

单词 dues
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔agency shop〕An establishment in which a union represents all employees regardless of union membership but requires that nonmembers pay union dues or fees.工会代理制企业:一种由工会代表所有雇员而不管会员资格的机构,但要求非工会会员向工会缴费美国传统〔check ... off〕The accounting office checked off each worker's dues every month.会计部门每月扣除每个工人的应缴费用。21世纪英汉〔checkoff〕Collection of dues from members of a union by authorized deduction from their wages.扣款:经授权从工会成员的工资中扣款来收取会费美国传统〔chuck ... out〕They were chucked out of the club for failing to pay the membership dues.他们由于不缴纳会费而被俱乐部除名。21世纪英汉〔conservancy〕Hall refused to give his name and address or to pay harbour dues, but the conservancy were able to track down his details.霍尔拒绝提供他的名字和地址, 也拒付入港费, 但是管理委员会能查出他的详细信息。外研社新世纪〔due〕Dues are increasing this year.今年会费涨了。韦氏高阶〔due〕I've paid my dues. It's time that I began reaping some benefits.我做出了努力,现在是我开始得回报的时候了。韦氏高阶〔due〕Members of the society pay $1,000 in annual dues.这个社团的会员每年支付1000美元的会费。剑桥高阶〔due〕Only 18 of the UN's 180 members had paid their dues by the January deadline.在一月最后期限前联合国 180 个成员国只有 18 个缴纳了会费。柯林斯高阶〔due〕Robert failed to pay his dues last year.去年罗伯特没支付会费。朗文当代〔due〕The fellowship collects no dues.该联谊会不收会费。英汉大词典〔due〕We've paid considerable amounts of dues in trying to get it done.为了把这件事做成功,我们花了许多精力。英汉大词典〔due〕Workers are required to join the union and pay dues.工人均须加入工会,并缴纳会费。韦氏高阶〔pay〕She paid her dues in small-town theaters before getting a part in a Broadway play.她通过在小城镇的戏剧院出名后才在纽约百老汇戏剧娱乐业获得了一席之地美国传统〔tax〕A fee or dues levied on the members of an organization to meet its expenses.会费:一个团体为支付它的费用而向会员征收的会费或应付款美国传统〔union〕He paid his union dues to Local Union 98.他向工会第 98 分会交纳了会费。牛津搭配Dock dues are charged for each ton of cargo shipped.对已装运的货物按吨计收码头费。牛津商务I've raised three children and I feel I've paid my dues. It's someone else's turn to take charge of the kids now.我抚养了三个孩子,我感到我该吃的苦都吃了,该受的罪都受了。现在轮到别人来负责这些孩子了。剑桥国际Members of the society pay $1000 in annual dues.这个社团成员每年付1000美元的会费。剑桥国际When the new stock arrives all dues will be given priority.当新货到达时,所有欠货订单都将获得优先供货。牛津商务




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