

单词 灼伤
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COLOUR〕People with very light colouring need to protect themselves from the sun as they burn easily. 肤色很浅的人容易被太阳灼伤,所以要保护自己免受太阳直射。朗文写作活用〔PIECE〕Her sunburnt skin was beginning to peel off in big flakes. 她的皮肤被阳光灼伤后开始大片大片地脱落。朗文写作活用〔blister〕Her skin was blistered by the hot sun.她的皮肤被炙热的太阳灼伤,起疱了。韦氏高阶〔blowback〕His face was parched by a furnace blowback.他的脸被熔炉的后吹气流灼伤英汉大词典〔burn〕An injury produced by fire, heat, radiation, electricity, or a caustic agent.烧伤,烫伤,灼伤:因火焰、高温、辐射、电击或腐蚀性物质而造成的伤害美国传统〔burn〕She burned herself badly.她严重地灼伤了自己。文馨英汉〔burn〕The acid burned his hand.酸液灼伤了他的手。韦氏高阶〔burn〕The heat burnt his skin.热气灼伤了他皮肤。牛津同义词〔burn〕The victim’s body was covered with burns.遭难的人尸首上布满了灼伤的伤痕。牛津同义词〔case〕He treated several cases of severe sunburn.他治疗过好几位被太阳严重灼伤的病人。麦克米伦高阶〔cauterize〕He cauterized the wound with a piece of red-hot iron.他用一块烧红的烙铁烧灼伤口。柯林斯高阶〔cauterize〕He cauterized the wound with a piece of red-hot iron.他用火红的烙铁烧灼伤口。外研社新世纪〔first-degree burn〕A mild burn that produces redness of the skin but no blistering.第一度灼伤,一度烧伤:使皮肤变红但不引起水泡的轻度的烧伤美国传统〔fry〕You'll fry on the beach if you're not careful.你在海滩上若不小心会被太阳灼伤的。牛津高阶〔heal〕Leaving the burn open to the air is the quickest way to heal it up.让灼伤处裸露是使它愈合的最快办法。英汉大词典〔lung〕The smoke was burning his lungs.烟灼伤着他的肺。牛津搭配〔rash〕Some pesticides can cause rashes and burns.有些杀虫剂会导致皮疹和灼伤牛津搭配〔relieve〕Use a cooling gel to relieve the discomfort of sunburn.用一块退热软冻胶可以减轻太阳灼伤产生的不适。麦克米伦高阶〔rub〕Rub some of this cream into your skin to protect it from the sun.把这种护肤脂擦一些到皮肤里,使皮肤不致被阳光灼伤英汉大词典〔scathe〕To harm or injure, especially by fire.灼伤:尤指由火引起伤害或受伤美国传统〔sear〕He seared his hand on a hot steam pipe.火烫的蒸气管灼伤了他的手。英汉大词典〔sear〕I felt the heat start to sear my throat.我感觉高温开始灼伤我的喉咙。外研社新世纪〔sear〕The heat from the explosion seared their hands and faces.爆炸的热浪灼伤了他们的手和脸。剑桥高阶〔sear〕The heat seared their skin.高温灼伤了他们的皮肤。朗文当代〔second-degree burn〕A burn that blisters the skin and is more severe than a first-degree burn.二度烧伤:比一度烧伤更为严重的能使皮肤起水泡的灼伤美国传统〔sole〕He had burned the sole of his foot.他的一只脚脚底被灼伤了。柯林斯高阶〔sun block〕A preparation, as of PABA, that prevents sunburn by filtering out the sun's ultraviolet rays, usually offering more protection than a sunscreen.滤光剂:一种制剂,如对氨基苯酸制剂,通过滤出太阳的紫外线而防止太阳灼伤,通常比遮光剂的保护作用更有效美国传统〔sunscald〕Localized injury or death of the tissues of a woody plant caused by excessive sun in summer and by the combined effects of sun and low temperatures in winter.日灼病:木质植物组织的部分灼伤或坏死,由夏天过多日光辐射或冬天日光和低温的共同作用引起美国传统〔touch〕He could not bear the touch of clothing on his sunburnt skin.他忍受不住衣服磨蹭他那被太阳灼伤的皮肤。牛津高阶〔ultraviolet〕The sun's ultraviolet rays are responsible for both tanning and burning.皮肤晒黑和灼伤均归因于阳光中的紫外线。外研社新世纪〔ultraviolet〕The sun's ultraviolet rays are responsible for both tanning and burning.阳光中的紫外线是皮肤晒黑和灼伤的根源。柯林斯高阶〔wheal〕A small swelling on the skin, as from an insect bite, that usually itches or burns.疹块:皮肤上的小隆起肿块儿,如被虫咬过后,常瘙痒或伴随有灼伤美国传统She was suffering from an extreme case of sunburn.她受到了严重的阳光灼伤剑桥国际This cream helps to soothe burns and scalds.这油膏可帮助减轻皮肤的灼伤和烫伤症状。剑桥国际




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