

单词 甚密
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔chase around〕Tom and Lucy chased around a lot together recently.汤姆和露茜两人近来过从甚密21世纪英汉〔chase〕Harry and Jim chase around a lot together.哈里和吉姆两人过从甚密英汉大词典〔closely〕My family was very closely connected with the theatre.我的家庭同戏剧界过从甚密外研社新世纪〔connected〕She was born at Ambala, India, her family being closely connected with the Indian army.她出生在印度的安巴拉,她们家族与印度军队关系甚密柯林斯高阶〔dealings〕They had extensive dealings with officials in Kabul.他们与喀布尔的官员过从甚密牛津搭配〔drop〕They'd drop the name of the President as if they ate and drank with him.他们常把总统的名字挂在嘴边,就好像他们和总统在一起吃吃喝喝过从甚密似的。英汉大词典〔elbow〕He had been rubbing elbows with celebrities.他一直与一些名流过从甚密牛津搭配〔haunt〕She haunted Jackson closely before becoming a singing star.在成为歌星之前,她和杰克逊交往甚密21世纪英汉〔hobnob〕She often has her picture in the papers, hobnobbing with the rich and famous.报纸上经常刊载她与富贾名流过从甚密的照片。剑桥高阶〔hobnob〕Tony hobnobbed with an attractive widow when he lived in Metz.托尼在梅斯居住期间曾与一名漂亮的寡妇交往甚密21世纪英汉〔intimacy〕He enjoys an intimacy with the president.他与总裁过从甚密牛津搭配〔intimate〕He was intimate with the mayor.他跟市长过从甚密文馨英汉〔off limits〕Fraternizing with the customers is off-limits.禁止与顾客过从甚密柯林斯高阶〔personal〕Sue and Harry are close personal friends.休和哈里是交往甚密的好友。麦克米伦高阶He is thick with my brothers. 他与我兄弟过往甚密译典通




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