

单词 流经
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Maas〕A section of the Meuse River flowing westward through the southern Netherlands to a joint delta with the Rhine River.马斯河:默兹河的一部分,向西流经荷兰南郊与莱茵河相汇而形成一片冲积三角洲美国传统〔SPECT〕A SPECT scan can show how blood flows in the heart.单光子发射扫描可显示血液如何流经心脏。剑桥高阶〔alongside〕Organized crime continued to flourish alongside the mainstream economy.随着主流经济的发展,集团犯罪越来越猖獗。朗文当代〔boundary layer〕The layer of reduced velocity in fluids, such as air and water, that is immediately adjacent to the surface of a solid past which the fluid is flowing.边缘层:速度较低的流体层,如水和空气,该层紧靠流体流经的固体表面美国传统〔carbon〕Either of two rods through which current flows to form an arc, as in lighting or welding.碳精棒:两根棒的任一根,电流流经该棒形成电弧,如在闪电或焊接时美国传统〔dip〕Past the border the river takes a dip to the south.流经边界后,河流转向南下。英汉大词典〔extend through〕The Danube River extends through several countries.多瑙河流经好几个国家。21世纪英汉〔flow〕Hot water flows through the pipes.热水流经管道。麦克米伦高阶〔flow〕The river flows through three counties before flowing into the sea just south of here.这条河流在汇入此处正南边的大海之前流经了3个郡县。剑桥高阶〔funnel〕To cause to move through or as if through a funnel.使或使看似流经漏斗美国传统〔gorge〕The river flows along a deep gorge.那条河流经一个很深的峡谷。外研社新世纪〔haunt〕The Savoy soon became a favourite haunt of stage celebrities.萨沃伊剧院很快成了演艺界名流经常光顾的地方。麦克米伦高阶〔leach〕The substance through which a liquid is leached.过滤剂:滤取液体流经的物质美国传统〔mainline〕We observe a striking shift away from a labor theory among all mainline economists.我们发现在主流经济学家中间出现了一种偏离劳动理论的显著变化。柯林斯高阶〔mainline〕We observe a striking shift away from a labor theory among all mainline economists.我们发现在主流经济学家中间出现了一种对劳动理论的明显偏移。外研社新世纪〔meander〕For forty miles the river meanders through rich farmlands.这条河蜿蜒流经富饶的农田达40英里。英汉大词典〔meander〕Streams tend to meander through level land.河流流经平地时有蜿蜒曲折的倾向美国传统〔once〕A river once flowed through this canyon.过去曾有条河流经这个峡谷。韦氏高阶〔pass〕The river passes through our land.这条河流经我们的国土美国传统〔quadrant〕The river runs through the southwest quadrant of the city.那河流流经城市的西南部。剑桥高阶〔rich〕The resort is frequented by the rich and famous.这个旅游胜地是富人名流经常光顾的地方。剑桥高阶〔river〕The River Elbe flows through the Czech Republic.易北河流经捷克共和国。朗文当代〔rock〕Rain water flows through soil and porous rock to reach underground streams.雨水流经土壤和多孔的岩石后与地下溪流汇合。麦克米伦高阶〔run〕The river runs through the city.那条河流经该市。文馨英汉〔share〕Students were able to share their experiences.学生相互之间能够交流经验。朗文当代〔stream〕A stream flows/runs through the field.一条小溪流经田野。韦氏高阶〔swash〕A narrow channel through which tides flow.冲流水道:潮水流经的狭窄水道美国传统〔through〕The Charles River flows through Boston.查尔斯河流经波士顿。牛津高阶〔topography〕The topography of the river's basin has changed significantly since the floods.洪水过后, 这条河流经区域的地貌发生了显著变化。外研社新世纪〔traverse〕The river traverses the county.这条河流经全县。韦氏高阶〔wadi〕A stream that flows through such a channel.流经干谷的溪流美国传统〔wander〕The Missouri River wanders across several states.密苏里河蜿蜒曲折,流经几个州。朗文当代〔wander〕The river wanders through some very beautiful country.这河蜿蜒曲折地流经一些风景秀丽的地区。英汉大词典〔water〕Colombia is watered by several rivers.有几条江河流经哥伦比亚。朗文当代〔wide〕The river runs wide here.这条河流经这儿的时候河面开阔。英汉大词典〔wind〕The river winds its way between two meadows.这条河蜿蜒流经两个牧场之间。牛津高阶〔wind〕The river winds through the forest to the lake.那条河蜿蜒流经森林注入湖中。文馨英汉〔wind〕The stream winds away among the trees.小溪蜿蜒流经树林。英汉大词典A lazy stream winds through the meadow. 一条缓慢流动的溪水蜿蜒曲折流经草地。译典通A sullen stream winds its way among the trees. 一条水流滞缓的小溪蜿蜒流经树林。译典通The River Neckar flows through Heidelberg and joins the Rhine at Mannheim.内卡河流经海德堡,在曼海姆与莱茵河汇合。剑桥国际The river flows through three counties before flowing into/to the sea just south of here.这条河流经三个县,最后就从这往南注入大海。剑桥国际The stream burbled over small rocks and boulders on its way through the valley.溪流流经山谷中大大小小的石头,发出汩汩声。剑桥国际There's a little stream that rambles through the valley.小溪蜿蜒流经山谷。剑桥国际There's a lovely stream that flows through their garden.有条可爱的小溪流经他们的花园。剑桥国际




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