

单词 植树
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BORROW〕The organization asked for a $2 million loan to plant new trees in the rainforest. 该组织为了在热带雨林植树申请了200万美元的贷款。朗文写作活用〔TIME〕This seemed like an opportune moment to ask the government to mount a tree-planting program. 这似乎是要求政府推出植树计划的良机。朗文写作活用〔afforestation〕Since the Sixties, afforestation has changed the Welsh countryside.60年代以来, 植树造林改变了威尔士乡村的面貌。外研社新世纪〔afforestation〕Since the Sixties, afforestation has changed the Welsh countryside.60年代以来,植树造林已经改变了威尔士的乡村面貌。柯林斯高阶〔afforest〕To convert (open land) into a forest by planting trees or their seeds.造林,绿化:通过植树或播撒树种变(荒地)为森林美国传统〔beauty strip〕A narrow section of forested land, as along a highway or watercourse, that is left uncut so as to hide a heavily logged area from view.美丽植树带:沿公路或河道的狭窄植树带,保留植树带是为了遮挡住被大片砍伐的区域美国传统〔carbon neutral〕You can make your flights carbon neutral by planting trees to make up for the greenhouse gas emissions.可以通过植树对航空飞行进行碳中和,以抵消温室气体的排放。柯林斯高阶〔diagram〕The trees will be planted at the points marked on the diagram.将在图中标出的地点植树牛津搭配〔earth up〕We earthed up the roots firmly when we planted the trees.我们植树时给根部壅实土。21世纪英汉〔erosion〕We should plant trees to prevent soil erosion.我们应该植树以防土壤被侵蚀。文馨英汉〔forestland〕A section of land covered with forest or set aside for the cultivation of forests.林地:覆盖着森林或用于植树造林的一片土地美国传统〔forest〕To plant trees on.在…植树美国传统〔instruction〕Are there any instructions on how to plant the trees? 有植树指南吗?朗文当代〔mitigate〕Soil erosion was mitigated by the planting of trees.水土流失的情况在经过植树后缓和了。牛津高阶〔offset〕The carbon emissions are largely offset by planting trees.植树可以在很大程度上抵消碳排放。牛津搭配〔planting〕The Tree Council promotes tree planting.林木委员会倡导植树造林。牛津高阶〔planting〕They plan to plant the area with grass and trees.他们计划在这一地区种草植树柯林斯高阶〔regularly〕The council planted trees along the streets at regularly spaced intervals.委员会成员沿着街道按固定的间距植树麦克米伦高阶〔soil〕Planting trees will prevent soil erosion.植树可以防止水土流失。外研社新世纪〔walk〕An arrangement of trees or shrubs planted in widely spaced rows.植树的行列:种植在一宽阔的草坪上的一排排的树或灌木美国传统〔write about〕Please write about the effect of tree planting on air in a city.请写写植树对城市空气的作用。21世纪英汉Officials admit that the replanting of the hillsides only started five years ago and seems to be a classic case of too little and too late.官方承认山坡的重新植树5年前才开始,似乎是一个典型的行动规模太小,开始时间太晚的事例。剑桥国际The gardeners planted the trees at regular intervals.园丁们定期植树剑桥国际We have planted trees as a hedge against shifting sand. 我们植树以防流沙的侵袭。译典通We organize tree plantings with school groups.我们同几所学校一同组织植树剑桥国际




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