

单词 特等
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Aegean〕Of or relating to the Bronze Age civilization that flourished in the Aegean area, as at Crete.爱琴文化的:属于或关于兴盛于爱琴海,如克里特等地的青铜器时代文化的美国传统〔Distinguished Conduct Medal〕A British military decoration for distinguished conduct in the field.英国陆军的特等军功章美国传统〔Distinguished Flying Cross〕A British military decoration awarded to officers of the Royal Air Force for extraordinary achievement.(英国的)优异飞行十字勋章:(英国)授予在皇家空军中有杰出成就者的特等军功章美国传统〔Distinguished Flying Cross〕A U.S. military decoration awarded for heroism or extraordinary achievement in aerial combat.(美国的)空战有功十字勋章:美国对在空战中表现英勇或有杰出贡献者授予的一种特等军功章美国传统〔QUIET〕Forrester waited for the laughter to die down, then carried on with his speech. 福里斯特等到笑声渐渐平息下去后再继续演讲。朗文写作活用〔deck〕The couple's stateroom is on B deck, not on the promenade deck.这对夫妇的特等舱室在B层甲板,而不在散步甲板上。英汉大词典〔drawing room〕A large private room on a railroad sleeping car.铁路客车的特等卧室美国传统〔expert〕A person who has achieved this grade.特等射手:取得这种等级的人美国传统〔expert〕The highest grade that can be achieved in marksmanship.特等射手级:在射击术中可以取得的最高等级美国传统〔pause〕Kate waited for a pause in the conversation.凯特等着谈话中出现间歇。麦克米伦高阶〔porter〕A railroad employee who waits on passengers in a sleeping car or parlor car.火车中的侍者,服务员:火车上的卧铺车厢或特等豪华客车中服务于旅客的雇员美国传统〔prize〕My grandma was scratching a bingo card hoping for the star prize of a car.我的奶奶在刮一张宾戈卡, 希望获得特等奖轿车。外研社新世纪〔star〕The star prize is a weekend for two in Paris.特等奖是二人巴黎周末游。牛津高阶In my opinion, no other composers even begin to approach (=come near in quality to) Mozart.依我看,没有哪个作曲家是能和莫扎特等量齐观的。剑桥国际




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