

单词 猎捕
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Border terrier〕A small, hardy, rough-coated terrier bred to hunt foxes in the border country of England and Scotland.边疆㹴,博得猎狗:在英格兰与苏格兰交界地区用于猎捕狐狸的一种强壮的小型粗毛猎狗美国传统〔big game〕Large animals or fish hunted or caught for sport.大猎物:在运动中猎捕或捕捉的大型动物或鱼美国传统〔distress〕The animals suffer great pain and distress when hunted.动物被猎捕时会遭受巨大的痛苦。牛津搭配〔falcon〕A female bird of this type used in falconry.雌隼:隼科中的雌隼,用于猎捕美国传统〔falcon〕Any of several species of these birds or related birds such as hawks, trained to hunt small game.猎鹰:隼属或相关的任何一种鸟,如猎鹰,训练用于猎捕小的野味美国传统〔fowl〕To hunt, trap, or shoot wildfowl.猎鸟:猎捕、诱捕或射杀野禽美国传统〔game bird〕A bird, such as a pheasant or grouse, that is widely hunted for sport.可捕的鸟:可以为娱乐而猎捕的鸟,例如野鸡或松鸡美国传统〔gun〕Maine To hunt (game).【缅因州】 打猎:猎捕(动物)美国传统〔harrier〕Any of a breed of small hounds originally used in hunting hares and rabbits.猎兔狗:最初用来猎捕野兔或野鼠的某种小猎犬美国传统〔hunting〕He was killed by a lion while big-game hunting in Africa.他在非洲猎捕大型野兽时被狮子杀死了。牛津搭配〔hunt〕He set off for a nineteen-day moose hunt in Nova Scotia.他动身前往新斯科舍开始历时19天的猎捕驼鹿活动。外研社新世纪〔hunt〕Here, prides of lions hunted antelope.就在这里, 狮群猎捕了羚羊。外研社新世纪〔rabbit〕To hunt rabbits or hares.猎兔:猎捕家兔或野兔美国传统〔rat〕To hunt for or catch rats, especially with the aid of dogs.捕鼠:寻找或猎捕老鼠,特指用狗猎捕美国传统〔rove〕He roved through the woods hunting game.他漫游林中,猎捕鸟兽。文馨英汉〔sealer〕One that is engaged in the hunting of seals.从事猎捕海豹的人美国传统〔seal〕To hunt seals.猎捕海豹美国传统〔season〕Legally permitted to be caught or hunted during a specified period.猎捕期的:法律上允许在某一持定时期内可进行猎捕美国传统〔season〕Not available, permitted, or ready to be eaten, caught, or hunted.不当令的:不现成的、不被允许的或尚不能吃、抓或猎捕美国传统〔staghound〕Any of several dogs, such as a deerhound, formerly used in hunting stags and other large game.鹿𤟥:过去用于猎捕牡鹿和其它大的捕猎活动中一种狗,如猎鹿犬美国传统〔stalk〕To track prey or quarry.跟踪猎物:追踪捕食或猎捕美国传统〔wildcat〕A giant wildcat is being hunted after 58 lambs were butchered.一只大野猫在捕杀了58只羊羔后遭到猎捕柯林斯高阶Foxhounds are bred and trained to hunt foxes because they have a very good sense of smell and can run fast for a long time without getting tired.饲养训练猎狐狗来猎捕狐狸,是因为它们嗅觉很好,并且可以长距离快速奔跑而不疲劳。剑桥国际




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