

单词 燕子
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔arc〕The swallows arced across the sunset sky.燕子飞掠过日落的天空。英汉大词典〔blue〕There were swallows in the cloudless blue sky.燕子在万里无云的蓝天飞翔。柯林斯高阶〔blue〕There were swallows in the cloudless blue sky.一些燕子在晴朗无云的蓝天中飞翔。外研社新世纪〔conglobulate〕A number of swallows conglobulated together by flying round and round.一群燕子盘旋着飞成一团。英汉大词典〔dart through〕Swallows were darting through the air.燕子飞快地在空中掠过。21世纪英汉〔flight〕Swallows have a very distinctive shape in flight.燕子有一种很独特的飞行姿态。麦克米伦高阶〔forerunner〕Swallows are the forerunners of spring.燕子报春到。英汉大词典〔herald〕Returning swallows herald spring.归来的燕子预告春天的来临。英汉大词典〔martin〕Any of various swallows, such as the house martin or the purple martin.紫崖燕:如家燕、紫燕等几种燕子美国传统〔migrate〕Swallows migrate south in winter.燕子在冬天迁徙到南方。牛津高阶〔nest〕The swallows nested under the eaves.燕子在屋檐下筑巢。21世纪英汉〔nest〕We've got some swallows nesting in our roof at the moment.现在有几只燕子在我们的屋顶下筑巢。剑桥高阶〔presage〕The coming of the swallow is a true presage of the spring.燕子飞来报春到。英汉大词典〔put〕Swallows put up very good flight performances.燕子飞翔婀娜多姿。英汉大词典〔skim〕We stood on the bridge watching swallows skimming the water.我们站在桥上观看燕子掠过水面。麦克米伦高阶〔sky〕Swallows darted about in the sky overhead.燕子在头顶上飞来飞去。牛津搭配〔swan dive〕A dive performed with the legs straight together, the back arched, and the arms stretched out from the sides.燕子式跳水:两腿并直、背部弓起且两臂向两边伸展的跳水姿势美国传统〔swoop〕The swallow made another dazzling swoop through the air.燕子又在空中令人眼花缭乱地翻飞。外研社新世纪〔tattoo〕She had a tattoo of a swallow on her shoulder.她肩膀上有一个燕子文身。牛津搭配〔twitter〕The swallows fled in twittering alarm.燕子吱吱地惊叫着飞走了。英汉大词典Karen has a tattoo of a swallow on her shoulder.卡伦肩上有一个燕子刺花。剑桥国际Swallows come to northern countries when it's summer there, and fly south in the northern winter.燕子夏天飞往北部,冬天再飞回南方。剑桥国际The swallows are flocking on the telephone wires.那些燕子聚集在电话线上。剑桥国际We've got some swallows nesting in our roof at the moment.现在有几只燕子在我们的屋顶上做窝。剑桥国际




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