

单词 滑动
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SLIDE〕Your skis should glide naturally as you move across the snow. 你在雪上滑动的时候,滑雪板应该自然滑行。朗文写作活用〔T-square〕A rule having a short, sometimes sliding, perpendicular crosspiece at one end, used by drafters for establishing and drawing parallel lines.丁字尺:尾端装有可滑动的垂直短横档的尺子,绘图员用它来设制或画平行线美国传统〔along〕He slid his hand along her arm.他的手在她的臂膀上滑动朗文当代〔arm〕His arms slid around her.他的双臂在她周身滑动牛津搭配〔backspace〕To move the carriage of a typewriter or the cursor of a computer back one or more spaces by striking the key used for this purpose.按退格键:为将打字机的滑动架或计算机的光标向回移动一格或几格而敲打用于此种目的的键钮美国传统〔bilbo〕An iron bar to which sliding fetters are attached, formerly used to shackle the feet of prisoners.带有足枷的长方形铁镣:一种带有滑动脚镣的长条形铁条,以前用于束缚犯人的脚美国传统〔bolt〕A sliding metal bar that positions the cartridge in breechloading rifles, closes the breech, and ejects the spent cartridge.枪栓,枪机:装在后枪膛中为子弹定位的滑动金属条,可关闭枪膛和输入将用的子弹美国传统〔boxcar〕A fully enclosed railroad car, typically having sliding side doors, used to transport freight.棚车:一种完全封闭的铁路用车,通常具有滑动侧门,用于运货美国传统〔brace〕Music A leather loop that slides to change the tension on the cord of a drum.【音乐】 滑动皮环:通过滑动以改变鼓弦张力的皮环美国传统〔brush〕A sliding connection completing a circuit between a fixed and a moving conductor.电刷:连接一个固定的导体和移动的导体,使电路通畅的滑动物体美国传统〔cadence〕Oars moved back and forth in smooth cadence.船桨有条不紊地前后滑动韦氏高阶〔carabiner〕An oblong metal ring with a spring clip, used in mountaineering to attach a running rope to a piton or similar device.铁锁:一种登山时使用的带弹簧夹子的长方形铁环,把滑动的绳子固定在岩钉或类似装置上美国传统〔coast〕The act of sliding or coasting; slide.滑下,溜下:滑动或滑行的动作;滑动美国传统〔crupper〕A leather strap looped under a horse's tail and attached to a harness or saddle to keep it from slipping forward.牵鞍兜带:穿过马尾下面的一皮革圈套,用来扣紧马具或马鞍以防止它向前滑动美国传统〔dark lantern〕A lantern whose light can be blocked, as by a sliding panel.有遮光装置的提灯:一个能遮住光的提灯,如通过一滑动的板美国传统〔document〕Scroll through the document using the scroll bar.用滑动条滚动文件。牛津搭配〔dolly〕We'll need a dolly to move the refrigerator.我们需要一台滑动台架来搬运冰箱。韦氏高阶〔double-hung window〕A window having two sashes that slide up and down.双悬窗:有两个框槽可以上下滑动的窗子美国传统〔drawtube〕A tube that slides within another tube, as in a small hand telescope.伸缩管:在另一管筒中滑动的管筒,如小型手持望远镜中的伸缩管美国传统〔fade〕He slid a control to fade out the music.他滑动控制器,让音乐声渐渐减弱。朗文当代〔flutter〕His heart gave a little flutter as the ladder slipped a couple of inches.梯子滑动了几英寸,他的心微微跳动了几下。牛津搭配〔friction clutch〕A mechanical clutch that transmits torque through surface friction between the faces of the clutch.摩擦离合器:一种通过离合器表面的滑动摩擦来联接的机械式离合器美国传统〔fusuma〕Light, sliding partitions of thick paper mounted in grooves on the floor and the ceiling of a Japanese house and moved into various positions to form rooms.日本式隔扇:一种厚纸糊成的可滑动调节的轻分隔物,安放在日本住宅地板和天花板的凹糟里,可移动到各种位置形成房间美国传统〔glacier〕A huge mass of ice slowly flowing over a land mass, formed from compacted snow in an area where snow accumulation exceeds melting and sublimation.冰川:巨大的冰块在巨大的地上慢慢滑动,由于一个地区雪的积累超出了融化和升华而形成的结实的雪形成了冰川美国传统〔glide〕The act of gliding.滑动滑动的行为美国传统〔glide〕To cause to move or pass smoothly, silently, or imperceptibly.使滑动:使轻轻地,无声地不知不觉地移动或通过美国传统〔glissando〕A rapid slide through a series of consecutive tones in a scalelike passage.滑奏,滑奏演奏法:在音阶升降相似的一节乐曲中从一系列连贯的音中的快速滑动美国传统〔groove〕The door slides along a groove in the doorframe.门沿着门框上的沟槽滑动韦氏高阶〔groove〕The window slides along a deep metal groove to open and close.窗户沿着一条深深的金属槽滑动打开或关上。剑桥高阶〔heave〕Geology To displace or move (a vein, lode, or stratum, for example).【地质学】 (地层,矿脉等)转位,滑动:置换或移动(例如水脉、矿脉、地层等)美国传统〔landslide〕The downward sliding of a relatively dry mass of earth and rock.地滑:一堆相对来说干燥的泥土和岩石的向下滑动美国传统〔linchpin〕A locking pin inserted in the end of a shaft, as in an axle, to prevent a wheel from slipping off.车辖,制轮:装在辕底部,如车轴上用来预防车轮滑动锁栓美国传统〔neotectonics〕A technique for predicting earthquakes that involves measuring the rate of slippage of landmarks along faults.新地体构造学:以测量断层地标滑动率来预测地震的技术美国传统〔normal fault〕A fault in which the hanging wall has moved downward relative to the footwall.正断层:上盘相对于下盘向下滑动的断层美国传统〔parrel〕A sliding loop of rope or chain by which a running yard or gaff is connected to, while still being able to move vertically along, the mast.装于帆桁中央两侧的索具:能滑动的绳圈或链子,用来把帆桁或缆索拴在船桅上,使之仍可以随意升降美国传统〔play〕We fixed the pulleys so that the rope had free play.我们装上了滑轮,这样绳索就能自由滑动了。英汉大词典〔portamento〕A smooth, uninterrupted glide in passing from one tone to another, especially with the voice or a bowed stringed instrument.滑音:尤指嗓音发出的或一弓弦乐器奏出的从一个音调到另一个音调的平滑连续的滑动美国传统〔push〕The gate slid open at the push of a button.一按电钮,大门就滑动开启了。英汉大词典〔race〕A groovelike part of a machine in which a moving part slides or rolls.沟槽:机器上的槽状部分,运动部件可在其中滑动或滚动美国传统〔reverse fault〕A fault in which the hanging wall has moved upward relative to the footwall.反断层:一种断层,其中上盘相对于下盘向上滑动美国传统〔roll-top desk〕A desk fitted with a flexible sliding top made of parallel slats.卷盖式书桌:一种装有用平行的细长薄板条做成的灵活可滑动的桌面的书桌美国传统〔run〕A fall or slide, as of sand or mud.滑落:(沙或泥的)下落和滑动美国传统〔run〕Curtains run on metal rods.窗帘是在金属棒上滑动的。英汉大词典〔run〕The car ran downhill. The drawer runs on small bearings.汽车驶向下坡。抽屉有一点推力就滑动美国传统〔run〕The curtains run on a plastic track.窗帘通过一条塑料轨道滑动外研社新世纪〔run〕The curtains run on these tracks.窗帘在这些轨道上滑动麦克米伦高阶〔run〕These curtains run on metal rods.这些窗帘在金属杆上滑动文馨英汉〔scotch〕To block (a wheel, for example) with a prop to prevent rolling or slipping.制止转动:用一支撑物阻止(例如轮子)的滚动或者滑动美国传统〔shearing strain〕A condition in or deformation of an elastic body caused by forces that tend to produce an opposite but parallel sliding motion of the body's planes.剪应变:弹性物体的一种状态或变形,由试图产生与物体表面相反但平行的滑动力所引起美国传统〔shoe〕The sliding contact plate on an electric train or streetcar that conducts electricity from the third rail.集电靴:电动火车或电车上用来把电从第三轨接过来的滑动触盘美国传统〔shoji〕A translucent screen consisting of a wooden frame covered in rice paper, used as a sliding door or partition in a Japanese house.日式拉门:由一个糊有米纸的木框构成的半透明屏风,在日本的房子中用作滑动门或间壁美国传统〔shuffle〕A dance in which the feet slide along or move close to the floor.曳步舞:一种脚沿着地面滑动或脚靠近地面移动的舞蹈美国传统〔shuffle〕A short sliding step or movement, or a walk characterized by such steps.曳脚行走:一种短小滑动的步子或移动,或以这种步子为特征的行走美国传统〔shuffle〕To dance casually with sliding and tapping steps.跳曳步舞:以一种滑动和敲击的步子随意地跳舞美国传统〔shuffle〕To slide (the feet) along the floor or ground while walking.曳脚而行:走路时将(脚)沿着地板或地面滑动美国传统〔sideslip〕To slip or skid to one side.侧滑:向一侧滑动或滑行美国传统〔skid〕A plank, log, or timber, usually one of a pair, used as a support or as a track for sliding or rolling heavy objects.滑动垫木:用来在滑动或滚动重物时做支持物或轨道的木板、圆木或木材,通常是一对中的一个美国传统〔skid〕The crates were packed on skids and taken to the warehouse.板条箱被装在滑动垫木上送往仓库。英汉大词典〔slide〕A part that operates by sliding, as the U-shaped section of tube on a trombone that is moved to produce various tones.U型滑管:靠滑动操作的部分,如长号上U型的管子部分,拉动它可以产生各种声调美国传统〔slide〕She slid her hand along the rail.她把手搭在栏杆上滑动着。牛津高阶〔slide〕Slide your finger along the seam.手指沿着线缝滑动韦氏高阶〔slide〕The slide mechanism on the machine was broken.这台机器上的滑动装置坏掉了。韦氏高阶〔slide〕We have one of those doors in the kitchen that slides open.我们厨房的门中有一扇装的是那种滑动开关的。剑桥高阶〔slipknot〕A knot made with a loop so that it slips easily along the rope or cord around which it is tied.滑节:一种用环打成的节,可以轻松地沿它所系的绳索滑动美国传统〔slippage〕The act or an instance of slipping, especially movement away from an original or secure place.滑动滑动的动作或事件,尤指离开原来的或安全的位置的运动美国传统〔slippage〕The amount or extent of slipping.滑动量,滑程:下降的数量或范围美国传统〔slither〕A slithering movement or gait.滑行,滑动滑动的动作或步伐美国传统〔slither〕To cause to slither.使滑动美国传统〔slither〕To slip and slide, as on a loose or uneven surface, often with friction and noise.滑动:(在松散或不平坦的表面上)滑动或滑行,通常伴有摩擦和噪音美国传统〔solenoid〕An assembly used as a switch, consisting of a coil and a metal core free to slide along the coil axis under the influence of the magnetic field.螺形管:用作开关的组合,由线圈和在磁场的作用下可沿线圈的轴心自由滑动的金属芯组成美国传统〔sprag〕A piece of wood or metal wedged beneath a wheel or between spokes to keep a vehicle from rolling.制动木:安装于一轮下或辐条间用以阻止车辆滑动的一片木头或金属美国传统〔strap〕Everything had to be strapped down to stop it from sliding around.所有东西必须绑定,免得来回滑动牛津高阶〔strike-slip fault〕A fault in which surfaces on opposite sides of the fault plane have moved horizontally and parallel to the strike of the fault.挤滑断层:断层面反表面向断层撞击处水平滑动并与之平行的断层现象美国传统〔tap〕You can manage the repeat and shuffle options by tapping the screen once and swiping to the left.你可以通过轻触一下屏幕向左滑动来使用重复和移动功能。剑桥高阶〔target〕The sliding sight on a surveyor's leveling rod.标板:勘测水准标尺上的滑动观测器美国传统〔telescope〕To cause to slide inward or outward in overlapping sections, as the cylindrical sections of a small hand telescope do.使叠缩:使…在重叠部分中向里或向外滑动,如小型手动望远镜的圆柱部分的叠缩美国传统〔telescopic〕Extensible or compressible by or as if by the sliding of overlapping sections.伸缩的:能通过或好象通过交搭部分的滑动来延伸或压缩的美国传统〔toggle〕A pin, rod, or crosspiece fitted or inserted into a loop in a rope, chain, or strap to prevent slipping, to tighten, or to hold an attached object.连接:一种装入或插入绳子,链子或带子,在上面绕成一个环的钉子、杆或横档用于防止滑动或固定一个连接的物体美国传统〔tracking shot〕A movie sequence made by a camera moving steadily on a track or dolly.移动镜头:由一个在轨道或滑动台架上稳定移动的摄影机拍成的电影片断美国传统〔track〕The pick-up tracks badly.这个拾音器滑动得极不顺畅。外研社新世纪〔trail〕The part of a gun carriage that rests or slides on the ground.底板:靠在地面或沿地面滑动的大炮轮架部分美国传统〔underhung〕Resting on or mounted along a supporting track, as a sliding door on rollers.在轨上滑动的:靠在或架在支撑轨道上的,如滑门或滚筒的美国传统〔volplane〕To make one's way or go by gliding.走开或滑动着走美国传统〔zipper〕A fastening device consisting of parallel rows of metal, plastic, or nylon teeth on adjacent edges of an opening that are interlocked by a sliding tab.拉链:由平行的金属、塑料或尼龙的齿状物制成的,在开口临近边缘上被滑动的拉环锁住的紧扣物美国传统After a while the hard ends of the bones grate against each other instead of gliding smoothly over one another.不久骨头的坚硬末端互相摩擦,而不是平稳地互相滑动剑桥国际I gave my thumb quite a nip when the pliers slipped.钳子滑动时,把我的大拇指狠狠夹了一下。剑桥国际I love my new pen--it just glides across/over the paper.我喜爱我的新钢笔----它的笔尖在纸上书写时流利地滑动剑桥国际The sled gathered speed as it moved down the hill. 雪橇向山下滑动时速度变得越来越快。译典通The window slides along a deep/shallow metal groove to open and close.窗户在一条深/浅的金属凹槽上滑动来实现开和关。剑桥国际We skidded on the ice and crashed (into another car).我们在冰上滑动,撞上了另一辆车。剑桥国际We've got one of those doors in the kitchen that slides open.我们厨房里装了那种可滑动开关的门。剑桥国际We've got sliding doors in the kitchen.我们在厨房装了滑动门。剑桥国际




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