

单词 棺材
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CARRY〕At the head of the procession a group of dark-suited men bore the coffin into the church. 几个身穿黑衣的男子走在队列的前头把棺材抬进教堂。朗文写作活用〔DEAD〕He talks about spending his parents’ money as if they were already pushing up daisies. 他讲起花父母钱的口气,好像他父母已经进棺材了似的。朗文写作活用〔DOWN〕The coffin was lowered slowly into the ground. 棺材被慢慢地放入地下。朗文写作活用〔LIFT〕Six men lifted up the coffin and carried it out of the church. 六名男子抬起棺材走出教堂。朗文写作活用〔STORY〕Legend has it that Sarah Heln, who died in 1913, was shut alive inside a lead coffin. 萨拉·赫尔恩死于1913年,传说她被关在一具铅造的棺材里活活闷死。朗文写作活用〔baking〕The coffins stood in the baking heat surrounded by mourners.棺材放在炽热的太阳下,周围是哀悼的人们。柯林斯高阶〔bear〕They bore the coffin into the church.他们把棺材抬进教堂。牛津同义词〔bier〕A stand on which a corpse or a coffin containing a corpse is placed before burial.棺材架,尸体架:埋葬前用以放置尸体或棺材的架子美国传统〔box〕I'll believe he's dead only when the box is shut and covered up.只有棺材下盖入土我才相信他是确实死了。英汉大词典〔box〕They'll have to take me out of here in a box.他们休想让我离开这里, 除非把我装进棺材外研社新世纪〔casket〕A coffin.棺材美国传统〔casket〕The casket was lowered into the grave.棺材放进了墓穴。牛津搭配〔casket〕To enclose in a case, chest, or coffin.装在盒子、箱子或棺材美国传统〔catafalque〕A decorated platform or framework on which a coffin rests in state during a funeral.灵柩台:葬礼期间在其上停放棺材的一个经过装饰的台子或架子美国传统〔catafalque〕Roman Catholic Church A coffin-shaped structure draped with a pall, used to represent the corpse at a requiem Mass celebrated after the burial.【罗马天主教】 棺材状的构造物:一个上面铺着棺罩的棺材状的构造物,在葬礼后举行的安魂弥撒中用来代表尸体美国传统〔coffin〕An oblong box in which a corpse is buried.棺材:掩埋尸体的长方形箱美国传统〔coffin〕The coffin was lowered into the grave.棺材放进了墓穴。牛津搭配〔coffin〕To place in or as if in a coffin.收殓:放入或要放入棺材之中美国传统〔decently〕She watched his face, as the coffin was lowered into the ground. As soon as it was decent, he plunged through the crowd towards the cars.棺材慢慢放入墓穴时她一直注视着他的脸。礼仪许可的时间一到,他便挤过人群走向那些车子。柯林斯高阶〔dirt〕Michael threw his handful of dirt onto the coffin.迈克尔往棺材上撒了一把土。朗文当代〔down〕The coffin lid had been nailed down.棺材盖被钉上了。朗文当代〔dullness〕The coffin closed with a dull thud.棺材合上时发出一声闷响。柯林斯高阶〔go〕You can't take your money with you when you go.你不可能把钱带进棺材牛津高阶〔grave〕The casket was lowered into the grave.棺材被下放到墓穴中。韦氏高阶〔grave〕The coffin was lowered into the grave.棺材被降进了墓穴。英汉大词典〔hammer together〕The carpenter was hammering together a coffin.木匠正在锤锤打打做一口棺材外研社新世纪〔hearse〕A framelike structure over a coffin or tomb on which to hang epitaphs.灵柩罩架:棺材或坟墓上用来悬挂墓志铭的杠架结构美国传统〔hearse〕A vehicle for conveying a coffin to a church or cemetery.柩车:装运棺材去教堂或墓地的车辆美国传统〔lay out〕They laid him out in a plain coffin.他们把他安置在一口普通的棺材里供亲友瞻仰。韦氏高阶〔lid〕The coffin lid had been screwed down.棺材盖已经拧紧了。牛津搭配〔lower〕She watched as the coffin was lowered into the ground.她看着棺材落葬。麦克米伦高阶〔lower〕They lowered the coffin into the grave.他们把棺材放入了墓穴。剑桥高阶〔lower〕They lowered the coffin into the ground.他们把棺材放进墓里。外研社新世纪〔nail〕The lid of the box had been nailed down.棺材盖被钉死了。剑桥高阶〔pallbearer〕One of the persons carrying or attending a coffin at a funeral.抬棺者:在葬礼中抬或随行棺材的人美国传统〔pall〕A coffin, especially one being carried to a grave or tomb.棺材棺材,尤指已抬到墓地的美国传统〔reliquary〕A receptacle, such as a coffer or shrine, for keeping or displaying sacred relics.圣骨盒:一个容器,如存放或展示圣人遗物的棺材或神龛美国传统〔sarcophagus〕A stone coffin, often inscribed or decorated with sculpture.石棺:石制棺材,常用凹凸纹来雕刻或装饰美国传统〔strict〕These were not funerals in the strict sense of the word; there were no caskets or physical remains.严格意义上说这些不是葬礼,看不到棺材也没有遗体。剑桥高阶〔top〕I was right on top of the coffin shop when the door opened.门打开了,眼前出现的正是那爿棺材铺。英汉大词典〔wail〕A crowd of women followed the coffin, weeping and wailing.一群妇女跟在棺材后面,痛哭流涕。牛津搭配〔wail〕The women gathered around the coffin and began to wail, as was the custom in the region.女人们都围到了棺材旁,开始号啕大哭,当地的风俗就是这样。剑桥高阶〔weak-kneed〕She stood dazed and weak-kneed beside the coffin.她站在棺材旁边,头晕目眩,膝盖发软。剑桥高阶〔wreath〕There were two large wreaths on the coffin.棺材上摆放着两个巨大的花圈。剑桥高阶He gazed reverently down at the body in the coffin.他虔敬地凝视着棺材中的尸首。剑桥国际Juliet stepped forward and lovingly placed a bouquet upon the casket and it was closed in the grave. 朱丽叶走上前去,爱抚地将花束放到棺材上,花也埋在了坟墓里。译典通That old man already has one foot in the grave. 那老人已是一只脚踏入棺材里,活不长了。译典通The coffins were all draped in/with the national flag.棺材上覆盖着国旗。剑桥国际The lid of the coffin had been nailed down.棺材盖给钉上了。剑桥国际The women sat around the coffin keening loudly.女人们围坐在棺材旁高声恸哭。剑桥国际There were two large wreaths on the coffin.棺材上有两个大花圈。剑桥国际




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