

单词 游者
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ATTACK〕Holding a US passport makes these tourists a prime target for terrorists. 这些旅游者持有美国护照,这使他们成了恐怖分子首要的袭击目标。朗文写作活用〔FAR〕Greg likes to get off the beaten path and discover places that other tourists don't find. 格雷格喜欢跑到偏僻地方去寻访其他旅游者错过的地方。朗文写作活用〔WARN〕Tourists are warned against going to remoter regions. 旅游者被告诫不要到边远地区去。朗文写作活用〔WEATHER〕The climate of southern Florida attracts thousands of tourists each winter. 佛罗里达州南部的气候每年冬天都会吸引成千上万的旅游者朗文写作活用〔accommodate〕The new hotel can accommodate 3000 tourists.这家新宾馆可接待3000名旅游者英汉大词典〔adventurous〕For the more adventurous tourists, there are trips into the mountains with a local guide.对更愿猎奇探险的旅游者,有本地向导带领进山游览。牛津高阶〔agritourism〕Tourism in which tourists board at farms or in rural villages and experience farming at close hand.农家乐旅游业:旅游者在农场或乡村膳宿并就近体验农家生活的旅游业美国传统〔ambush〕The tourists were ambushed and robbed while riding in the desert.旅游者们在沙漠中骑行时遭到伏击和抢劫。麦克米伦高阶〔armchair〕Her books about her adventures give enjoyment and inspiration to armchair travellers.她写自己冒险经历的那些书给神游者带来了享受和刺激。朗文当代〔beguile〕Beijing has a multitude of attractions to beguile the foreign tourist.北京有许多能迷住外国旅游者的景物。21世纪英汉〔bon voyage〕Used to express farewell and good wishes to a departing traveler.一路平安:用来对出发旅游者表达告别和良好祝愿的词美国传统〔boot〕The tourists were booted out of the country on spy charges.这些旅游者被以间谍罪驱逐出境。英汉大词典〔budget〕Travellers on a budget might prefer to camp.钱不多的旅游者可能更喜欢野营。朗文当代〔bunkroom〕A room providing usually temporary sleeping quarters, as for workers or travelers.简易工棚:一间常是临时性的提供睡处的房间,为如工人或旅游者美国传统〔bus〕They bused the tourists to the airport.他们用公共汽车把旅游者运送到飞机场。21世纪英汉〔charter〕The hiring or leasing of an aircraft, a vessel, or other vehicle, especially for the exclusive, temporary use of a group of travelers.包租,包船,包机:雇佣或出租飞机、轮船或其他交通工具,尤指一群旅游者使用的特权、临时住所美国传统〔charter〕To hire (a bus or an airplane, for example) for the exclusive, temporary use of a group of travelers.包租:租(如公共汽车或飞机)以供一群旅游者短时内独自专用美国传统〔chock-a-block〕Paris was chock-a-block with tourists.巴黎挤满了旅游者朗文当代〔click〕The tourists clicked away at the castle.旅游者对着城堡喀嚓喀嚓拍起照来。英汉大词典〔descend on〕Armed thieves descended on the travellers.武装强盗袭击了旅游者21世纪英汉〔drug〕A tourist was robbed after being given a drugged orange.一名旅游者在喝了一杯被动了手脚的橙汁饮料后遭到了抢劫。柯林斯高阶〔estimate〕They estimated the number of tourists at 17.1 million.他们估计旅游者的人数为1710万。英汉大词典〔few〕There seem to be fewer tourists around this year.今年来访的旅游者似乎少了。牛津高阶〔firm〕Bali has become a firm favourite with travellers.巴厘岛已经成为旅游者一直向往的天堂。外研社新世纪〔ghetto〕The south coast of Spain has become something of a tourist ghetto.西班牙南海岸可以说已经成为旅游者的聚居区。牛津高阶〔guise〕This is a country where reporters have to visit in the guise of tourists.这是个记者只有装扮成旅游者才能访问的国家。麦克米伦高阶〔gullible〕They sell overpriced souvenirs to gullible tourists.他们向易上当的旅游者出售高价纪念品。韦氏高阶〔gung-ho〕The sporting opportunities here should suit the most gung-ho of tourists.这里的野外运动机会应该能满足那些最喜欢冒险的旅游者的口味。朗文当代〔historic〕Tourists like to visit historic monuments such as Stonehenge and Westminster Abbey.旅游者喜欢参观巨石阵和威斯敏斯特大教堂之类的历史古迹。麦克米伦高阶〔hospice〕A shelter or lodging for travelers, pilgrims, foundlings, or the destitute, especially one maintained by a monastic order.旅客招待所,收容所:提供给旅游者,朝圣者,孤儿或贫困者等的住处,尤指由修道会维持的美国传统〔innocent〕American tourists wholly innocent of French.美国旅游者对法国一无所知美国传统〔inn〕A public lodging house serving food and drink to travelers; a hotel.旅馆,客栈:为旅游者提供食品和饮料的公共寄宿机构;旅馆美国传统〔invade〕Tourists invaded the beaches.旅游者成群结队来到海滩。英汉大词典〔irritation〕He describes the tourists as an irritation.他称那些旅游者令人厌烦。外研社新世纪〔junketeer〕One who goes on a junket or junkets.郊游者,(公费)旅游者:前往郊游或作公费旅游的人美国传统〔last〕Travelers will find it hard to get a hotel room at the last minute.旅游者会发现事到临头很难订到房间。朗文当代〔length〕The tourist has travelled the length and breadth of the country.旅游者走遍了那个国家。英汉大词典〔loiter〕The tourists loitered about the town square, browsing through several of the shops.旅游者在市中心广场闲逛,走进几家商店随便看看。英汉大词典〔luggage〕The cases and belongings of a traveler.旅行行李:旅游者的随身衣物及箱子美国传统〔market〕The flower market is a big tourist attraction.花市对旅游者有很大的吸引力。剑桥高阶〔mislead〕The guide misled the tourists in the woods.向导在森林里给旅游者带错了路。21世纪英汉〔much〕Any tourist wants to see as much as possible the country he is visiting.任何旅游者都想尽可能在其观光国多看些地方。 英汉大词典〔naive〕The sights of Paris bowled over the unsophisticated tourists.巴黎景色让不谙世故的旅游者们大吃一惊。美国传统〔native〕The tourists wanted to go native.旅游者想尝一尝当地生活的滋味。英汉大词典〔onslaught〕The town survives the onslaught of tourists every summ er.每年夏天,这座小城都要熬过一段旅游者蜂拥而至的苦日子。牛津高阶〔peg down〕The travelers are trying to peg down their tents in the storm.旅游者在暴风雨中设法用木桩固定他们的帐篷。21世纪英汉〔pester〕The poor children pestered the travellers for money.穷孩子们纠缠着旅游者要钱。21世纪英汉〔populous〕The narrow street was populous with tourists.狭窄的街道上挤满了旅游者英汉大词典〔rain〕About 35 million tourists rained into Spain.约有3500万旅游者涌进西班牙。英汉大词典〔ranger〕A wanderer; a rover.漫游者;闲荡者美国传统〔rate〕The place was rated dangerous by the tourists.那地方被旅游者们视若畏途。英汉大词典〔rover〕One that roves; a wanderer.流浪汉;漫游者美国传统〔save〕A police officer saved the tourist from being cheated.一位警官使旅游者免于受骗。美国传统〔should〕I should have been in the shade like all the other tourists, then I wouldn't have got burned.我本应该像其他旅游者一样呆在阴凉处的,那么我就不会晒伤了。柯林斯高阶〔steer〕Tourists are advised to steer clear of the area until further notice.旅游者得到建议在未有进一步的通知前要避免进入该地区。麦克米伦高阶〔stick〕The politicians stick it to the tourists because the tourists don't vote.这些政客因为旅游者不参加投票就苛待他们。朗文当代〔storm〕American tourists are storming Europe in record numbers.美国的旅游者正以创纪录的数字拥往欧洲。英汉大词典〔strong〕The summer resort was a strong tourist attraction.这个避暑胜地对旅游者极有吸引力。英汉大词典〔swarm〕Tourists were swarming all over the island.岛上到处是旅游者熙来攘往。牛津高阶〔tarried〕The tourists will tarry at an inn.旅游者们将在一个旅店里逗留。21世纪英汉〔tourism〕The business of providing tours and services for tourists.旅游业:为旅游者提供观光和服务的行业美国传统〔tourist trap〕A place, such as a shop or resort area, that offers overpriced goods and services to tourists.敲旅客竹杠的地方:为旅游者提供标价过高的商品及服务的地方,如商店或胜地美国传统〔touristy〕Of or relating to tourists or tourism.观光客的,旅游者的,观光旅游的:观光客或观光旅游的,或与其相关的美国传统〔traveller〕His travel books have given pleasure to generations of armchair travellers.他的旅游书给一代代足不出户的神游者带来了乐趣。牛津搭配〔turn〕The travellers were turned back at the frontier.旅游者在边境被挡了回来。英汉大词典〔uniform〕Mark's is the uniform of the young male traveller – green army trousers, T-shirt and shirt.马克一身青年男性旅游者的标准行头——绿色军裤、T恤加衬衫。外研社新世纪〔visiting fireman〕A visitor, especially a tourist or conventioneer, thought to be a free spender.花钱大方的旅行家:被认为是花钱大方的来客,尤指旅游者或开会的人美国传统〔warn〕The police have warned tourists against leaving the main tourist centres.警察告诫旅游者不要离开主要旅游中心。朗文当代〔watertight〕Rovers' defence will need to be watertight in their Carling Cup clash with Watford.巡游者队在卡林杯赛上遭遇沃特福德队时防守必须滴水不漏。剑桥高阶A noisy flock of tourists / sightseers came into the building.一群噪噪嚷嚷的旅游者/观光者进了大楼。剑桥国际A straw poll of local inhabitants in Mediterranean resorts concluded that British tourists were the worst dressed and Italians the most stylish.对地中海度假地居民非正式民意调查表明,英国旅游者穿得最差,意大利游客穿得最潇洒。剑桥国际Hordes of tourists flock to the Mediterranean each year.每年有成群的旅游者涌往地中海。剑桥国际In the summer, tourists visit the city in shoals.成批的旅游者在夏季游览这个城市。剑桥国际Millions of tourists (= people who visit places for pleasure and interest, usually while they are on holiday) visit Rome every year.每年有数百万的旅游者到罗马参观游览。剑桥国际My sister is a sleepwalker.我的姐姐是个梦游者剑桥国际Our fellow travellers were mostly Spanish-speaking tourists.我们的旅伴大多是说西班牙语的旅游者剑桥国际The authorities are planning to ban scantily-dressed tourists from entering the church.当局正打算禁止穿着暴露的旅游者进入教堂。剑桥国际The bus disgorged a crowd of tourists.公共汽车放下一大群旅游者剑桥国际The bus swerved around tight curves, greatly discomfiting the foreign tourists in the back seats.汽车在拐窄弯时斜向一边,让后座上的外国旅游者们极为不适。剑桥国际The cathedral was full of goggling tourists.大教堂里充满了好奇的旅游者剑桥国际The gift shop was a tourist trap, full of china ornaments and other inessential items.这家礼品店是给旅游者设的圈套,卖的都是瓷器装饰品和其他非必要的东西。剑桥国际The guides sometimes receive gratuities from the tourists which supplement their salaries. // 导游有时收取旅游者的小费来增加他们的工资。剑桥国际The indoor flower market is a big tourist attraction.室内花市对旅游者有极大的吸引力。剑桥国际The resort's popularity has declined since the much-publicized death of a German tourist there last year.由于大肆宣扬去年一个德国旅游者在那里死亡,这个休假地的名声下降了。剑桥国际The travellers set up a camp near the river. 旅游者在河边架起了帐篷。译典通The visitor suddenly catches a magic glimpse of the pyramids between tall buildings.旅游者突然在高楼之间瞥见了神奇的金字塔。剑桥国际There were scores of tourists at the memorial when we visited it.当我们参观纪念碑时,有许多旅游者在那儿。剑桥国际They are worried that the flow/trickle/stream of tourists could swell into an unmanageable torrent if there are no controls.他们担心如果没有控制的话,这川流不息/涓涓细流般逐渐汇集/源源不断的旅游者会增大成一股难以应付的洪流。剑桥国际To my chagrin and surprise, my wife told me that I am a somnambulist. 让我震惊和错愕的是,我的妻子告诉我是个梦游者译典通Tourists are still a novelty on this remote island.在这个偏远的岛上,旅游者还是个新事物。剑桥国际Tourists have been advised not to wear expensive jewellery in public places or they will become easy targets for thieves.旅游者被告诫别在公共场合戴贵重的首饰,否则很容易成为窃贼的目标。剑桥国际Two amphibians ferry tourists out over the sands to the fort.两辆水陆两用车把旅游者渡过沙滩运送到城堡去。剑桥国际Unusual wildlife and nice beaches attract plenty of foreign tourists to the area.罕见的野生动植物和美丽的海滩吸引了大量的外国旅游者来到这个地区。剑桥国际We came up with a group of tourists. 我们赶上了一群旅游者译典通We followed the well-trodden tourist route from Paris to Chartres.我们沿着旅游者常走的路线从巴黎到夏特。剑桥国际We get quite a few tourists here in summertime.夏季我们这里旅游者不少。剑桥国际




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