

单词 牢骚满腹
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DISLIKE〕My father had no time for complainers. 我父亲不喜欢那些总是牢骚满腹的人。朗文写作活用〔bitch〕We've been having a bitch about our boss.我们一直对老板牢骚满腹牛津高阶〔bitter〕He was a jealous, bitter man.他这个人善妒而且牢骚满腹外研社新世纪〔complain〕You're always complaining! 你总是牢骚满腹剑桥高阶〔discontented〕Restlessly unhappy; malcontent.不高兴的;牢骚满腹美国传统〔discontented〕She is discontented with her dull life.她对枯燥的生活牢骚满腹英汉大词典〔frustration〕The frustration of his ambitions made him a bitter man.壮志未酬使他成了个牢骚满腹的人。朗文当代〔groan〕I'm tired of him moaning and groaning all the time.他一天到晚牢骚满腹,我都听腻了。朗文当代〔grouchy〕Don't be so grouchy! 别那么牢骚满腹的!剑桥高阶〔misery〕Don't be such an old misery! 别老这么牢骚满腹了!牛津高阶〔moaner〕Film critics are dreadful moaners.影评人都是些让人非常反感的牢骚满腹的人。柯林斯高阶〔moaner〕Film critics are dreadful moaners.影评家都是些令人反感、牢骚满腹的人。外研社新世纪〔moan〕They're always moaning and groaning about how much they have to do.他们总是牢骚满腹,抱怨有很多事要做。牛津高阶〔trout〕She's a miserable old trout who complains about everything.她是个令人讨厌、牢骚满腹的老太婆。剑桥高阶〔whinger〕Shut up, you moaning whinger.闭嘴吧, 你这个牢骚满腹的家伙。外研社新世纪Don't take any notice of her -- she's just a miserable old trout who complains about everything.不要理她----她只是一个可鄙的、牢骚满腹的老婆娘。剑桥国际She is full of grumbles. 她牢骚满腹译典通Stop bitching and get back to work. 别牢骚满腹,工作要紧。译典通




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