

单词 溃疡
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Crohn's disease〕Ileitis involving the terminal portion of the ileum and characterized by abdominal pain, ulceration, and fibrous tissue buildup.克隆氏病:回肠炎,包括回肠末端部分,其特色为腹痛、溃疡及纤维组织增长美国传统〔LAST〕The ulcer continued to spread, and the doctors finally had to amputate. 溃疡面积继续扩大,医生最后不得不进行切除。朗文写作活用〔WITH/TOGETHER〕The drug company recommended using Losec in combination with antibiotics for the treatment of ulcers. 制药公司建议洛赛克与抗生素混合使用以治疗溃疡朗文写作活用〔blain〕A skin swelling or sore; a blister; a blotch.水疱,脓疱:皮肤肿胀或溃疡;水疱;脓疱美国传统〔canker sore〕A small, painful ulcer or sore, usually of the mouth.口疮:一块小且疼痛的溃疡或伤痛,通常见于口腔美国传统〔cankerous〕Causing canker; ulcerating.引起溃疡的;使溃烂的美国传统〔cankerous〕Marked by or infected with canker; ulcerous.溃疡感染的:具有溃疡特征的或感染上溃汤的;溃烂的美国传统〔canker〕A localized diseased or necrotic area on a plant part, especially on a trunk, branch, or twig of a woody plant, usually caused by fungi or bacteria.植物溃疡:植物一个部分,尤指一株木本植物的主干、枝干或小枝上局部的患病或坏死区域,通常由真菌或细菌造成美国传统〔canker〕Any of several diseases of plants characterized by the presence of such lesions.植物溃疡:以这种损害的存在为特征的几种植物的疾病的任一种美国传统〔canker〕If untreated, a canker in your dog's ear can cause death.如果不予治疗, 耳溃疡可以造成你的狗死亡。外研社新世纪〔canker〕The only effective method of avoiding canker in poplar trees is to plant resistant varieties.避免杨树溃疡病的唯一有效方法是种植抗病品种。外研社新世纪〔canker〕To attack or infect with canker.使患溃疡:以溃疡攻击或感染美国传统〔canker〕To become infected with or as if with canker.受到溃疡感染:被溃疡感染的或仿佛被溃疡感染美国传统〔canker〕Ulceration of the mouth and lips.口唇溃疡,口疮:口腔或嘴唇的溃疡美国传统〔chancre〕An ulcer located at the initial point of entry of a pathogen.初疮:病原体最初侵入的那点处的溃疡美国传统〔citrus canker〕A destructive bacterial disease of citrus plants that attacks seedlings and mature plants and causes defoliation and death.柑橘溃疡病:柑橘的破坏性细菌病害,其侵害柑橘树树苗和成树并导致落叶和死亡美国传统〔creosote〕His prescriptions included creosote to cure mouth ulcers.他的处方开有治疗口腔溃疡的木馏油。外研社新世纪〔eat into〕Ulcers occur when the stomach's natural acids eat into the lining of the stomach.当胃里本身的酸性物质腐蚀胃壁时, 就会引起胃溃疡外研社新世纪〔eat into〕Ulcers occur when the stomach's natural acids eat into the lining of the stomach.胃酸侵蚀胃内壁引发溃疡柯林斯高阶〔farcy bud〕A craterlike ulcer characteristic of farcy.鼻疽结节:一种弹坑状溃疡,是皮肤型鼻疽的特性征美国传统〔fester〕A small festering sore or ulcer; a pustule.脓疤:小的疮痛处、溃疡或脓疱美国传统〔fester〕To form an ulcer.形成溃疡美国传统〔fissure〕Medicine A break in the skin, usually where it joins a mucous membrane, producing a cracklike sore or ulcer.【医学】 裂,溃疡:通常在连结粘膜的皮肤上的破裂,引起裂缝样的伤口或溃疡美国传统〔from〕He is suffering from eye ulcers, brought on by the intense light in Australia.他眼部溃疡,是因澳大利亚强烈的日光照射造成的。柯林斯高阶〔gastric ulcer〕An ulcer occurring in the mucous membrane of the stomach.胃溃疡:出现于胃的粘膜中的一种溃疡美国传统〔gastric〕He suffered from diabetes and gastric ulcers.他患有糖尿病和胃溃疡柯林斯高阶〔ichor〕Pathology A watery, acrid discharge from a wound or ulcer.【病理学】 脓液:从伤口溃疡中流出的液体,毒液美国传统〔inside〕I had a sore on the inside of my mouth.我嘴里有个溃疡韦氏高阶〔issue〕A lesion, a wound, or an ulcer producing such a discharge.伤口,溃病:排脓或排血的损伤、伤口或溃疡美国传统〔kick〕His ulcer has kicked up again.他的溃疡又发病了美国传统〔lip〕He had a sore on his upper lip.他上嘴唇有一处溃疡外研社新世纪〔old〕That old ulcer'll get you yet.那该死的溃疡还会找上你呢!英汉大词典〔omeprazole〕A drug that suppresses gastric acid secretion and is used for the treatment of duodenal and gastric ulcers and gastroesophageal reflux disease.奥米普拉唑,氧甲基苯:可以抑制胃酸分泌的药物,用来治疗十二指肠溃疡与胃溃疡以及胃食道逆流等疾病美国传统〔peptic〕Peptic ulcers are partly caused by the actions of hydrochloric acid and pepsin.消化性溃疡部分是由盐酸和胃蛋白酶造成的。剑桥高阶〔perforable〕An ulcer perforates the duodenal wall.溃疡使十二指肠壁穿孔。21世纪英汉〔perforable〕The ulcer has perforated.溃疡已经穿孔。21世纪英汉〔perforate〕The ulcer perforated the duodenal wall.溃疡造成了十二指肠壁穿孔。英汉大词典〔prescribe〕The drug is often prescribed for ulcers.这种药通常是开来治疗溃疡的。剑桥高阶〔rodent ulcer〕A cancerous skin ulcer that derives from basal cells and usually occurs on the face.侵蚀性溃疡,侵蚀性癌,基底细胞癌:一种衍生于基底细胞且通常发生在脸上的癌变皮肤溃疡美国传统〔sanies〕A thin, fetid, greenish fluid consisting of serum and pus discharged from a wound, an ulcer, or a fistula.腐脓液:从伤口、溃疡处或感染的伤口流出的绿色稀薄带浆液的脓性排出物美国传统〔secretion〕The excessive secretion of gastric juices in the gut causes ulcers.胃中胃液分泌过多会导致胃溃疡剑桥高阶〔slough〕Medicine A layer or mass of dead tissue separated from surrounding living tissue, as in a wound, a sore, or an inflammation.【医学】 死肉:(伤口、溃疡或感染处)从周围活着的组织上分离出来的一层或一块死亡的组织美国传统〔sore〕An open skin lesion, wound, or ulcer.伤口:皮肤损伤、伤口或溃疡美国传统〔stress〕Continued stress may result in gastric ulcer.持续的紧张可能导致胃溃疡英汉大词典〔trouble〕The ulcer had been troubling her for several years.溃疡已经折磨她好几年了。柯林斯高阶〔trouble〕The ulcer had been troubling her for years.这处溃疡已经折磨她好几年了。外研社新世纪〔ulcerate〕Continued worry ulcerated his stomach.长期的担忧使他得了胃溃疡英汉大词典〔ulcerate〕To cause ulceration of.导致…的溃疡美国传统〔ulcerate〕To develop an ulcer; become ulcerous.产生溃疡;溃烂美国传统〔ulceration〕An ulcer or an ulcerous condition.溃或溃疡的状态美国传统〔ulceration〕Development of an ulcer.溃疡的发展美国传统〔ulcerative〕She suffered from ulcerative colitis.她患有溃疡性结肠炎。外研社新世纪〔ulcerogenic〕Tending to cause an ulcer.产生溃疡美国传统〔ulcerous〕Having ulcers or an ulcer.带有溃疡美国传统〔ulcerous〕Of the nature of ulcers or an ulcer.溃疡的或溃疡性的美国传统〔vagotomy〕Surgical division of fibers of the vagus nerve, used to diminish acid secretion of the stomach and control a duodenal ulcer.迷走神经切断术:切断迷走神经纤维的外科手术,目的是减少胃内的酸性分泌物并控制十二脂肠溃疡美国传统〔warning shot〕The ulcer was a warning shot, so no smoking, no drinking, no curries.溃疡是一种警示, 得了溃疡就不能吸烟、饮酒、吃咖喱。外研社新世纪A bacterium was identified as the cause for his duodenal ulcer. 一种细菌被断定为造成他十二指肠溃疡的根源。译典通Drugs have been developed to cure some duodenal ulcers.治疗十二指肠溃疡的药研制成功了。剑桥国际He's got a duodenal/peptic/stomach ulcer so he has to watch his diet.他得了十二指肠/消化性/胃溃疡, 所以他不得不当心饮食。剑桥国际His dog has a canker in its ear. 他的狗的耳朵上有一处溃疡译典通Once the drug is approved for sale, doctors will be able to prescribe it for ulcers.一旦该药批准销售,医生就可以开方子用来治溃疡病。剑桥国际People with gastric ulcer must watch what they eat. 得了胃溃疡的人必须注意饮食。译典通She gets a lot of mouth ulcers.她口腔溃疡很厉害。剑桥国际The company is developing a new pharmaceutical preparation suitable for the treatment of gastric ulcers.该公司正在研制一种能治疗胃溃疡的新药剂。剑桥国际The disease causes ulcers to appear on the tongue and palate and leads to lack of appetite 这种病引起舌头和腭上出现溃疡,并导致胃口不佳。剑桥国际The excessive secretion of gastric juices in the gut causes ulcers.胃中胃液分泌过多会导致胃溃疡剑桥国际The sore is still weeping a lot so you'll have to change the dressing once a day.溃疡处脓水仍然流得很厉害,因此你每天必须换一次药。剑桥国际Ulcers can be caused by the digestive/gastric juices (= the liquid in the stomach that helps the body to digest food) being too acidic.胃液过酸会引起溃疡剑桥国际When you have gastritis (= a swelling of the stomach walls), it can eventually lead to ulcers.当你得了胃粘膜炎时,它可能会最终发展成为胃溃疡剑桥国际




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