

单词 款数
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔For the purpose(s) of〕The loans are small but they serve a good purpose.这些贷款数额不大,却很有用。韦氏高阶〔actually〕Interest is only payable on the amount actually borrowed.利息只能根据实际借款数目给付。柯林斯高阶〔appropriate〕The government have appropriated millions of pounds for the project.政府已经为该项目拨款数百万英镑。剑桥高阶〔begrudge〕The local government did not begrudge the millions to be spent on irrigation projects.当地政府不惜拨款数百万修建灌溉系统。英汉大词典〔blank check〕A signed check with no amount to be paid filled in.空白支票:一张已签名,未填取款数目的支票美国传统〔commit〕The city committed millions of dollars for the housing project.城市拨款数百万美元用于住房建设工程。韦氏高阶〔defray〕The government has committed billions toward defraying the costs of the war.政府已承诺拨款数十亿支付战争的开支。柯林斯高阶〔diminish〕Unforeseen expenses diminished our savings.意外的开支减少了我们的存款数目。21世纪英汉〔donate〕He donated thousands of pounds to charity.他向慈善事业捐款数千英镑。牛津高阶〔gross up〕If the donor bears the tax, the value of gift has to be grossed up to include the tax.如果捐款人承担税款,则捐款数额需要把应缴税款包括在内。21世纪英汉〔interest〕A charge for a loan, usually a percentage of the amount loaned.利息:使用贷款的费用,通常以贷款数量的百分比计息美国传统〔match〕Groups have to match any grant they receive with their own cash.各团体必须提供与所得拨款数目相等的现金。麦克米伦高阶〔pitifully〕Even for full-time courses, student loans are pitifully small.即使上全日制课程, 学生的贷款数额也少得可怜。外研社新世纪〔quiet〕Davies kept quiet about the amount of money being spent.戴维斯对所花的钱款数额守口如瓶。剑桥高阶〔shrinkage〕The shrinkage in contributions is significant.捐款数额的减少是显著的。韦氏高阶〔up to〕The amount of your donation is entirely up to you.你的捐款数额完全由你自己定。韦氏高阶A record number of home loans were approved in December.十二月份批准的房屋贷款数量创下了纪录。牛津商务Banks are trying to improve their risk profile by reducing the number of loans they make.银行正在试图通过减少贷款数量来改善其风险状况。牛津商务Banks have been advised to pay more attention to personal circumstances when evaluating loans to private customers.向银行提供意见,在向私人用户决定贷款数时,要多注意个人境况。剑桥国际My accountant has certified last year's tax figures.我的会计证明了去年的税款数目。剑桥国际The data was analysed according to neighbourhoods, but other key variables like credit rating, job history, savings and marital status were ignored altogether.这数据是根据邻里关系来分析的,但是其他关键因素,像信誉等级、工作经历、存款数额和婚姻状况等,都被忽略了。剑桥国际The loan was so large it had to be syndicated (= shared between several banks).贷款数额太大,只能组成辛迪加统一办理。剑桥国际There has been a lot of opposition to the government's plans to appropriate millions of pounds (=keep them to use for) for a new submarine.政府为建造一艘新的潜艇而计划拨款数百万英镑,这招致了一片反对声。剑桥国际This digital camera has all the latest bells and whistles.这款数码相机具有所有最新的装饰性附属配件。牛津商务This model was selected as the best-value digital camera on the market.这款数码相机当选最具市场价值的数码相机。牛津商务




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