

单词 电话公司
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BEFORE〕The phone company is required to give you prior notice before disconnecting your service. 电话公司在停止提供服务之前按规定应该事先通知你。朗文写作活用〔BORROW〕Did you know you can rent a fax machine from the telephone company? 你知不知道可以从电话公司租一台传真机用?朗文写作活用〔GSM〕The phone company has placed a large order for GSM network equipment.电话公司下了一个大订单,购买GSM设备。剑桥高阶〔UNFAIR〕It is possible for telephone companies to make profit without charging unreasonable rates. 电话公司即使没有过高收费也是可以赢利的。朗文写作活用〔advocacy〕Consumer advocacy groups are not so enthusiastic about removing restrictions on the telephone companies.保护消费者团体并不热衷于取消对电话公司的限制。柯林斯高阶〔bombard〕During the storm the phone company was bombarded with reports of downed wires.暴风雨期间电话公司收到许多有关被吹倒的电话线的投诉。21世纪英汉〔branch out〕Telephone companies are branching out into new information services.电话公司正在涉足新型信息服务业。外研社新世纪〔call girl〕A woman prostitute hired by telephone.女话务员:被电话公司雇佣的女话务员美国传统〔carrier〕We switched to a different long-distance carrier to save money on our phone bill.为了节省电话费,我们换了一家长途电话公司韦氏高阶〔cold call〕Britain's biggest phone company has taken to cold calling customers.英国最大的电话公司已经开始涉足电话推销业务了。外研社新世纪〔company〕I called the phone company about the bill.我就话费账单的事给电话公司打了电话。朗文当代〔concession〕The government has granted concessions to three private telephone companies.政府已经向3家私营电话公司授予了特许权。柯林斯高阶〔concession〕The government has granted concessions to three private telephone companies.政府已经向3家私营电话公司授予特许经销权。外研社新世纪〔customize〕The telephone company has offered to customize a plan for our business.电话公司提出为我们的企业定制一个方案。韦氏高阶〔dick〕The phone company's been dicking me around for three months.电话公司三个月来一直在耍我。朗文当代〔divestiture〕Before divestiture, the telephone company monopolized the state.在强制过户之前,那家电话公司垄断了全国业务。韦氏高阶〔employer〕The telephone company is the country's largest employer.这家电话公司是该国最大的用工单位。外研社新世纪〔employer〕The telephone company is the country's largest employer.这家电话公司是该国最大的用工单位。柯林斯高阶〔fault〕You should report any fault directly to the phone company.出现任何毛病,都应该直接向电话公司反映。牛津搭配〔monopoly〕For years Bell Telephone had a monopoly on telephone services in the US.贝尔电话公司多年垄断着美国的电话服务。朗文当代〔offshoot〕The company was originally an offshoot of Bell Telephones.该公司原本是贝尔电话公司的一家分支机构。朗文当代〔re-present〕The phone company re-presented the bill for payment.电话公司再度寄来账单要求付款。朗文当代〔run〕A new phone company is giving the others a run for their money.一家新电话公司给其他公司造成了强大的竞争压力。麦克米伦高阶〔strength〕The phone company aims to improve signal strength within buildings.电话公司打算提升建筑物内部的信号强度。牛津搭配〔subscriber〕The mobile phone companies compete with each other to win new subscribers.移动电话公司竞相争取新用户。麦克米伦高阶〔sweeten〕The phone company threw in two month's worth of free calls to sweeten the deal.电话公司用两个月免话费的优惠让这个服务方案显得更诱人。剑桥高阶〔telecommunications〕Japan's telecommunications giant, NTT 日本电信巨头日本电报电话公司牛津搭配〔topple〕The phone company has toppled its local competition.这家电话公司击败了当地的竞争者。韦氏高阶〔trace〕The phone company put a trace on the call.电话公司用电子仪器追踪了这次通话。剑桥高阶〔trace〕The phone company was unable to trace the call.电话公司查不出这个电话来自何处。剑桥高阶Consumers feel they are being ripped off by their phone companies.消费者感到被电话公司敲了竹杠。牛津商务Europe's second largest mobile phone company 欧洲第二大移动电话公司牛津商务He went into a long rant (= angry and meaningless speech) about the phone company not having repaired his phone yet.他生气地叫嚷不休,说电话公司还没有修好他的电话。剑桥国际Mobile phone companies have spent millions trying to win new customers.移动电话公司花费了数百万元以赢得新顾客。牛津商务Most telephone companies are able to offer the five nines—or 99.999% reliability.大部分电话公司能够提供“五个九”或者说 99.999% 的可靠性。牛津商务Pay as you go was introduced by the phone company this year.今年电话公司推出了现用现付制度。牛津商务Public ownership of the phone company has cost taxpayers dear.公有制电话公司使纳税人付出了沉重的代价。牛津商务The mobile phone company demerged from the BT group in 2001. 这家移动电话公司是 2001 年从英国电信集团分拆出来的。牛津商务The phone company put a trace on the call.电话公司用电子仪器追踪了这次通话。剑桥国际The phone company said that its churn rate was half that of other UK networks.这电话公司称客户流失率是其他英国网络公司的一半。牛津商务The phone company were unable to trace the call (= discover where it had come from).电话公司查不出这个电话从哪儿来。剑桥国际The telephone company has promised to mend our phone by tomorrow, but I'll be very surprised if they're able to deliver on (= fulfil) that.电话公司许诺明天之前修理我们的电话机,可要是他们能够履行诺言,我倒会吃惊的。剑桥国际The telephone company's new strategy includes brand extension into IT products.电话公司的新策略包括将品牌延伸到信息技术产品。牛津商务We reported the problem with our phone, but the phone company has done zip about it.我们报告了电话出故障,但电话公司对此没有采取任何行动。剑桥国际




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