

单词 棋子
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔USE〕The ambassador was being used as a pawn in the struggle between the two superpowers. 这位大使在两个超级大国的争斗中被用成一颗棋子朗文写作活用〔backgammon〕A board game for two persons, played with pieces whose moves are determined by throws of dice.十五子棋戏:供两个人玩的木板游戏,通过掷骰子来决定棋子移动的步数美国传统〔bishop〕Abbr. B,bp.Games A usually miter-shaped chess piece that can move diagonally across any number of unoccupied spaces.缩写 B,bp.【游戏】 象:一主教冠形状的棋子,可以在棋盘上没子的地方对角移动任意距离美国传统〔black〕The black-colored pieces, as in chess or checkers.黑子:国际象棋或西洋跳棋中的黑色棋子美国传统〔blot〕Games An exposed piece in backgammon.【游戏】 十五子棋中易被吃掉的孤立棋子美国传统〔board game〕A game of strategy, such as chess or backgammon, played by moving pieces on a board and sometimes involving dice.棋盘游戏:需用棋盘进行的游戏,如国际象棋,西洋跳棋等,在棋盘上移动棋子,有时是掷骰子美国传统〔boarded up〕Dr Tinsley had five pieces on the board against Chinook's four.廷斯利博士在棋盘上还有5枚棋子,对手钦诺克还有4枚。柯林斯高阶〔checker〕One of the round, flat pieces used in this game.游戏中使用的扁圆形的棋子美国传统〔chessman〕One of the pieces used in playing chess.国际象棋棋子:玩国际象棋时用的棋子美国传统〔cipher〕The interim government is a mere cipher for military rule.过渡政府不过是军事统治的一枚棋子剑桥高阶〔counter〕He became a counter in power struggles between them.他成了他们之间权力斗争的棋子外研社新世纪〔crown〕Games To make (a piece in checkers that has reached the last row) into a king by placing another piece upon it.【游戏】 使占王位:在上面放置另一枚棋子使(一枚已到达终端的西洋跳棋的棋子)成为王美国传统〔dead〕He adjusted each chesspiece so that it stood dead centre in its square.他调整每颗棋子,使它们立于格子的正中央。柯林斯高阶〔dead〕He adjusted each chesspiece so that it stood dead in the centre of its square.他调整每颗棋子, 让它们立于格子的正中央。外研社新世纪〔develop〕Games To move (a chess piece) to or toward a more strategic position.【游戏】 将棋子移自有利位置:朝某个更具战略性的位置移动(棋子美国传统〔draughtsman〕Games One of the pieces used in draughts; a checker.【游戏】 西洋棋中所用的棋子;西洋跳棋棋子美国传统〔en prise〕Exposed to possible capture. Used of a chess piece.死棋的:暴露于被吃位置的。用于指国际象棋中的棋子美国传统〔endgame〕The final stage of a chess game after most of the pieces have been removed from the board.残局:指双方棋盘上所剩棋子很少的最后阶段美国传统〔fork〕Games An attack by one chess piece on two pieces at the same time.【游戏】 夹击:用一棋子同时攻两棋子美国传统〔fork〕Games To launch an attack on (two chess pieces).【游戏】 同时攻(两棋子美国传统〔gambit〕Games An opening in chess in which a minor piece, or pieces, usually a pawn, is offered in exchange for a favorable position.【游戏】 第一着棋,起手着法:国际象棋开局时自愿让出一个或几个小棋子(通常为兵)以交换较有利的形势美国传统〔gammon〕A victory in backgammon reached before the loser has succeeded in removing a single piece.全胜:在西洋十五子棋戏中对方一个棋子还没赢之前获胜美国传统〔jump〕Games A move in a board game over an opponent's piece.【游戏】 跳吃:在棋盘游戏中跳吃对方的棋子美国传统〔jump〕She jumped over three of my checkers.她连跳了我三个棋子韦氏高阶〔jump〕She jumped three of my checkers in one move.她一步棋连跳我三颗棋子韦氏高阶〔jump〕To move a piece over (an opponent's piece) in a board game, often thereby capturing the opponent's piece.跳取对方棋子:在棋盘游戏中跳过对方的棋子而移动棋子,通常籍此吃掉对方的棋子美国传统〔jump〕To move over an opponent's playing piece in a board game.棋盘游戏中跳吃对方的棋子美国传统〔king〕Abbr. K,k.The principal chess piece, which can move one square in any direction and must be protected against checkmate.缩写 K,k.王:象棋中主要的棋子,可以向任何方向移动一个方格,但必须保护它不被将死美国传统〔king〕To make (a piece in checkers) into a king; crown.成为国王:把(一只棋子)变成国王;成为国王美国传统〔man〕Both players begin with the same number of men.开始时双方握有相同数目的棋子外研社新世纪〔man〕Games Any of the pieces used in a board game, such as chess or checkers.【游戏】 棋子:在棋盘游戏中,如在国际象棋或西洋跳棋中所使用的任何一个子美国传统〔moved〕With no idea of what to do for my next move, my hand hovered over the board.我举着棋子,不知下一步该怎么走。柯林斯高阶〔move〕An act of transferring a piece from one position to another in board games.走子:在棋类游戏中将一个棋子从一个位置移动到另一个位置美国传统〔move〕Games To change the position of a piece in a board game.【游戏】 移动棋子:在棋类游戏中换一个棋子的位置美国传统〔move〕The prescribed manner in which a piece may be played.棋路:预先设计好的走棋子的方式美国传统〔pawn〕He became a pawn in the power struggle.他成了权力斗争中的一枚棋子韦氏高阶〔pawn〕The refugees are pawns in an international political dispute.这些难民成了一场国际政治争端的棋子剑桥高阶〔pawn〕We are just pawns in her ambitious plans.我们只不过是她野心勃勃的计划中的棋子罢了。麦克米伦高阶〔piece〕Any one of the chess figures other than a pawn.卒以外的棋子:象棋子中除卒以外的任一个棋子美国传统〔piece〕One of the counters or figures used in playing various board games.筹码:玩案上游戏时用的一个筹码或棋子美国传统〔position〕Games The arrangement of the pieces at any particular time in a game such as chess, checkers, or backgammon.【游戏】 布局:如在下象棋、跳子棋或西洋双陆棋时在任一特定时刻对棋子的安排美国传统〔queen〕Abbr. QThe most powerful chess piece, able to move in any direction in a straight line.缩写 Q王后:最具威力的国际象棋棋子,可以在一直线上沿任一方向移动美国传统〔retreat〕To move (a chess piece) back.向后移(棋子美国传统〔stalemate〕Games A drawing position in chess in which the king, although not in check, can move only into check and no other piece can move.【游戏】 王棋受困:尽管王棋没有被将军,但其它棋子不能移动而只有把王棋移到被将军位置的局面美国传统〔throw sb to the dogs〕I really felt as if I'd been thrown to the dogs just to save other people's reputations.我感到自己像是个为了挽救其他人的声誉而被弃掉的棋子剑桥高阶〔turn〕You've already moved your piece – it's my turn now.你已经走过棋子,现在轮到我了。麦克米伦高阶〔white〕The white or light-colored pieces, as in chess.白方:白色或浅色棋子,如国际象棋中美国传统In chess, the king is the most important piece.在国际象棋中,王是最重要的棋子剑桥国际In chess, the pieces can only move in certain directions.在国际象棋中,棋子只能朝某些方向走。剑桥国际




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