

单词 椎骨
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Pott's disease〕Partial destruction of the vertebral bones, usually caused by a tuberculous infection and often producing curvature of the spine.波特氏病:脊椎骨的部分破坏,通常由结核性炎症引起,常会产生脊柱弯曲美国传统〔acantha〕A sharp spiny part or structure, such as the spinous process of a vertebra.脊柱,椎骨脊突:带尖刺的部位或结构,如脊椎动物的棘状突起美国传统〔alignment〕A bone in my spine was out of alignment.我的脊椎骨有一节脱位。牛津高阶〔axial skeleton〕The bones constituting the head and trunk of a vertebrate body.脊椎骨:构成脊椎动物的头和躯干的骨骼美国传统〔decompress〕Once pressure was released, the vertebrae decompressed.一旦压力被释放,椎骨就解压了。韦氏高阶〔decompress〕Surgery decompressed the vertebrae.手术减轻了对椎骨的压力。韦氏高阶〔ear〕An invertebrate organ analogous to the mammalian ear.耳状物:类似哺乳动物的耳器官的有椎骨的器官美国传统〔foot〕The lower extremity of the vertebrate leg that is in direct contact with the ground in standing or walking.脚、足:有椎骨的腿的最下端,在站立或行走时直接与地面接触的部分美国传统〔fracture〕His spine had fractured.他的脊椎骨骨折了。外研社新世纪〔intervertebral disk〕A broad disk of fibrocartilage situated between adjacent vertebrae of the spinal column.椎间盘:位于脊柱相邻的椎骨间的一个宽的纤维软骨盘美国传统〔intervertebral〕Located between vertebrae.椎骨间的:位于椎骨间的美国传统〔lodge〕The bullet was lodged in his spine.子弹嵌在他的脊椎骨里。朗文当代〔needle〕A fine, sharp projection, as a spine of a sea urchin or a crystal.针状物:精细尖锐的突出物,如海胆的脊椎骨或水晶球美国传统〔notochord〕A similar structure in embryos of higher vertebrates, from which the spinal column develops.脊索:更为高等的脊椎动物胚胎中的类似结构,脊椎骨由此发育美国传统〔sacrum〕A triangular bone made up of five fused vertebrae and forming the posterior section of the pelvis.骶骨:由五块连接在一起的椎骨组成的三角形的骨骼,形成脊椎尾部美国传统〔saddle〕A cut of meat consisting of part of the backbone and both loins.带脊骨的肉:由部分脊椎骨和两块腰肉组成的一块肉美国传统〔scorpion fish〕Any of numerous small, often brilliantly colored marine fishes of the family Scorpaenidae, most species of which have poisonous spines in the dorsal fin.鮋鱼:一种属于鮋科的,数目众多的,经常具有光亮颜色的海生小鱼,绝大多数这种鱼的背鳍上都有带毒的椎骨美国传统〔spinous process〕The long rearward projection from the arch of a vertebra that provides a point of attachment for muscles and ligaments.棘突:椎骨弓起处向背后的长突起,可供肌肉与韧带附着在其上美国传统〔spondylolisthesis〕Forward displacement of one of the lower lumbar vertebrae over the vertebra below it or on the sacrum.脊椎脱位症,椎体滑脱:下腰椎骨中的一块向前移位,处于该块椎骨下的椎骨上方或在𦗒骨上面美国传统〔spondylosis〕Degeneration of the spinal column, especially a fusion and immobilization of the vertebral bones.(医)脊椎前移:脊椎变质,尤指脊椎骨的移动或熔解状态美国传统〔vertebral〕Having or consisting of vertebrae.具有或由椎骨组成的美国传统〔vertebral〕Of, relating to, or of the nature of a vertebra.椎骨的,脊椎的:属于或关于椎骨的,具有椎骨特征的美国传统〔vertebra〕Any of the bones or cartilaginous segments forming the spinal column.椎骨:形成背椎的骨头或者软骨组织美国传统〔zygapophysis〕One of two usually paired processes of the neural arch of a vertebra that articulates with corresponding parts of adjacent vertebrae.椎骨关节突:脊椎神经弓中的通常成对的一个突,与临近椎骨的相应部分相连美国传统She suffered facial bruising and a fractured vertebra in the attack.在那次袭击中她脸部擦伤,椎骨破裂。剑桥国际They're going to remove the damaged disc in her back and fuse the surrounding vertebrae.他们打算摘除她背部破裂的椎间盘,把周围的椎骨接上。剑桥国际




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