

单词 游出
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COLOUR〕Stunning tropical fish swim in and out of the colorful rock formations. 漂亮的热带鱼在色彩绚丽的岩石中间游进游出朗文写作活用〔DEEP/NOT DEEP〕I wasn't sure how deep the water was and I didn't want to swim out too far. 我不清楚这水有多深,我也不想游出去太远。朗文写作活用〔against〕She dived down and swam out strongly against the current.她跳下水,逆流奋力游出去。朗文当代〔best〕He had not swum his best.他没有游出他的最高水平。英汉大词典〔down-river〕By 09.30 we had cast off and were heading down-river.9点30分时我们就解缆向下游出发了。柯林斯高阶〔get it into your thick head〕How can I get it into your thick head that it’s dangerous to swim that far out in the sea? 我怎么才能让你的榆木脑袋开窍,明白游出海太远是危险的?剑桥高阶〔madness〕It was madness to swim so far out to sea.游出海这么远是愚蠢的行为。文馨英汉〔out〕I swam out into the middle of the lake.我向湖中央游出去。朗文当代〔out〕She swam about 100 yards out.她游出了岸边大概100码。韦氏高阶〔rise〕The emergence of a fish seeking food or bait at the water's surface.游出水面:小鱼为了寻求食物或诱饵而出现在水面之上美国传统




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