

单词 沙地
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CLEAR/NOT CLEAR〕He had left clear footprints in the wet sand. 他在湿的沙地上留下了清晰的脚印。朗文写作活用〔LIKE OR SIMILAR|像|相似〕The Marines also experimented with fast-attack vehicles, similar to dune buggies. 海军陆战队还试用了类似于沙地车的快速进攻车辆。朗文写作活用〔LOOK〕I lay back on the sand and gazed at the stars above. 我躺在沙地上,凝望着天上的星星。朗文写作活用〔RUN〕A loud bang sent all the crabs scuttling across the sand. “砰”的一声巨响吓得螃蟹都在沙地上乱窜起来。朗文写作活用〔SAFE〕The turtles lay their eggs in the damp sand where they are safe from predators. 海龟把蛋产在潮湿的沙地里,在那里它们就安全了,不会被其他动物捕食。朗文写作活用〔SHARP〕He picked up a pointed stick and began drawing in the sand. 他捡起一根尖尖的棍子,在沙地上画了起来。朗文写作活用〔SHOW〕The receding tide had exposed huge expanses of sand. 潮水退去,露出大片的沙地朗文写作活用〔arenaceous〕Growing in sandy areas.在沙地中生长的美国传统〔barefoot〕He walked barefoot across the sand.他赤脚走过沙地朗文当代〔bare〕When the river is low, vast stretches of sand are laid bare.这条河水位低的时候,就会露出大片的沙地来。朗文当代〔broker〕The United Nations brokered peace in Mogadishu.联合国作为中间人促成了摩加迪沙地区的和平局面。外研社新世纪〔burrow〕Snails burrow into sand.蜗牛掘洞钻入沙地英汉大词典〔dene〕A sandy tract or dune by the seashore.沙丘:海边的沙地或沙丘美国传统〔dig〕They dig a small hole in the sand to bury their eggs.它们在沙地里掘了个小洞把蛋掩埋在里面。朗文当代〔dig〕They dug into the sand with their hands.他们用手在沙地里挖洞。韦氏高阶〔draw〕He drew a circle in the sand with a stick.他用枝条在沙地上画了一个圆。牛津高阶〔extricate〕It took hours to extricate the car from the sand.用了几个小时才把陷入沙地中的车拉了出来。剑桥高阶〔facedown〕He fell facedown in the sand.他面朝下摔在沙地上。韦氏高阶〔flotation〕The capability, especially of a vehicle tread or tire, to remain on top of a soft surface, such as sand, wet ground, or snow.浮力,不下陷能力:尤指车辆的轮胎表层使轮胎保持不陷入柔软表面如沙地、湿地或雪地的能力美国传统〔footprint〕He saw some footprints in the sand.他看到沙地上有些脚印。外研社新世纪〔footstep〕His footsteps were clearly marked in the sand.他的脚印清晰地留在沙地上。英汉大词典〔form〕Our footprints formed a lovely pattern in the wet sand.我们的脚印在潮湿的沙地里构成了一幅可爱的图案。韦氏高阶〔front〕The violence in the Gaza Strip makes the front page of most of the newspapers.加沙地带的暴力事件成为大多数报纸的头版新闻。柯林斯高阶〔furrow〕The car furrowed the loose sand as it crossed the desert.汽车穿过沙漠时,在松软的沙地上留下车辙。英汉大词典〔lay〕When the tide goes out, vast stretches of sand are laid bare.潮水退去,露出大片大片的沙地朗文当代〔links〕Scots Relatively flat or undulating sandy turf-covered ground usually along a seashore.【苏格兰】 砂丘:相对平坦或有波状起伏的覆草沙地,通常在海岸边美国传统〔patch〕They found a patch of sand on crowded beaches.他们在拥挤的海滩上找到了一小块沙地英汉大词典〔permeate〕Water will easily permeate through the sand.水很容易渗透沙地21世纪英汉〔plaintively〕They lay on the firm sands, listening to the plaintive cry of the seagulls.他们躺在硬实的沙地上,听着海鸥的哀鸣。柯林斯高阶〔print〕You can see someone's initials printed in the sand there.你可以看到那边的沙地上写有某人姓名的首字母。麦克米伦高阶〔prod〕She prodded little poles in the damp sand with her parasol.她用阳伞在潮湿的沙地上戳出一个个小洞。英汉大词典〔reflect〕The white sand reflected the sun's heat.白晃晃的沙地反射出太阳的热气。英汉大词典〔ripple〕There were ripples in the sand.沙地上有波痕。麦克米伦高阶〔rustle〕I heard a soft rustle of leaves.我听到叶子沙沙地轻声作响。牛津搭配〔rustle〕I heard someone rustling the papers in my office.我听见有人在我的办公室里沙沙地翻动文件。21世纪英汉〔rustle〕With a rustle of wings the bird landed on the window ledge.小鸟沙沙地扇着翅膀落在窗沿上。牛津搭配〔sandlot〕A vacant lot used especially by children for unorganized sports and games.空地,沙地:一块空地,尤指用作儿童进行未经组织起来的活动或游戏的场地美国传统〔sand〕She walked across the hot sand.她从炙热的沙地上走过。韦氏高阶〔sand〕The children played happily in the sand.孩子们在沙地里快乐地玩耍。牛津搭配〔sand〕The children spent most of the morning playing in the sand.孩子们上午大部分时间都在沙地上玩。麦克米伦高阶〔sand〕They all walked barefoot across the damp sand to the water's edge.他们全都光着脚走过潮湿的沙地来到水边。柯林斯高阶〔scoop〕The children scooped holes in the sand.孩子们在沙地上挖洞。英汉大词典〔scour〕The stream has scoured (out) a channel through the sand.溪流在沙地上冲出了一条水道。文馨英汉〔scrape〕I could hear his pen scraping across the paper.我听得见他的钢笔在纸上沙沙地响。牛津高阶〔scratch〕His pen scratched away on the paper.他的笔在纸上沙沙地响。牛津高阶〔scratch〕This pen scratches.这支钢笔写起来沙沙地钩纸。英汉大词典〔shoal〕A sandy elevation of the bottom of a body of water, constituting a hazard to navigation; a sandbank or sandbar.沙洲:从一片水域底部升起的沙地,对航行构成威胁;沙洲或拦门沙美国传统〔soak〕Rain had soaked into the sand.雨水渗入了沙地柯林斯高阶〔sole〕The hot sand burned the soles of their feet.灼热的沙地使他们的脚掌感到火辣辣的。牛津高阶〔stretch out〕The flat sands stretch out for miles.平坦的沙地绵延数英里。外研社新世纪〔through〕Nancy kept running, plunging through the sand.南希一直跑啊跑,穿过沙地柯林斯高阶〔trace〕Rosie's fingers traced a delicate pattern in the sand.罗茜用手指在沙地上画出一幅精美的图案。朗文当代〔trace〕She traced a line in the sand.她在沙地上画了一条线。牛津高阶〔wash〕The heavy rain washed gulleys in the sand.那场大雨在沙地上冲出一条条沟。英汉大词典〔wedge〕Sports An iron golf club with a very slanted face, used to lift the ball, as from sand.【体育运动】 楔形铁头球棒:一种打高尔夫球用的棒面倾斜的铁棒,用于把球如从沙地中向高空击起美国传统〔wheeze〕The gramophone wheezed out an old tune.留声机沙沙地放出一支老曲子。英汉大词典He rustled his papers (= noisily moved them about) to hide his embarrassment.他沙沙地翻动着文件以掩盖他的窘迫。剑桥国际Running along the beach, she stumbled on a log and fell on the sand.沿着海滩跑步时,她被木头绊倒摔在沙地上。剑桥国际She left tiny footprints in the sand.她在沙地上留下了纤小的脚印。剑桥国际The children played all day in/on the sand with their buckets (Am sandpails) and spades.孩子们拿着桶和铲子在沙地上玩了一整天。剑桥国际The horses swished their tails to get rid of the flies hovering around them.马沙沙地扫动尾巴想要赶走周围飞动的苍蝇。剑桥国际We lay on the sand, beneath the swaying palm trees.我们躺在沙地上,头顶的棕榈树随风摇曳。剑桥国际




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