

单词 法治
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CONTINUE〕The government is committed to the preservation of law and order. 政府承诺维护法治和秩序。朗文写作活用〔MEDICAL TREATMENT〕Many of these people have been failed by conventional medicine or have rejected it. 这些人当中有许多是传统疗法治不好或者是拒绝传统疗法的。朗文写作活用〔PURPOSE〕The purpose of the experiment is to find better ways of treating battlefield wounds. 该实验旨在找出更好的方法治疗战场上的伤员。朗文写作活用〔advanced〕The disease was too far advanced to be treated.病已经发展到晚期,没法治疗了。朗文当代〔advance〕His cancer had now advanced so far that it could not be treated.他的癌症现在已发展到晚期,无法治疗了。麦克米伦高阶〔analyze〕To psychoanalyze.精神分析法治美国传统〔condition〕All three babies were born with an incurable heart condition.3 个婴儿都患有无法治愈的先天性心脏病。牛津搭配〔controllable〕The disease is controllable but not curable.这种疾病可以控制但无法治愈。麦克米伦高阶〔course〕There is no cure, but the treatment will slow the course of the disease.这种疾病没有办法治愈,但这种治疗能延缓病情发展。韦氏高阶〔cure〕At one time doctors couldn't cure TB/cure people of TB.医生曾经无法治愈肺结核/肺结核病人。剑桥高阶〔cure〕Everyone had given him up as beyond a cure.所有人都认为他无法治愈了。外研社新世纪〔cure〕Her cancer can only be controlled, not cured.她的癌症只能控制, 无法治愈。外研社新世纪〔cure〕Her cancer can only be controlled, not cured.她的癌症只能控制,无法治愈。柯林斯高阶〔defect〕This is a physical defect that cannot be cured.这种身体缺陷是无法治愈的。牛津搭配〔diagnosis〕A doctor cannot treat an illness until he has made a diagnosis.医生未作诊断前无法治病。文馨英汉〔hypnotherapy〕He has used hypnotherapy for several years to treat phobias.他使用催眠疗法治疗恐惧症已有多年。外研社新世纪〔incurable〕Parkinson's disease is a debilitating and incurable disease of the nervous system.帕金森氏综合征是一种使人虚弱、无法治愈的神经系统疾病。剑桥高阶〔incurable〕She has a rare, incurable disease.她患有一种罕见的疾病,无法治愈。朗文当代〔insufflate〕Medicine To treat medically by blowing a powder, gas, or vapor into a bodily cavity.【医学】 用吹入法治疗:通过把粉末,气体或气雾吹入体腔来进行治疗美国传统〔intubate〕To insert a tube into (a hollow organ or body passage).插管法治疗:把管子插进(空的器官或体内通道)美国传统〔ironic〕It's ironic that a government so concerned about law and order is disregarding an international treaty.真是让人啼笑皆非,一个如此关注法治的政府却漠视国际条约。麦克米伦高阶〔law and order〕If there were a breakdown of law and order, the army might be tempted to intervene.如果法治彻底崩坏, 军方就可能介入。外研社新世纪〔law and order〕If there were a breakdown of law and order, the army might be tempted to intervene.如果法治被践踏,军队可能会介入。柯林斯高阶〔lawlessness〕Lawlessness is a major problem.法治败坏是一个重大问题。外研社新世纪〔lawlessness〕Lawlessness is a major problem.法治败坏是一个重大问题。柯林斯高阶〔live with〕Because there was no cure, he had to learn to live with the disease.因为无法治愈,他只得学会忍受病痛的折磨。韦氏高阶〔medicine〕I was interested in alternative medicine and becoming an aromatherapist.我对替代疗法非常感兴趣,想做个芳香疗法治疗师。柯林斯高阶〔negation〕Unintelligible legislation is the negation of the rule of law and of parliamentary democracy.晦涩的法律法规有悖于法治和议会民主。柯林斯高阶〔prescribe〕The doctor prescribed three months of physical therapy for my leg injury.医生让我用物理疗法治疗腿伤三个月。韦氏高阶〔presenter〕Marcel Berlins is the presenter of the BBC radio programme Law in Action.马塞尔·柏林斯是英国广播公司《法治进行时》节目的主持人。柯林斯高阶〔restoration〕The town called for a restoration of the law.小镇呼吁恢复法治韦氏高阶〔rule of law〕I am confident that we can restore peace, stability and respect for the rule of law.我相信我们能恢复和平、稳定和对法治的尊重。柯林斯高阶〔rule of law〕The courts uphold the rule of law.法院维护法治韦氏高阶〔rule〕We are here to uphold the rule of law.我们在这里是要维护法治朗文当代〔scale〕The breakdown of law and order could result in killing on a massive scale.法治一旦崩溃可能导致大肆杀戮。柯林斯高阶〔scorn〕Labour poured scorn on the Tory claim to be the party of law and order.保守党自称是重视法治的政党,工党对此嗤之以鼻。朗文当代〔target〕He targets the economy as the root cause of the deteriorating law and order situation.他把矛头指向经济, 认为其是法治不断恶化的根源。外研社新世纪〔tender〕Treat any tender points by massaging.用按摩法治疗疼痛部位。外研社新世纪〔ticket〕She is fighting the election on a law-and-order ticket.她以加强法治为施政纲领而参加竞选。麦克米伦高阶〔ungovernable〕Beset by ethnic strife, the province remains ungovernable.该省受种族冲突困扰, 一直无法治理。外研社新世纪After several doctors failed to find a cure for her illness, she decided to go to a faith healer (= a person who heals using the power of prayer and belief).在几个医生都无法治愈她时,她决定去找用信仰疗法医病的人。剑桥国际An incurable skin disease has ravaged his once-handsome face.一种无法治愈的皮肤病彻底毁了他那张曾经很英俊的脸。剑桥国际As yet the illness is incurable.这病至今无法治愈。剑桥国际At one time the doctors couldn't cure TB/cure people of TB.曾经有一段时间,医生们无法治愈肺结核。剑桥国际He had incurable cancer and was undergoing painful chemotherapy treatment.他得了无法治愈的癌症,在接受痛苦的化学治疗。剑桥国际I managed to fight off (=quickly get rid of) the sore throat / feeling of depression.我设法治好了咽喉痛/摆脱了消沉的情绪。剑桥国际It's a worrying situation to have a serious disease which is spreading through the population and to be unable to cure it.一种严重的疾病在人群中蔓延,却又无法治愈它,这是一个令人担心的情况。剑桥国际Parkinson's disease is a debilitating and incurable disease of the nervous system.帕金森氏综合症是一种使人不断衰弱的、无法治愈的神经系统疾病。剑桥国际Some diseases are still incurable 有些疾病仍无法治愈。译典通Support for vigilantes is a reflection of the apparent breakdown of law and order.对自发治安者的支持是法治和秩序明显崩溃的反映。剑桥国际They recommended hydrotherapy treatment for arthritis.他们建议用水疗法治疗关节炎。剑桥国际




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