

单词 注重
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ATTENTION〕Concentrate on the content of your report. You can worry about its format or appearance when you've finished writing. 要注重报告的内容,格式或版面可以留待写好了之后再去操心。朗文写作活用〔Aristotelian〕A person whose thinking and methods tend to be empirical, scientific, or commonsensical.经验主义者:思想和方法倾向于经验的,科学的或注重实际的人美国传统〔CAREFUL〕My mother was extremely meticulous and always made sure that every room in the house was spotlessly clean. 我母亲非常注重细节,总是要把家里的每个房间都弄得一尘不染。朗文写作活用〔LOOK〕Concentrate on the content of your essay, not its appearance. 写文章要注重内容,不要注重形式。朗文写作活用〔THINK〕She despised the bourgeois mentality of the professional class. 她很鄙视专业阶层那种注重名利的心态。朗文写作活用〔TIDY〕She has a reputation for being very houseproud. 她注重保持家居整洁是人所共知的。朗文写作活用〔WORD/PHRASE/SENTENCE〕After World War II, the catchword for a newly health-conscious society was ‘protein’. 第二次世界大战后,一个开始注重健康的社会的口号是“蛋白质”。朗文写作活用〔anal〕He can be pretty anal about keeping his office neat.他过于注重保持办公室的整洁。韦氏高阶〔appearance〕She had never been greatly concerned about her appearance.她从来不怎么注重外貌。牛津高阶〔appearance〕Women, in general, tend to be more concerned than men about their personal appearance .总的来说,女性比男性更注重自己的仪容。朗文当代〔attention to detail〕The job requires attention to detail.这项工作需要注重细部。韦氏高阶〔belles-lettres〕Literature regarded for its aesthetic value rather than its didactic or informative content.纯文学:注重其美学价值而非说教或教育内容的文学美国传统〔bodywork〕A second hand car dealer will always look at the bodywork rather than the engine.二手车车商总是会更加注重车身外观而非引擎。柯林斯高阶〔circumstance〕The author dwells on circumstances rather than essentials.这位作者注重细节而非本质。外研社新世纪〔communicative〕We have a very communicative approach to teaching languages.我们在语言教学中注重使用交际教学法。外研社新世纪〔concentration〕There was a concentration on ethics within the agency.这个机构注重内部道德规范。韦氏高阶〔concerned〕We were very concerned to keep the staff informed about what we were doing.我们很注重让员工随时了解我们正在做的事情。柯林斯高阶〔concern〕The agency is more concerned with making arty ads than understanding its clients' businesses.这家广告公司更注重如何制作附庸风雅的广告,而忽视了对客户业务的了解。柯林斯高阶〔conscious〕She was very conscious of security.她非常注重安全。朗文当代〔contemplative〕A member of a religious order that emphasizes meditation.忏悔祈祷的:一种注重沉思默想的宗教构成美国传统〔daily〕I started eating healthier and added exercise to my daily routine/schedule.我开始注重饮食健康,并把锻炼列入每天的作息表中。韦氏高阶〔defensively〕Like their children, parents are often defensive about their private lives.就像子女一样,父母也常常很注重保护他们的私生活。柯林斯高阶〔dot〕You don't have to dot every 'i' and cross every 't'.你没有必要过于注重细节。外研社新世纪〔drum sth into sb〕The importance of good manners was drummed into us at an early age.我们很小就被反复叮嘱要注重行为举止。剑桥高阶〔emphasis〕Grant puts a special emphasis on weather in his paintings.格兰特在他的绘画中特别注重天气。外研社新世纪〔emphasis〕In Japan there is a lot of emphasis on politeness.在日本人们非常注重礼节。朗文当代〔emphasis〕Some schools lay [place, put] (great, much) emphasis on [upon] physical education.有些学校(非常)注重体育。文馨英汉〔especially〕Teenagers are very fashion conscious, especially girls.青少年,尤其是女孩,很注重时尚。牛津高阶〔expertise〕The company is keen to develop its own expertise in the area of computer programming.这家公司注重发展自己在电脑程序设计领域的专长。麦克米伦高阶〔fetish〕She makes a fetish of organization - it's quite obsessive.她极度注重条理,到了过分的地步。剑桥高阶〔finicky〕My teacher is finicky about grammar.我的老师特别注重语法。韦氏高阶〔finicky〕Some of the banks do seem to be extraordinarily finicky.有些银行确实似乎特别注重细节。英汉大词典〔focus〕The restructuring is designed to give a sharper focus on key markets.重组旨在更加注重发展各主要市场。牛津搭配〔formality〕Different levels of formality are appropriate in different situations.不同程度的注重礼节适用于不同场合。牛津高阶〔fussy〕Amy's always been fussy about her personal appearance.埃米总是过分注重自己的外表。麦克米伦高阶〔fussy〕There's a lack of fussiness about the way he works.他工作时不会过分注重细节。柯林斯高阶〔greenness〕Our children are being educated to be green in everything they do.我们的孩子所受的教育是凡事都要注重环保。柯林斯高阶〔hot〕They're very hot on dress at work so she always looks very smart for the office.他们非常注重工作着装,所以她总是穿得非常整洁。剑桥高阶〔iconoclast〕Cage was an iconoclast. He refused to be bound by western musical traditions of harmony and structure.凯奇是个打破旧传统的人。他拒绝为注重和声与结构的西方音乐传统所束缚。外研社新世纪〔inculcate〕Great care was taken to inculcate the values of nationhood and family.特别注重灌输国家和家庭的价值观。外研社新世纪〔involved〕The family were deeply involved in Jewish culture.这家人非常注重学习犹太文化。柯林斯高阶〔jealous〕I am much too jealous of my privacy.我十分注重个人隐私。外研社新世纪〔ladylike〕Unduly sensitive to matters of propriety or decorum.过分注重优雅或礼仪的美国传统〔less〕They're focusing more on quality and less on quantity.他们更多地注重质量,较少关注数量。韦氏高阶〔magnet〕Prospect Park is a magnet for all health freaks.普罗斯佩克特公园吸引着所有注重健康的人。外研社新世纪〔magnet〕Prospect Park, with its vast lake, is a magnet for all health freaks.拥有一大片湖区的普罗斯佩克特公园吸引着所有注重健康的人。柯林斯高阶〔market〕The young, health-conscious female consumer is our target market.年轻而注重保健的女性消费者是我们的目标市场。牛津搭配〔merit〕To me, one of the great merits of the book is its attention to detail.对我来说,注重细节是这本书的一大优点。麦克米伦高阶〔mindful〕The school is mindful of its responsibilities towards all the children.这所学校注重它对所有学童所负的责任。朗文当代〔natural〕Manufacturers now choose to emphasize the naturalness of the ingredients used in their products.生产商现在宁可注重其产品原料的天然性。朗文当代〔orientate〕The curriculum is now heavily orientated towards exam preparation.现在的课程非常注重应试。麦克米伦高阶〔orient〕My Russian course is heavily oriented towards grammar.我的俄语课程非常注重语法。麦克米伦高阶〔orient〕The organization is strongly oriented towards research.该机构非常注重研究。朗文当代〔overdose〕The city had overdosed on design.这座城市过分注重规划设计了。外研社新世纪〔political correctness〕In some sectors, where political correctness is a powerful force, I've been criticized for that.在很注重政治上是否正确的部门,我因此事受到了批评。柯林斯高阶〔practically〕The British are not famed for their philosophy and tend to be more practically minded.英国人不是以其哲学思想闻名, 而是往往更注重实际。外研社新世纪〔practically〕The course is more practically based than the Masters degree.该课程比硕士学位课程更注重实践。外研社新世纪〔practically〕The course is more practically based than the Masters degree.该课程比硕士学位课程更注重实践。柯林斯高阶〔pragmatic〕He is pragmatic rather than ideological.他注重实干而不一味务虚。英汉大词典〔preference〕Her preference is for comfortable rather than stylish clothes.她更注重衣服的舒适性,而非时髦的款式。剑桥高阶〔present〕In the run-up to the elections he sought to present himself as a family man.在参加竞选的过程中,他试图以一个注重家庭生活的形象出现。麦克米伦高阶〔primrose path〕The mayor is leading us down a/the primrose path by refusing to maintain the roads and only repairing them after they fail.市长平时不注重道路的维护,等坏了才维修,这是带领我们得过且过,走向灾难。韦氏高阶〔put〕They will also force schools to put more emphasis on teaching basic subjects.他们也会迫使学校更加注重基础科目的教学。柯林斯高阶〔rank〕We live in a society in which comfort ranks very high.我们生活在一个非常注重舒适的社会里。麦克米伦高阶〔realism〕An inclination toward literal truth and pragmatism.现实态度:注重确确实实的事实和实用的倾向美国传统〔renewal〕For its size Boston is the most renewal-minded city in the U.S.就同类大城市而言,波士顿是美国最注重城区重建的。英汉大词典〔respecter〕He was a respecter of proprieties.他是一个注重礼节的人。外研社新世纪〔respect〕Willingness to show consideration or appreciation.注重:表现出关注和欣赏的意愿美国传统〔stickler〕He's a stickler for detail/accuracy/efficiency.他非常注重细节/精确性/效率。剑桥高阶〔store〕The civil justice system lays store by speed and efficiency.民事审判体系注重速度和效率。外研社新世纪〔stress〕Private schools tend to stress the more academic subjects.私立学校往往注重学术性较强的科目。牛津搭配〔stress〕She lays great stress on punctuality.她十分注重守时。牛津高阶〔stylist〕She's no stylist, but she writes very exciting stories.她并不特别注重行文风格,不过她的故事写得非常精彩。剑桥高阶〔teller〕Every bank pays close attention to the speed and accuracy of its tellers.各家银行都非常注重出纳员工作的速度和准确性。柯林斯高阶〔temperance〕The age of hedonism is being ushered out by a new era of temperance.享乐主义时代正让位于一个注重节制的新时代。外研社新世纪〔temperance〕The age of hedonism is being ushered out by a new era of temperance.享乐主义时代正让位于一个注重节制的时代。柯林斯高阶〔therapeutic〕Astanga Yoga is a therapeutic physical exercise that focuses on breathing and relaxation.八步功法瑜伽注重呼吸和放松,是一种舒缓身心的锻炼方法。柯林斯高阶〔usage〕He was a stickler for the correct usage of English.他非常注重英语的正确使用。外研社新世纪〔usage〕He was a stickler for the correct usage of English.他非常注重英语的正确使用。柯林斯高阶〔valued〕Ronnie put a high value on his appearance.龙尼非常注重自己的外表。柯林斯高阶〔waste〕Mexican cookery is economical, she says. Nothing goes to waste.“墨西哥的烹调注重俭省,”她说,“任何东西都不会浪费。”柯林斯高阶〔well-groomed〕Attentive to details of dress; meticulously neat.精心修饰的:对穿着细节很注意的;过分注重整洁的美国传统Competition between firms results in an increased emphasis on product innovation.公司间竞争的结果是日益注重产品创新。牛津商务Frying has become less popular as a method of cooking because people are more health conscious.用油炸来烹饪已经不太普遍了,因为人们更注重健康问题。剑桥国际He likes to be sure of his bodily comforts. 他注重物质上的舒适。译典通He painted detailed pictures of domestic interiors which are notable for their use of perspective.他画了一些房间内部详细的图画,这些画很注重透视的应用。剑桥国际I don't care about fashion, I dress how I please.我不注重时髦,怎么舒服我怎么穿。剑桥国际I think women are more commonsensical than men.我认为女性比男性更注重实际。剑桥国际In our company, quality is high on the agenda.在我们公司,质量是工作日程中很注重的事项。牛津商务People seemed to become much more materialistic during the 1980s.人们在80年代变得更注重物质了。剑桥国际She doesn't give any thought to her appearance.她从来不注重自己的仪表。剑桥国际She has a lot of interesting ideas, but she's not very practical.她有很多有趣的想法,但她不太注重实效。剑桥国际She sets great store by external politeness. 她很注重表面的虚礼。译典通The Government put the accent on light industry. 政府注重轻工业。译典通The board has focused on reducing the level of indebtedness of the group.董事会注重降低集团的负债水准。牛津商务The reward system recognizes effort as well as achievement.这一奖励制度既注重业绩,也注重付出的努力。牛津商务They attached too little importance to design and missed an important selling point in the export market.他们一点儿都不注重包装设计,丧失了在出口市场上吸引买主的重要特色。剑桥国际We are sending a strong message of quality to our customers.我们要向顾客灌输我们极为注重高品质这个理念。牛津商务We're looking for people with a bias for action.我们正在寻找注重实干的人。牛津商务You'd better dress smartly for the interview -- the manager's hot on presentation.你面试时最好衣冠整洁----经理很注重仪表。剑桥国际




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