

单词 牙床
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔alveolus〕A tooth socket in the jawbone.牙槽:颚骨处的牙床美国传统〔crown〕The part of a tooth that is covered by enamel and projects beyond the gum line.齿冠:露在牙床外面的、被釉质覆盖的那部分牙齿美国传统〔dentin〕The main, calcareous part of a tooth, beneath the enamel and surrounding the pulp chamber and root canals.牙质,齿质:牙齿主要的钙质部分,在珐琅质下面,牙髓周围,植根于牙床的管道内美国传统〔dentition〕Zoology The type, number, and arrangement of a set of teeth.【动物学】 牙列,齿系:牙床的类型、数目和安排美国传统〔eruption〕The emergence of a tooth through the gums.长牙:牙齿突然从牙床里长出美国传统〔erupt〕To break through the gums in developing. Used of teeth.长出:慢慢地长出牙床。用于指牙齿美国传统〔gingival〕Of or relating to the gums.与牙龈、牙床有关的美国传统〔gumboil〕A small boil or abscess on the gum, often resulting from tooth decay.龈脓肿:牙床上生的小疖或肿块,常由龋牙引起美国传统〔gum〕A year later he could chew practically anything with his gums.一年后他就能用牙床咀嚼几乎任何东西了。英汉大词典〔gum〕She smiled widely, showing her toothless gums.她张了嘴笑, 露出没有牙的牙床外研社新世纪〔gum〕The old man smiled to reveal toothless gums.老头笑了,露出没有牙的牙床牛津搭配〔gum〕To chew (food) with toothless gums.用牙床嚼:用没有牙齿的牙床咀嚼(食物)美国传统〔mumble〕To chew food slowly or ineffectively, as if with the gums.抿着嘴嚼:好象是用牙床慢慢地咀嚼食物美国传统〔mumble〕To chew slowly or ineffectively without or as if without teeth.抿着嘴嚼:用没有或好象没有牙齿的牙床慢慢地咀嚼美国传统〔plate〕Dentistry A thin metallic or plastic support fitted to the gums to anchor artificial teeth.【牙科学】 假牙托:安装在牙床上固定假牙的薄金属或塑料支持物美国传统〔pyorrhea〕Purulent inflammation of the gums and tooth sockets, often leading to loosening of the teeth.牙槽脓溢:牙龈和牙床的化脓性发炎,经常导致牙齿的松动美国传统〔scurvy〕A disease caused by deficiency of vitamin C, characterized by spongy and bleeding gums, bleeding under the skin, and extreme weakness.坏血病:一种由于缺少维生素C引起的疾病,症状为多孔的和爱流血的牙床,皮下出血和极度虚弱美国传统〔teethridge〕The ridge of gum behind the upper front teeth.牙槽脊:在上牙床后面的脊美国传统He gave his baby daughter a biscuit to gum (= to practise chewing with, using her gums).他给他的女婴一块饼干让她用牙床咀嚼。剑桥国际I've got really sore gums.我真的牙床痛。剑桥国际She had her jaws wired together (= fastened together with wire) so that she wouldn't be able to eat.她用金属丝固定了牙床,这样她就不能吃东西了。剑桥国际Sweet foods rot your teeth and gums.甜味的食物会腐蚀你的牙齿和牙床剑桥国际




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