

单词 源源
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕A steady stream of refugees arrived at the camp. 源源不断的难民抵达营地。朗文写作活用〔OLD-FASHIONED〕Outdated textbooks, decrepit buildings, overcrowded classrooms - the list of problems is long and growing. 教科书过时、教学楼破旧、教室拥挤——问题源源不断。朗文写作活用〔SERIES〕Refugees were pouring across the border in an endless stream. 难民源源不断地涌过边境。朗文写作活用〔arrival〕Arrivals continue to be abundant.到货仍然源源不断。英汉大词典〔continual〕New products are continually being developed.新产品正源源不断地开发出来。牛津高阶〔disembogue〕Many letters are still disemboguing from everywhere.许多信件仍在源源不断地从各地涌来。21世纪英汉〔door〕This pass was the door through which the invaders poured into the country.这个关口就是入侵者源源涌进这个国家的通道。英汉大词典〔exodus〕There has been a mass exodus of workers from the villages to the towns.一直有大量工人源源不断从农村涌入城市。剑桥高阶〔feed with〕The market has to be fed with an endless supply of goods.必须向市场提供源源不断的商品。21世纪英汉〔fill〕The guests had already eaten their fill, but more dishes were being brought to the table.虽然客人们早就吃饱了, 但饭菜还在源源不断地端上餐桌。外研社新世纪〔flood〕The office has been flooded with phone calls.办公室源源不断地接到电话。韦氏高阶〔flow〕Imported food aid continued to flow in.国外的救济食物源源不断地涌入。牛津搭配〔flow〕Money has been flowing into the country from Western aid agencies.资金源源不断地从西方援助机构流入该国。朗文当代〔flow〕Money has continued to flow in.钱源源不断地涌入。韦氏高阶〔flow〕News media provided a steady flow of information about the war.新闻媒体源源不断地提供有关这场战争的信息。麦克米伦高阶〔flow〕Offers of help are flowing into the disaster area from all over the country.援助源源不断地从全国各地到达灾区。剑桥高阶〔flow〕The grain flowed smoothly down the elevator chute.谷物源源不断地进入下面的升降槽。韦氏高阶〔flow〕The system provides a continuous flow of information to the market.这个系统源源不断地给市场提供信息。牛津搭配〔grind〕Thus, slowly and relentlessly, the style, the 'knowledge', was ground into us.于是, 这种风格, 这种“知识”, 就缓慢而且源源不断地灌输给了我们。外研社新世纪〔inpour〕Goods and money inpoured and cheered the population.货物和钱款源源而来,使居民满心喜欢。英汉大词典〔in〕The Red Cross made an appeal, and the money started rolling in.红十字会进行呼吁后,捐款开始源源不断地涌来。麦克米伦高阶〔issue〕A steady flow of lava issued from a crack in the rock.岩浆从岩缝中源源流出。韦氏高阶〔language〕New words stream rapidly into the language.新词源源不断涌入词汇。英汉大词典〔lavish〕The evening was a lavish affair with glorious food and an endless supply of champagne.晚会很豪华,食物精美可口,香槟酒源源不断。剑桥高阶〔maw〕Iron ore and coal pour into the maw of the steel mill.铁矿石与煤源源不断地运进钢铁厂这个消耗原材料的无底洞。英汉大词典〔never-ending〕Despite the recession, she has a never-ending stream of customers.尽管经济衰退, 她的顾客却是源源不断。外研社新世纪〔pour〕Election results are beginning to pour in.选举的结果开始源源不断地传来。麦克米伦高阶〔pour〕To stream or flow continuously or profusely.涌流:源源不断地大量地流出美国传统〔press〕We were able to watch the books rolling off the presses.我们可以看到书本从印刷机上源源不断地印出。牛津高阶〔resource〕Resources are being poured into the Olympic site.资源正被源源不断地投入到奥运场馆。牛津搭配〔steady stream〕We've received a steady stream of donations.我们源源不断地收到捐助。韦氏高阶〔stream〕Military equipment is being shipped to Europe in a steady stream.军事装备正在源源不断地运往欧洲。英汉大词典〔stream〕Rural residents are streaming to the cities.农村人口正在源源不断涌入城市。英汉大词典〔torrent〕They are worried that the flow/trickle/stream of tourists could swell into an unmanageable torrent if there are no controls.他们担心如果不进行控制,这些川流不息/涓涓细流般/源源不断的游客会汇集成一股难以应付的洪流。剑桥高阶〔truckload〕Donations of food and medicine have been arriving by the truckload all week.整整一周以来,捐赠的食品和药物源源不断地由卡车运达。剑桥高阶〔well〕Bad news keeps welling up.坏消息源源不断传来。英汉大词典〔well〕The fountain wells its pure water.喷泉源源涌出清澈的泉水。英汉大词典At 11 a.m. on Sunday morning, worshippers began to stream out of the cathedral.周日早晨11点钟的时候,敬神者们开始源源不断地走出大教堂。剑桥国际Donations of food and medicines have been arriving by the truckload all week.整整一周以来, 捐献的食品和药品源源不断地用卡车运来。剑桥国际The continued flow of foreign direct investment is critical for developing countries.源源不断的国外直接投资对发展中国家而言是至关重要的。牛津商务The orders kept rolling in.订单源源不断。牛津商务The sale brought in a steady stream of browsers.降价销售吸引了源源不断的人来逛商店。牛津商务There has been a constant flow of investment into the region.投资源源不断地流入这个地区。牛津商务They are worried that the flow/trickle/stream of tourists could swell into an unmanageable torrent if there are no controls.他们担心如果没有控制的话,这川流不息/涓涓细流般逐渐汇集/源源不断的旅游者会增大成一股难以应付的洪流。剑桥国际




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