

单词 狭长
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Albemarle Sound〕A large body of shallow, generally fresh water in northeast North Carolina. It is separated from the Atlantic Ocean by a narrow barrier island.阿尔伯马尔湾:美国位于北卡罗来纳州东北部的大湖湖体,水浅且基本为淡水。它被一狭长岛礁与大西洋隔开美国传统〔Assateague Island〕A long narrow island along the coast of Maryland and Virginia separating Chincoteague Bay from the Atlantic Ocean. It is a popular resort area.阿萨蒂格岛:沿马里兰和弗吉尼亚海岸将琴可替格湾和大西洋分割开的一个狭长岛屿。是一受欢迎的风景胜地美国传统〔Foxe Basin〕An arm of the Atlantic Ocean between the Melville Peninsula and Baffin Island in Northwest Territories, Canada.福克斯湾:大西洋麦维尔半岛与巴芬岛之间的狭长港湾,位于加拿大的西北地区美国传统〔Great South Bay〕An arm of the Atlantic Ocean between the southern shore of Long Island and offshore barrier islands.大南湾:大西洋的一块狭长海域,位于长岛南面海岸和离岸的障碍岛屿之间美国传统〔Olives〕A ridge of hills in the West Bank east of Jerusalem. At its western foot is the biblical site of the Garden of Gethsemane.橄榄山,奥利韦特:位于耶路撒冷的东面的西岸丘陵地带的一狭长高地。它的西山脚是《圣经》中的耶稣蒙难地,客西马尼花园美国传统〔Scoresby Sound〕An arm of the Norwegian Sea indenting eastern Greenland. It has numerous fjords branching generally westward toward the icecap.斯科斯比松:挪威海的一个港湾,伸入格陵兰岛东部。它有许多大体上向西扩展到冰盖的狭长海湾美国传统〔Tasman Sea〕An arm of the southern Pacific Ocean between southwest Australia and western New Zealand.塔斯曼海:南太平洋的一个狭长海湾,位于澳大利亚西南和新西兰西部之间美国传统〔Yorke Peninsula〕A narrow peninsula of southern Australia bounded by Spencer Gulf.约克半岛:澳大利亚南部一狭长半岛,与斯宾塞海湾相邻美国传统〔alley〕Sports Either of the parallel lanes at the sides of a tennis court, which widen the inbounds area for doubles play.【体育运动】 单打与双打界线间空地:网球场边的平行狭长地带,加宽了界内场地,可进行双打比赛美国传统〔arm〕He turned and walked down the arm of the hall.他转身沿着狭长的过道走去。英汉大词典〔audiotape〕A relatively narrow magnetic tape used to record sound for subsequent playback.录音磁带:一种相对狭长的磁带,用于录下声音以便日后重放美国传统〔baguette〕A gem cut in the form of a narrow rectangle.狭长形宝石:被切成细条形的宝石美国传统〔baguette〕The form of such a gem.狭长形:这种宝石的形状美国传统〔barrier reef〕A long, narrow ridge of coral or rock parallel to and relatively near a coastline, separated from the coastline by a lagoon too deep for coral growth.堡礁:一狭长的与海岸平行且相对靠近海岸的珊瑚礁或岩石,常被很深的、不适合珊瑚生长的环礁湖与海岸隔开美国传统〔belt〕Behind him was a belt of trees.他身后是一片狭长的树林。外研社新世纪〔body〕The two land bodies are connected by a long, narrow causeway.这两片土地由一条狭长的堤道相连接。英汉大词典〔border〕All these nouns refer to the line or narrow area that marks the outside limit of something such as a surface.所有这些名词指某物外部界限的界限或狭长地带。美国传统〔border〕There is a border of flowers round the lawn.草坪四周有狭长的花床围绕。英汉大词典〔butt〕The crofts are long and narrow, one end butting on the fields.农舍附近的小块田地是狭长的,一头跟田野毗连。英汉大词典〔cigarillo〕A small, narrow cigar.小雪茄烟:一种小的狭长雪茄美国传统〔claim〕Our neighbours have no claim to (= cannot say that they own) that strip of land between our houses.我们的邻居无权拥有我们两家房屋之间的那块狭长空地。剑桥高阶〔claw〕Botany The narrowed, stalklike basal part of certain petals or sepals.【植物学】 瓣爪:某些花瓣或萼片狭长、柄状的基部美国传统〔concert〕This particular border is a concert of yellows and blues.这条狭长花坛里各种黄色和蓝色的花朵交相辉映。外研社新世纪〔coping saw〕A light handsaw with a slender blade stretched across a U-shaped frame, used for cutting designs in wood.手弓锯:一种轻型手锯,其狭长刃片穿过一个U型框架,用来在木头上切割出图案美国传统〔corridor〕A corridor of land lies between the two mountain ranges.两道山脉之间有一条狭长地带。韦氏高阶〔corridor〕A tract of land forming a passageway, such as one that allows an inland country access to the sea through another country.狭长地带:组成通道的一块土地,例如一个内陆国家穿过另一个国家到达海洋的狭长地带美国传统〔corridor〕Narrow corridors lead off from the main hallway.狭长的通道从主廊延展开来。牛津搭配〔date〕The sweet, edible, oblong or oval fruit of the date palm, containing a narrow, hard seed.海枣:甜的、可食用的长方形或椭圆形的海枣树的果实,含有狭长坚硬的籽美国传统〔ditch〕A long narrow trench or furrow dug in the ground, as for irrigation, drainage, or a boundary line.沟渠,排水沟,水道:在地面上狭长的沟渠或细沟,用于灌溉、排水或用作分界线美国传统〔ditch〕To dig or make a long narrow trench or furrow in.开沟于,筑渠于:挖或筑狭长的沟渠或细沟美国传统〔entrance〕The ship passed through the narrow entrance to the bay.船穿过一个狭长的通道驶入了海湾。韦氏高阶〔fillet〕A narrow strip of ribbon or similar material, often worn as a headband.窄饰带:丝质或类似材料的狭长带子,通常用作束发带美国传统〔fish〕They fished the loch for salmon.他们在狭长海湾里钓鲑鱼。牛津高阶〔fjord〕A long, narrow, deep inlet of the sea between steep slopes.峡湾:在两面陡峭斜坡中间的狭长水深的海湾美国传统〔hook〕A point or spit of land with a sharply curved end.钩状岬:一片尖状或狭长的陆地,一头急剧弯曲美国传统〔ironing board〕A long, narrow padded board, often with collapsible supporting legs, used as a working surface for ironing.熨衣板:狭长的加过垫的板子,常有可套缩的支脚,用作熨衣服时的表面美国传统〔isthmus〕A narrow strip of land connecting two larger masses of land.地峡:连接两大块陆地的狭长地区美国传统〔land bridge〕A neck of land that connects two landmasses; an isthmus.陆桥:连接两块大陆板块的狭长陆地;地峡美国传统〔leptocephalus〕One of the small, flat, transparent larvae of eels and certain other fishes, characterized by a long, narrow head.叶鳗:鳗鲡和其他某些鱼短小、扁平且透明的幼仔,其特征是头狭长美国传统〔low〕The Leisure Center is a long and low modern building.休闲中心是一个狭长而低矮的现代建筑。柯林斯高阶〔misericord〕A narrow dagger used in medieval times to deliver the death stroke to a seriously wounded knight.匕首:中世纪时将重伤的骑士刺死而用的一种狭长匕首美国传统〔narrow〕His head was narrow under bristling red hair.他的红发一根根直竖,使头显得狭长英汉大词典〔neck〕Music The narrow part along which the strings of an instrument extend to the pegs.【音乐】 琴颈:乐器的弦延伸到连接指板的狭长部分美国传统〔neck〕The cottage was on the neck of the little peninsula.这小屋坐落在面积不大的半岛的狭长地带上。英汉大词典〔needle〕A narrow stiff leaf, as those of conifers.针叶:狭长的硬叶,如松柏科植物美国传统〔offset〕Architecture A ledge or recess in a wall formed by a reduction in thickness above; a setoff.【建筑学】 壁阶:为缩减其上方墙壁的厚度而形成的墙壁狭长部分或凹处美国传统〔panhandle〕Often Panhandle A narrow strip of territory projecting from a larger, broader area, as in Alaska, Idaho, Oklahoma, Texas, and West Virginia. 常作 Panhandle 柄状狭长地带:从比较广阔的地域突出去的狭窄的一个条带,如阿拉斯加州、爱达荷州、俄克拉荷马州、得克萨斯州和西弗吉尼亚美国传统〔panhandle〕The Texas Panhandle is the northernmost part of the state.得克萨斯州的突出狭长地带位于该州的最北端。韦氏高阶〔peninsula〕They built their house on a narrow peninsula.他们把房屋建在一个狭长的半岛上。韦氏高阶〔pollination〕Planting trees in groups rather than long thin lines helps pollination.把树木栽成片比栽成狭长的行列有利于传粉。英汉大词典〔poniard〕A dagger typically having a slender square or triangular blade.短剑:一种匕首,典型特征是有一个狭长的方刃或三角刃美国传统〔ridge〕A long narrow elevation on the ocean floor.海脊:海底狭长的隆起部分美国传统〔rill〕A long, narrow, straight valley on the moon's surface.(月面)谷,沟纹:月球表面上狭长而垂直的峡谷美国传统〔ropewalk〕A long narrow building containing such a pathway.制绳工场:含有制绳长道的狭长棚屋美国传统〔shelf〕Something, such as a projecting ledge of rock or a balcony, that resembles such a structure.搁板状物:类似这样结构物的物体,例如岩石的狭长突出部分或阳台美国传统〔slit trench〕A narrow, shallow trench dug during combat for the protection of a single soldier or a small group of soldiers.狭长掩壕:战斗中为掩护单兵或一小组士兵而挖掘的一种狭长浅壕美国传统〔slit〕A long, straight, narrow cut or opening.狭长的切口:长而直且狭窄的切口或开口美国传统〔slit〕To make a slit or slits in.切开:在…上弄出一个或几个狭长裂缝美国传统〔spit〕A narrow point of land extending into a body of water.海峡,海角:延伸到海水中的陆地的狭长一端美国传统〔string tie〕A narrow necktie, usually tied in a bow.狭领带:一种狭长的领带,通常打成蝴蝶结状美国传统〔stripe〕A long narrow band distinguished, as by color or texture, from the surrounding material or surface.长条:狭长条带,如颜色或质地上,有别于周围材料或外表美国传统〔strip〕A long narrow region of land or body of water.带:狭长的地域或水域美国传统〔strip〕The airport is built on a low-lying strip of land.机场建在一块狭长的低地上。麦克米伦高阶〔strip〕The coastal cities of Liguria sit on narrow strips of land lying under steep mountains.利古里亚的沿海城市坐落在陡峭山脉下的狭长地带上。外研社新世纪〔strip〕The coastal cities of Liguria sit on narrow strips of land lying under steep mountains.利古里亚的沿海城市坐落在陡峭山脉下的狭长地带上。柯林斯高阶〔strip〕The room was bare, apart from a strip of carpet.那间房间除了一块狭长地毯之外别无其他陈设。英汉大词典〔sweep〕The land sweeps away from long areas of greenery.这块地从草木茂盛的狭长地带一直伸展开来。柯林斯高阶〔symmetry〕The design of the house had a pleasing symmetry, its oblong shape being picked up in its elongated windows.房子的设计透着一种赏心悦目的对称美,狭长的窗户使长方形的结构显得更加和谐。剑桥高阶〔tambourin〕A long, narrow drum used in Provence.长鼓:法国普罗旺斯地方用的一种狭长的鼓美国传统〔tape〕A narrow strip of strong woven fabric, as that used in sewing or bookbinding.带子:一种狭长的由质地坚韧的织物做成的带状物,如用在缝纫或书籍的装订中的美国传统〔toboggan〕A long, narrow, runnerless sled constructed of thin boards curled upward at the front end.平底雪撬:一种由薄板制成的狭长的无滑板雪撬,在前方末端向上卷起美国传统〔trench〕A long, narrow ditch embanked with its own soil and used for concealment and protection in warfare.战壕:一种用于战时的隐蔽和防护的狭长沟渠,用从沟中挖出的泥土防护美国传统〔trench〕A long, steep-sided valley on the ocean floor.海沟:一种海底狭长而两边陡峭的山谷美国传统〔uniform〕Shrimp are raised in long uniform ponds, frozen in the nearby packing plant and shipped north.虾是在清一色的狭长水池里养殖的, 然后送到附近的包装厂冷冻, 再运往北方。外研社新世纪〔valley〕An elongated lowland between ranges of mountains, hills, or other uplands, often having a river or stream running along the bottom.山谷:在山脊或其它高地之间的狭长低地,常有沿着底部流淌的小河或小溪美国传统〔vent〕A slit in a garment, as in the back seam of a pocket.开衩,衩:衣服上的狭长口子,如在口袋的后部缝口内美国传统〔verge〕This narrow strip verges the road.这条狭长的地带构成了公路的边沿。英汉大词典〔vista〕An avenue or other passage affording such a view.狭长通道:形成这种远景的一条街道或一条通道美国传统〔welt〕A ridge or bump on the skin caused by a lash or blow or sometimes by an allergic reaction.条痕:因鞭打或猛击或有时困为过敏反应而产生的狭长隆起或肿块美国传统A slit is provided for the coin to drop through. 狭长的口子是供投硬币用的。译典通The design of the house had a pleasing symmetry, its oblong shape being picked up in its elongated windows.房子的设计有一种赏心悦目的对称美,长方形结构在狭长窗户中得到再现。剑桥国际There is a belt of trees between the two fields. 那两块地之间有一片狭长树林。译典通There is a strip of garden behind his house. 他房子后面有一小块狭长形的园地。译典通




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