

单词 淡黄色
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CIRCLE〕He gazed up at the pale yellow disk of the moon. 他抬头凝视着淡黄色的圆月。朗文写作活用〔Canada balsam〕A viscous, yellowish, transparent resin obtained from the balsam fir and used as a cement for glass lenses and for mounting specimens on microscopic slides.加拿大香脂:从香脂冷杉中获取的一种有粘性的、淡黄色的透明树脂,用作玻璃透镜的胶合剂或将标本粘贴在显微薄片上美国传统〔Gouda〕A mild, close-textured, pale yellow cheese made from whole or partially skimmed milk.古达干酪:一种气味柔和的,质地紧密的,淡黄色的干酪,由全部或部分脱脂乳制成美国传统〔Gruyère〕A pale yellow cheese, with or without holes, that has a firm texture and a golden-brown rind and is often used in cooking.瑞士格律耶尔干酪:一种淡黄色奶酪,带或不带小孔,质地坚韧,有黄褐色外皮,常用于烹调菜肴美国传统〔Havarti〕A mild, semisoft, pale yellow cheese of Danish origin.哈瓦蒂干酪:某种温润、半软、淡黄色源于荷兰的奶酪美国传统〔Jarlsberg〕A trademark used for a mild, pale-yellow, hard Norwegian cheese with large holes.嘉士伯:商标名,用于挪威的一种适中的淡黄色硬奶酪,内有大孔美国传统〔Manila paper〕A strong paper or thin cardboard with a smooth finish, usually buff in color, made from Manila hemp or wood fibers similar to it.马尼拉纸:一种强韧的纸张,或一种表面光滑的薄木板,通常是淡黄色,是用马尼拉麻或类似树木的纤维制成的美国传统〔Swiss〕A firm white or pale yellow cheese with a nutlike flavor and many holes, originally produced in Switzerland.瑞士干酪:一种白色或淡黄色的硬干酪,有果仁味,多孔,最初产于瑞士美国传统〔bisque〕A pale orange-yellow to yellowish gray.淡黄色:浅桔黄色到黄灰色美国传统〔buff〕Color A pale, light, or moderate yellowish pink to yellow, including moderate orange yellow to light yellowish brown.【色彩】 浅黄色,米色:淡黄色,浅黄色或从黄红色到黄色的过渡色,包括中度的桔黄色到淡的黄褐色美国传统〔calipee〕An edible, gelatinous, yellowish substance lying beneath the lower shell of a turtle.海龟黄脂:海龟下壳下部的一种可食的、胶质的、淡黄色物质美国传统〔canary〕Color A light to moderate or vivid yellow.【色彩】 淡黄色:从浅黄到黄色或鲜艳的黄色美国传统〔citrine〕A pale yellow variety of crystalline quartz resembling topaz.黄水晶,茶晶:一种类似黄玉的晶体石英的淡黄色变体美国传统〔citronella〕A pale yellow to brownish aromatic oil obtained from this plant, used chiefly in perfumery and also in some insect repellents and commercial flavorings.亚香茅油:从这种植物获得的淡黄色到棕色的芳香油,主要用于香水和一些驱虫剂及商用调味品美国传统〔common〕She looks very common with that dyed blonde hair and those tight clothes.她把头发染成了淡黄色,还穿起紧身衣,看起来真俗气。英汉大词典〔cream〕Color A pale yellow to yellowish white.【色彩】 浅黄色,米色,乳白色:淡黄色到乳白色美国传统〔double Gloucester〕A smooth, firm, mild yellow cheese.格洛斯特硬干酪:平滑、坚实、淡黄色的一种奶酪美国传统〔dust-trap〕The primrose venetian blinds are dust-traps.这种淡黄色的软百叶窗易积灰尘。英汉大词典〔embossed〕The paper on the walls was pale gold, embossed with swirling leaf designs.墙纸是淡黄色的,上面饰以漩涡状叶片凸起图案。柯林斯高阶〔hydrobromic acid〕A clear, colorless or faintly yellow, highly acidic and corrosive aqueous solution of hydrogen bromide, HBr, used in the manufacture of bromides.氢溴酸:一种纯净、无色或淡黄色的由溴化氢溶于水生成的强液体酸,HBr,用于制备溴化物美国传统〔ivory〕Color A pale or grayish yellow to yellowish white.【色彩】 象牙色:淡黄色或灰黄色到黄白色美国传统〔ivory〕Color Of a pale or grayish yellow to yellowish white.【色彩】 象牙色的:淡黄色或灰黄色到黄白色的美国传统〔jasmine〕Color A light to brilliant yellow.【色彩】 淡黄色,明黄色美国传统〔jaundiced〕Yellow or yellowish.黄色或淡黄色美国传统〔lemon yellow〕A moderate to brilliant vivid yellow.淡黄色,柠檬黄,柠檬色:一种轻淡、明亮、生动活泼的黄色美国传统〔neat's-foot oil〕A light yellow oil obtained from the feet and shinbones of cattle, used chiefly to dress leather.牛脚油:从牛脚和胫骨提连练淡黄色油,主要用于使皮革柔软美国传统〔pearl gray〕A light gray, from yellowish to light bluish gray.珍珠灰色:一种淡灰色,从淡黄色到蓝灰色美国传统〔plasma〕The clear, yellowish fluid portion of blood, lymph, or intramuscular fluid in which cells are suspended.浆:血液、淋巴液或肌肉内液中的透明的淡黄色液体部分,细胞悬浮在其中美国传统〔platinum blond〕A very light silver-blond hair color, especially when artificially produced.淡金黄色:一种很亮的银色-淡黄色头发的颜色,尤指人工处理后的颜色美国传统〔poll〕The boy scratched his flaxen poll.男孩抓抓他那长淡黄色头发的脑袋。英汉大词典〔primrose〕The girl's mother wore a primrose jacket and skirt.女孩的母亲穿着淡黄色夹克衫和裙子。外研社新世纪〔silk〕He was wearing a cream silk shirt.他穿着一件淡黄色的丝绸衬衫。外研社新世纪〔spaghetti squash〕A variety of winter squash having a pale yellow rind and stringy flesh that when cooked can be scooped out in strands resembling spaghetti.西葫芦:南瓜的变种,有淡黄色瓜皮及多纤维瓜肉,煮熟时可以用杓子一条条舀出,类似意大利面美国传统〔topaz〕A light yellow variety of quartz.一种淡黄色的石英美国传统〔towhead〕A head of white-blond hair resembling tow.一头黄发:象亚麻纤维一般满头淡黄色头发美国传统〔yellow-bellied〕Having a belly that is yellow or yellowish. Used of certain birds, for example.腹部呈黄色或淡黄色的。如用于鸟类美国传统〔yellowish〕Somewhat yellow; tinged with yellow.淡黄色的;微带黄色的美国传统〔yellowware〕Earthenware made from a naturally occurring yellowish clay and ranging in color from pale yellow to mustard.黄陶:用天然的淡黄色黏土制作的陶器,颜色从浅黄色至深黄色美国传统〔yellowy〕She had long hair she'd bleached herself, all yellowy and orangey.她一头长发,全部被她自己给染成了淡黄色和浅橙色。柯林斯高阶〔yellowy〕Somewhat yellow; yellowish.带黄色的;淡黄色美国传统〔yellow〕It has pretty pale yellow flowers in early spring.在早春它会开出漂亮的淡黄色花朵。麦克米伦高阶Cream is a yellowish oil-in-water emulsion which forms when milk is allowed to stand.奶油是淡黄色的油水混合物,是牛奶沉积后形成的。剑桥国际He has blonde hair and big blue eyes.他有淡黄色的头发和大大的蓝眼睛。剑桥国际Her bathroom was all in primrose yellow. 她的浴室全部是淡黄色译典通Her niece was wearing a bright yellowish skirt. 她的姪女穿著一条鲜明的淡黄色裙子。译典通She was wearing an airy outfit made of cream-coloured silk.她穿着一套淡黄色丝绸制的优雅服装。剑桥国际We've had the bathroom done out in pale yellow.我们把浴室装修成淡黄色剑桥国际




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