

单词 甚么
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔fix〕She was so frightened that she could not fix her thoughts on anything.她害怕得大脑一片混乱,根本甚么也想不清楚。剑桥高阶〔injured〕It's nothing more than injured pride.只是尊严受损了,没有甚么大不了。剑桥高阶〔unspeakable〕No report can convey the unspeakable suffering that this war has caused.这场战争所造成的痛苦无法形容,没有甚么报道能够传达出来。剑桥高阶A sensitivity analysis will show at what point a project becomes economical.敏感度分析将显示一个项目在甚么时候最经济。牛津商务Are there any matters arising? 有甚么续议事项吗?牛津商务Can I help you, madam? 你有甚么要我帮忙的吗,夫人?牛津商务Do you have anything to declare? 你有甚么要申报的吗?牛津商务Every time you touch a key, the computer voice tells you what command you have executed.每次你一碰键,计算机语音就会告诉你执行了甚么指令。牛津商务Financial capital means little to a company without human capital.金融资本对一家没有人力资本的公司而言没有甚么意义。牛津商务Have you figured out what to do next? 你计划好下一步干甚么了吗?牛津商务He could talk the talk, but he never actually achieved much.他说得头头是道,但是从来没有真正做出过甚么牛津商务How are you fixed (= do you have any plans) for Thursday? 星期四你有甚么安排的?牛津商务I've got a rough idea of what it will look like.我知道这东西大概将会是甚么样子。牛津商务If something doesn't make sense, it's important to ask questions.如果有甚么无法理解,提问就很重要。牛津商务If you respect your customers, you don't patronize them by telling them what they want.如果你尊重顾客,就不应该自以为是地告诉他们需要甚么牛津商务Instead of abolishing the estate tax, why not reform it? 与其废除遗产税,为甚么不对其进行改革?牛津商务Nothing will be done because no one in authority (= who has a position of power) takes the matter seriously.因为当权者没有认真对待这个问题,所以甚么事都办不了。牛津商务On your résumé, give prospective employers examples of what you can do for them.在简历中要举例说明能为准雇主做甚么牛津商务One of the main challenges of knowledge management is keeping track of who knows what.知识管理的主要挑战之一就是跟踪谁知道甚么牛津商务The company is heavily indebted and has little room for manoeuvre.这家公司负债累累,已经没甚么回旋余地了。牛津商务There are no hard and fast rules about this.这件事没有甚么硬性的规定。牛津商务There is little prejudice against workers from other EU states.对来自其他欧盟国家的工人没甚么偏见。牛津商务We are a matrix organization —everybody knows what everyone else is doing.我们是一个矩阵式组织 ── 每个人都知道别人在做甚么牛津商务We conduct a consumer panel in five European countries to ask people what sports shoes they buy, why they buy them, etc.我们在五个欧洲国家组织消费者调查小组调查人们购买甚么运动鞋、为甚么购买等。牛津商务We interviewed over 500 teenagers to find out what young people want in a magazine.我们采访了 500 多名青少年以了解年轻人想要一本包含甚么题材的杂志。牛津商务What advice would you give to people entering the accounting profession? 你会给从事会计工作的人甚么建议?牛津商务What all companies are looking for is an awareness of the brand and what it stands for.所有公司追求的是品牌的知晓度以及品牌所代表的是甚么牛津商务What are the car's minus points? 这款汽车的缺点是甚么牛津商务What are the long-term effects of this strategy? 这一策略的长远影响是甚么牛津商务What are you basing this theory on? 你这一理论的依据是甚么牛津商务What attracted you to information technology? 是甚么把你吸引到信息技术方面的?牛津商务What criteria do you use for hiring new staff? 你用甚么标准来雇用新员工?牛津商务What do you do for a living? 你靠甚么谋生?牛津商务What do you use as your default browser? 你用甚么浏览器作为默认浏览器?牛津商务What does RSI stand for? RSI 代表甚么牛津商务What does the term ‘economic demand’ refer to? “经济需求”一词指的是甚么牛津商务What employees do after work is outside the firm's area of competence.下班后员工做甚么不在公司的管辖范围。牛津商务What have their researches shown? 他们的研究揭示了甚么牛津商务What impact will a strong currency have on the economy? 强势货币对经济会有甚么影响?牛津商务What is the expiry date on your credit card? 你的信用卡甚么时候到期?牛津商务What is the least expensive option? 最便宜的选择是甚么牛津商务What is the objective of your pre-approach? 你售前准备的目标是甚么牛津商务What is the organization's corporate personality? 这家机构的企业特征是甚么牛津商务What is the procedure for receipting goods? 给货物开收据的程序是甚么牛津商务What is the shirt made of? 这件衬衫是甚么材料做的?牛津商务What is their main source of income? 他们的主要收入来源是甚么牛津商务What is unique about your company? 你们公司的特色是甚么牛津商务What is your current occupation? 你目前的职业是甚么牛津商务What is your marketing message? 你的营销理念是甚么牛津商务What is your specialization? 你的专业是甚么牛津商务What made you go into law? 是甚么促使你从事律师业的?牛津商务What make of car does she drive? 她开的是甚么牌子的汽车?牛津商务What mechanisms are in place for dealing with complaints? 处理投诉有甚么现成的方法?牛津商务What options are open to us? 我们有甚么选择?牛津商务What project are you working on? 你在做甚么项目?牛津商务What qualifications do you have? 你有甚么样的资格条件?牛津商务What rate will I get if I convert my dollars into euros? 如果我将美元兑换成欧元,按甚么汇率兑换?牛津商务What threat do problems in the financial markets pose for the real economy? 金融市场上的问题对实体经济会造成甚么威胁?牛津商务What time do the banks close? 银行甚么时候关门?牛津商务What time do the banks open? 银行甚么时候开门?牛津商务What time do you get off (work) on Friday? 你星期五甚么时候下班?牛津商务What time does the day shift come on? 上白班的甚么时候开始工作?牛津商务What time is the meeting? 会议在甚么时候召开?牛津商务What was Henry Ford's greatest invention? 亨利 • 福特最伟大的发明是甚么牛津商务What was the main reason you quit your previous job? 你辞去上一个工作的主要原因是甚么牛津商务What were the main findings from the survey? 主要的调查结果是甚么牛津商务What will be the next disruptive technology after the Internet? 互联网之后下一个颠覆性技术将会是甚么牛津商务What's on tap for the week ahead? 下周有甚么计划?牛津商务What's the point of this memo? 备忘录的用途是甚么牛津商务What's the protocol for asking questions at these meetings? 在这些会议上提问的礼仪是甚么牛津商务What's your email address? 你的电子邮件地址是甚么牛津商务What's your name and address? 你的姓名和地址是甚么牛津商务When did the country open its borders to Western business? 这个国家是甚么时候向西方企业开放边界的?牛津商务When does the option expire? 期权甚么时候到期?牛津商务When is the cut-off date? 截止日期是甚么时候?牛津商务When is the final date for the submission of proposals? 提交提案的截止日期是甚么时候?牛津商务When was he adjudicated bankrupt (= judged by a court of law to be unable to pay the money he owed)? 他是甚么时候被宣布破产的?牛津商务When was the last time you had a day off? 你上次休假是甚么时候?牛津商务Where can I get/have my car repaired? 在甚么地方可以修理汽车?牛津商务Where do you stand on (= what's your opinion of) this issue? 你对这个问题持甚么观点?牛津商务Which newspaper do you get? 你订阅甚么报纸?牛津商务Who is eligible to apply for membership of the association? 甚么人可以申请协会的会员资格?牛津商务Why are there so many absentees today? 今天为甚么有这么多人缺席?牛津商务Why do complaints always land on my desk? 为甚么总要让我来处理投诉?牛津商务Why do most M & As fail? 为甚么大多数并购都失败了呢 ?牛津商务Why do some teams fly and other crash and burn? 为甚么有些队成功而另一些则彻底失败?牛津商务Why do they keep pouring money into a failing commercial undertaking? 他们为甚么不停地往一个失败的商业项目中投入资金?牛津商务Why have they decided to retreat from retail? 他们为甚么决定退出零售业?牛津商务Why is there a discrepancy between these two figures? 这两个数字之间为甚么存在差异?牛津商务Why should I work 16 hours a day to line someone else's pockets? 我为甚么应该每天工作 16 小时来让别人捞钱?牛津商务With interest rates so low there is little inducement to save.利率太低,储蓄没甚么好处。牛津商务




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