

单词 滚球
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔beat〕Baseball To reach base safely on (a bunt or ground ball).【棒球】 安全上垒:使(短打或地滚球)成为安打美国传统〔bobble〕The right fielder bobbled an easy grounder.右外场员漏了一个很容易的地滚球剑桥高阶〔bocce〕A game of Italian origin similar to bowling that is played with wooden balls on a long, narrow court covered with fine gravel.(意大利)室外地滚球戏:意大利的一种游戏,起源与滚球相似,用木球在一个长而窄、放有五个石子的球场上玩美国传统〔bowling〕A similar game, such as duckpins or ninepins.类似游戏,如滚球戏或九柱瓶戏美国传统〔bowl〕Bowls is one of the most popular sports in the UK .草地滚球是英国最流行的运动之一。剑桥高阶〔bowl〕I can't see the point of bowling a ball like that.我看不出那样平稳地滚球有什么用。外研社新世纪〔bowl〕Jack usually bowls a 120 game, but yesterday he bowled 180.在地滚球戏中杰克通常一局得120分,但昨天却得了180分。21世纪英汉〔bowl〕She bowled the ball smoothly down the lane.她很顺当地把球投入地滚球场的球道。21世纪英汉〔bowl〕To achieve (a specified score) by bowling.滚球得分:通过滚球得(一个特定分数)美国传统〔bowl〕To throw or roll a ball in bowling.投球:在保龄球运动中投掷或滚球美国传统〔break〕Sports Games Failure to score a strike or a spare in a given bowling frame.【体育运动】 【游戏】 滚球的失误美国传统〔fielder's choice〕A play made on a ground ball in which the fielder chooses to put out an advancing base runner, thus allowing the batter to reach first base safely.外野选择:由外野员选择将跑垒者封杀出局的地滚球产生的一种打法,因此允许击球员能安全抵达一垒美国传统〔foul line〕Sports A boundary limiting the permissible movements of a player, as on a bowling alley or in a field event.【体育运动】 限制线:地滚球或网球等限制选手活动的线美国传统〔goal〕Young rolled the ball across the six-yard box for Rooney to tap the ball into the open goal.杨用地滚球把球传向小禁区,鲁尼轻轻一触射入了大开的球门。剑桥高阶〔ground ball〕A batted ball that rolls or bounces along the ground.地滚球:击出后在地面上滚动或跳跃的棒球美国传统〔ground〕The quarterback was penalized for intentionally grounding the ball.四分卫因故意掷地滚球被判罚。韦氏高阶〔putout〕The shortstop fielded the grounder and threw to first base for the putout.游击手截住地滚球后传给一垒以将对手杀出局。韦氏高阶〔rink〕A section of a bowling green large enough for holding a match.草地滚球场:面积巨大足以举行比赛的一块保龄球草场美国传统〔roll-on〕Of or being a substance, such as a deodorant, that is dispensed from a container having a rolling ball at one end serving as an applicator.(指装有滚筒的瓶或其他容器)滚抹式的:如除体臭剂等容器的一端有用作涂刷器具的滚球美国传统〔split〕Sports An arrangement of bowling pins left standing after a bowl, in which two or more pins remain standing with one or more pins between them knocked down.【体育运动】 隔号余柱:地滚球一击过后剩下的不利局势,有一个或多个被击过的球在两球或多球之间美国传统Bill bowled 180. 比尔滚球得了一百八十分。译典通Bowls is one of the most popular sports in Britain.地滚球戏是英国最流行的运动之一。剑桥国际Morris hit three grounders in the game, but failed to hit a home-run.莫里斯在比赛中击中三个地滚球,但未击中一个本垒打。剑桥国际




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