大时速为一百五十英里。译典通They have bagged 150 parliamentary seats. 他们已在议会中占据了一百五十个席位。译典通




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