

单词 检阅
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EXAMINE〕Admiral Naumenko personally carried out an inspection of the fleet. 诺门科上将亲自检阅舰队。朗文写作活用〔EXAMINE〕General Allenby arrived to inspect the troops. 艾伦比将军到来检阅部队。朗文写作活用〔GI〕To clean (barracks, for example) thoroughly for or as if for an inspection.为检阅而打扫:为准备接受检阅而打扫(如营房)美国传统〔fall in〕The troops fell in and were inspected.部队集合好,接受检阅21世纪英汉〔fall〕The soldiers fell out of the barracks for inspection.士兵们走出营房列队以待检阅英汉大词典〔form up〕The troops had been formed up in review order.部队已经排队检阅队形。21世纪英汉〔form〕The troops have been formed up in review order.部队已被排成检阅队形。英汉大词典〔goose-step〕Troops goose-stepped past the reviewing stand.军队正步走过检阅台。英汉大词典〔guard〕The guard is/are being inspected today.今天衞队接受检阅牛津高阶〔hardware〕Then parade hardware rumbled past.然后,接受检阅的军车隆隆驶过。英汉大词典〔hardware〕Then parade hardware rumbled past.然后,接受检阅的军车隆隆通过。文馨英汉〔high-step〕They high-stepped past the reviewing stand.他们昂首阔步走过检阅台。英汉大词典〔inspection〕Official examination or review, as of barracks or troops.检阅:官方对兵营或部队的检查或考察美国传统〔inspection〕The troops prepared for the daily inspection.部队准备接受日常检阅英汉大词典〔inspect〕General Allenby arrived to inspect the troops.艾伦比将军来此检阅部队。朗文当代〔inspect〕Lord Montgomery inspected a guard of honour of the Irish Guards.蒙哥马利勋爵检阅了爱尔兰卫队的一支仪仗队。外研社新世纪〔inspect〕The King inspected the troops.国王检阅了部队。剑桥高阶〔inspect〕The commander inspected the troops.司令检阅了部队美国传统〔line up〕The soldiers lined up for inspection.士兵们列队接受检阅韦氏高阶〔line up〕The soldiers were lined up for inspection.士兵们整队接受检阅韦氏高阶〔line〕The troops lined up for inspection.部队排列以受检阅文馨英汉〔march past〕A division of soldiers who won honour for their bravery will march past during this ceremony.今天的阅兵式上,表现英勇而受到表彰的一个师将列队通过接受检阅21世纪英汉〔march-past〕A procession or parade, especially of troops being reviewed.分列式:队列或队伍,尤指正在接受检阅的部队的队列美国传统〔muster〕A gathering, especially of troops, for service, inspection, review, or roll call.为仪式、检阅或者点名而集合,特别指部队美国传统〔muster〕The captain mustered all hands on deck for a review.船长把所有船员召集到甲板上检阅英汉大词典〔muster〕To call (troops) together, as for inspection.集合:为检阅召集(军队)美国传统〔parade〕A ceremonial review of troops.阅兵,校阅:检阅军队的仪式美国传统〔parade〕He had them on parade at six o'clock in the morning.他让他们早晨6点列队接受检阅柯林斯高阶〔parade〕Morning parade was in progress on the parade ground.阅兵场正在进行早间检阅柯林斯高阶〔parade〕The PLA troops paraded through Tiananmen Square on National Day.国庆节那天,中国人民解放军列队经过天安门广场接受检阅21世纪英汉〔parade〕The colonel paraded his men before the Queen.上校指挥士兵列队行进,接受女王的检阅牛津高阶〔parade〕The colonel paraded his soldiers.上校集合士兵列队接受检阅英汉大词典〔parade〕The entire regiment was on parade.整个军团在接受检阅剑桥高阶〔parade〕The soldiers paraded past the generals.士兵们列队走过,接受将军们的检阅韦氏高阶〔parade〕The soldiers were paraded past the generals.士兵们列队走过,接受将军们的检阅韦氏高阶〔parade〕The soldiers will be on parade tomorrow.士兵们将于明日接受检阅牛津搭配〔parade〕The troops are on parade.部队正在接受检阅英汉大词典〔parade〕The troops taking part in such a review.受阅部队:参加检阅的军队美国传统〔parade〕They stood as straight as soldiers on parade.他们像接受检阅的士兵一样站得笔直。牛津高阶〔parade〕To assemble for a ceremonial military review.阅兵,检阅:为阅兵仪式而集合美国传统〔parade〕When you are off parade, you may smoke.一俟检阅完毕,你方可以抽烟。英汉大词典〔pass〕The officers passed their troops in review before the general.在阅兵大典中,军官指挥他们的部队经过将军面前接受检阅美国传统〔review〕A formal military inspection.正式阅兵:正式的军事检阅美国传统〔review〕A retrospective view or survey.检查,检阅:回顾的观点或调查美国传统〔review〕The President reviewed the troops.总统检阅了军队。韦氏高阶〔review〕The President will review the soldiers on parade.总统将检阅士兵的列队行进。朗文当代〔review〕The President, on his arrival, reviewed the guard of honour at the airport.总统到达后,在机场检阅了仪仗队。21世纪英汉〔review〕The Queen reviewed the troops on her recent visit.在最近的访问中,女王检阅了部队。剑桥高阶〔review〕The general reviewed his troops.将军检阅他的部队。英汉大词典〔review〕To subject to a formal inspection, especially a military inspection.阅兵:使经受正式视查,尤指军事检阅美国传统〔review〕When he reviewed the troops they cheered him as he smiled and raised his hat.他检阅军队时微笑着举起帽子,人们与此同时都向他欢呼。柯林斯高阶〔shoulder〕The troops squared their shoulders and stood at attention while the general reviewed them.在接受将军检阅时,部队全体挺胸肃立。英汉大词典〔sick call〕A daily lineup of military personnel requiring medical attention.病号检阅:需要医疗护理的每日的一排军事人员美国传统〔sick call〕A signal announcing the time for such a lineup.病号检阅号:宣布这种检阅时间的信号美国传统〔sidesaddle〕The Queen rode sidesaddle when she inspected the soldiers.女王偏坐在马鞍上骑马检阅士兵。剑桥高阶Many diplomats will attend the naval review (=formal military ceremony) next month to mark the anniversary of the end of the war.许多外交官将参加下个月的海军检阅,来庆祝战争结束的周年纪念日 。剑桥国际The King inspected the troops.国王检阅了部队。剑桥国际The President reviewed the fleet. 总统检阅了舰队。译典通The Queen reviewed the troops on her recent visit.女王在最近的一次访问中检阅了部队。剑桥国际The Queen rode on a sidesaddle/rode sidesaddle when she inspected the soldiers.女王检阅士兵时骑马坐在女鞍上。剑桥国际The commander in chief reviewed his troops. 总司令检阅他的部队。译典通The general inspected the parade. 将军检阅了阅兵式。译典通The military parade passed through the streets, with each regiment proudly displaying its regimental colours.军队的检阅队伍穿过大街,每个团都雄壮地展示着各自的团旗。剑桥国际The soldiers lined up for a kit inspection.士兵列队接受装备检阅剑桥国际The soldiers marched by the reviewing stand. 士兵们从检阅台前齐步走过。译典通The soldiers were on parade. 士兵们正在受检阅译典通




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