

单词 流质
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔afflict〕The afflicted person should keep off solid foods and drink plenty of fluids.病人不应吃固体食物而要多喝流质食物。柯林斯高阶〔but〕He was unable to swallow anything but liquids.他除了流质什么都咽不下去。朗文当代〔contract〕Foods and fluids are mixed in the stomach by its muscular contractions.通过胃部肌肉的收缩食物和流质在胃中混合。柯林斯高阶〔dehydration〕Excessive loss of water from the body or from an organ or a body part, as from illness or fluid deprivation.极度脱水:身体、器官或身体的一部分的极度失水,如由于疾病或缺乏流质引起美国传统〔fluid〕Change your diet and drink plenty of fluids.你得改变饮食习惯,喝大量的流质牛津搭配〔fluid〕If you have a fever you should drink plenty of fluids.如果发烧,应多喝流质剑桥高阶〔fluid〕She needs to drink plenty of fluids.她需要多喝流质韦氏高阶〔fluid〕The doctor told him to drink plenty of fluids.医生要他多喝流质牛津高阶〔ghee〕A clarified, semifluid butter used especially in Indian cooking.印度酥油:一种清澈半流质的黄油,主要用于印度食品的烹调美国传统〔helpful〕A predominantly liquid diet for a day or two may be helpful.一两天里主要吃流质食物可能会有好处。柯林斯高阶〔hydrate〕Drink fluids to hydrate the body.饮用流质给身体补水。韦氏高阶〔intravenous〕She continued to receive fluids intravenously.她继续通过静脉获取流质麦克米伦高阶〔lap〕A watery food or drink.流质的事物:稀薄的食物或饮料美国传统〔liquid diet〕His diet was restricted to liquids. = He was on a liquid diet.他只能吃流质食物。韦氏高阶〔liquid〕He can only consume liquids.他只能喝流质牛津同义词〔liquid〕The patient could only consume liquids.这病人只能吃流质英汉大词典〔pap〕Soft or semiliquid food, as for infants.半流质食物:婴儿吃的软的或半流质的食物美国传统〔rest〕She's on complete bed rest, antibiotics and plenty of fluids.她现在完全卧床休息,服抗生素,大量饮用流质牛津搭配〔semifluid〕Intermediate in flow properties between solids and liquids; highly viscous.半流体的,半流质的:流动性介于固体和液体之间的;具有很强的粘性的美国传统〔semiliquid〕Intermediate in properties, especially in flow properties, between liquids and solids.半流体的,半流质的:性质中等的,尤指流体性质,介于液体与固体之间的美国传统〔solid〕He's still too ill to take solids.他病还没好,不能吃非流质食物。英汉大词典〔solid〕I was on a liquid diet when I was sick because I couldn't digest solid food.生病期间我只能吃流质食物,因为固体食物不好消化。韦氏高阶〔solid〕The patient could not keep down any solid food.病人咽不下任何非流质食物。英汉大词典〔soy sauce〕A salty brown liquid condiment made by fermenting soybeans and roasted wheat or barley in brine.酱油:一种棕色流质咸调味品,以浸泡于卤水中的大豆及烘培小麦或大麦发酵制成美国传统〔stomach〕He now could stomach liquids only.他现在还只能吃流质食品。21世纪英汉〔suck〕After the accident, I could only suck liquids through a straw.那场事故之后,我只能用吸管吮吸流质麦克米伦高阶〔treatment〕The best treatment for a cold is to rest and drink lots of fluids.治疗感冒的最佳方法是休息和多喝流质朗文当代〔watery〕Secreting or discharging water or watery fluid, especially as a symptom of disease.分泌流质的; 渗出水的:隐藏或分泌水或水状液体的,尤指作为病兆者美国传统〔wave〕A small ridge or swell moving across the interface of two fluids and dependent on surface tension.波动:依赖表面张力的运动穿过两种流质界面的小脊状或隆起美国传统Now he is well enough to take solids. 现在他病好了,可以吃非流质食物了。译典通When you have a fever it's best to drink plenty of fluid(s) (=have a lot to drink).发烧时,最好是多喝一些流质食物。剑桥国际




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