

单词 特别指
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Dewar flask〕An insulated container used especially to store liquefied gases, having a double wall with a vacuum between the walls and silvered surfaces facing the vacuum.德瓦烧瓶:特别指用于贮藏液态气体的真空容器,有双层壁,壁间为真空,接触真空的表面镀银美国传统〔Jehovah〕God, especially in Christian translations of the Old Testament.耶和华:指上帝,特别指基督教《圣经·旧约》中的上帝美国传统〔Old World〕The Eastern Hemisphere. The term is often used to refer specifically to Europe.旧世界:东半球。这个术语常用来特别指欧洲美国传统〔amorist〕One dedicated to love, especially sexual love.谈情说爱的人:奉献于爱情的人,特别指追求性爱的人美国传统〔anabiosis〕A state of suspended animation, especially one in which certain aquatic invertebrates are able to survive long periods of drought.失水休眠:一种休眠状态,特别指某些水生非脊椎动物能够经受长时间干旱的状态美国传统〔ax〕Slang A musical instrument, especially a guitar.【俚语】 吉他:乐器,特别指吉他美国传统〔bachelor〕A male animal that does not mate during the breeding season, especially a young male fur seal kept from the breeding territory by older males.尚未交配的小雄兽:在繁殖季节中未交配的雄性动物,特别指被较年长的雄性拒于交配领地之外的年轻的雄性海豹美国传统〔bank〕Often banks The slope of land adjoining a body of water, especially adjoining a river, lake, or channel. 常作 banks 水陆斜坡:陆地与水面相接的一面斜坡,特别指连接河、湖或运河的斜坡美国传统〔baroreceptor〕A sensory nerve ending that is stimulated by changes in pressure, especially one in the walls of blood vessels such as the carotid sinus.压力感受器:一种感觉神经末梢,被压力变化所刺激,特别指血管壁(例如颈动脉窦)上的压力感受器美国传统〔basement〕New England A public toilet, especially one in a school.【新英格兰】 公共厕所:公共厕所,特别指学校中的公厕美国传统〔burnout〕Physical or emotional exhaustion, especially as a result of long-term stress or dissipation.耗尽,精疲力尽:体力或感情的枯竭,特别指因长期压抑或放荡而造成的后果美国传统〔chimere〕A loose sleeveless robe worn especially by Anglican bishops.主教法衣:宽松无袖的长袍。特别指英国国教的主教所穿的美国传统〔crip〕Slang Something that is easily accomplished, especially an undemanding academic course.【俚语】 营养学分:轻易地被完成的事,特别指不苛求的学术课程美国传统〔differential analyzer〕A mechanical or electronic analog computer used to solve especially complicated differential equations.微分分析程序,微分分析器:特别指用来解决复杂的微分方程的机械或电子模拟计算机美国传统〔downfall〕A fall of rain or snow, especially a heavy or unexpected one.大阵雨(雪):特别指很大的意料之外的大阵雨或大雪美国传统〔dramaturgy〕The art of the theater, especially the writing of plays.戏剧艺术:戏剧艺术,特别指戏的写作美国传统〔drought〕A long period of abnormally low rainfall, especially one that adversely affects growing or living conditions.干旱:长时期的过低降雨量,特别指妨碍生长或生存的这样一段时期美国传统〔farebeat〕To avoid paying the fare for public transportation, especially subway transportation.逃票:逃避支付公共交通工具的费用,特别指地铁美国传统〔imagery〕Representative images, particularly statues or icons.像:代表其它物品的图象,特别指塑像或肖像美国传统〔innocent〕A person, especially a child, who is free of evil or sin.无辜的人:无邪的或无罪的人,特别指儿童美国传统〔instruction〕He had specific instructions to check everyone's identity cards.他接到特别指示,要检查每个人的身份证。朗文当代〔ironist〕A notable user of irony, especially a writer.反语者:明显使用反语的人,特别指作家美国传统〔ivory〕A tusk, especially an elephant's tusk.象牙:长牙,特别指象牙美国传统〔jet propulsion〕Propulsion derived from the rearward expulsion of matter in a jet stream, especially propulsion by jet engines.喷气推进:由尾部形成喷气流所实现的驱动,特别指由喷气式发动机推进的美国传统〔muster〕A gathering, especially of troops, for service, inspection, review, or roll call.为仪式、检阅或者点名而集合,特别指部队美国传统〔note〕The Telegraph's sports correspondent notes that this is United's longest unbeaten spell in 20 years.《电讯报》的体育记者特别指出, 这是曼联队20年来保持不败战绩最长的一段时间。外研社新世纪〔note〕The report notes that export and import volumes picked up in leading economies.报告特别指出经济大国的进出口量攀升。柯林斯高阶〔oil field〕An area with reserves of recoverable petroleum, especially one with several oil-producing wells.油田:含有可开发石油储藏的地区,特别指有几个产油井的区域美国传统〔petrous〕Of, relating to, or resembling rock, especially in hardness; stony.坚硬的,石质的:岩石的,与岩石有关的,或岩石状的,特别指硬度方面;坚硬的美国传统〔physically challenged〕Having a physical disability or impairment, especially one that limits mobility.身体残障的:有身体方面的残疾或是损伤的,特别指无法行动的人美国传统〔plague〕A highly infectious, usually fatal, epidemic disease, especially bubonic plague.瘟疫,传染病:一种高度传染且经常是致命的瘟疫,特别指淋巴腺鼠疫美国传统〔range〕An extended group or series, especially a row or chain of mountains.山脉:延展的一组或一系列,特别指一座方向固定的山脉美国传统〔refectory〕A room where meals are served, especially in a college or other institution.食堂:特别指学院或其它机构中供应饮食的屋子美国传统〔signalize〕To point out particularly.特别指美国传统〔single out〕We wanted to single out the main threat to civilisation.我们想特别指出威胁文明的主要因素。柯林斯高阶〔snort〕A drink of liquor, especially when swallowed in one gulp.一口饮下的烈酒:一种烈酒,特别指一盅就喝完的烈酒美国传统〔special〕Do you have any special instructions for the babysitter? 你有什么特别指示要交代给临时保姆吗?韦氏高阶〔splatter〕To spatter, especially to move or fall so as to cause splashes.飞溅:溅泼,特别指移动或从高处落下使四处飞溅美国传统〔split〕To become broken or ripped apart, especially from internal pressure.爆开或撕开,特别指由于内部压力美国传统〔spot〕To detect or discern, especially visually; spy.辩认,认出:辩认或认出,特别指用眼睛看出;详查美国传统〔spring-cleaning〕A thorough cleaning, especially of a residence when winter is over.大扫除:彻底扫除,特别指当冬季结束后对住处的打扫美国传统〔toot〕Slang Cocaine, especially a small amount snorted at one time.【俚语】 可卡因:可卡因,特别指供一次食用的小剂量可卡因美国传统〔topology〕Topographic study of a given place, especially the history of a region as indicated by its topography.地志学:对某地区的地形、地貌等进行的研究,特别指根据地志对该地历史的研究美国传统〔totalizator〕A machine for computing and showing totals, especially a pari-mutuel machine showing the total number and amounts of bets at a racetrack.总额计算器:计算和显示总额的机器,特别指赛马中计算赌金总额的同注分彩计算器美国传统〔vested〕Dressed or clothed, especially in ecclesiastical vestments.穿着衣服的:穿好衣服的,特别指圣装美国传统〔zooid〕An organic cell or organized body that has independent movement within a living organism, especially a motile gamete such as a spermatozoon.游动孢子:在有机体内可以独立运动的生物细胞或有组织结构的肢体,特别指能动的配子,例如精子美国传统




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