

单词 树苗
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bend〕The saplings bent in the wind.树苗在风中弯下了腰美国传统〔citrus canker〕A destructive bacterial disease of citrus plants that attacks seedlings and mature plants and causes defoliation and death.柑橘溃疡病:柑橘的破坏性细菌病害,其侵害柑橘树树苗和成树并导致落叶和死亡美国传统〔graft〕Pear saplings may be grafted onto apple trees.梨树苗可以嫁接到苹果树上。外研社新世纪〔hew〕It is poverty which drives these people to hew their saplings.因为贫穷, 这些人被迫砍倒了他们自己的小树苗外研社新世纪〔leaf〕The seedling just leafed out.树苗刚长出叶来。英汉大词典〔mark out〕When planting seedlings I prefer to mark out the rows in advance.种树苗的时候,我喜欢事先划分出行来。外研社新世纪〔mark out〕When planting seedlings I prefer to mark out the rows in advance.种树苗的时候,我喜欢事先划出行来。柯林斯高阶〔new〕They planted new trees on the campus.他们在校园里种上新树苗韦氏高阶〔plough in〕The builders ploughed in a lot of young trees when they cleared this area for development.为了开发这块地区,建筑工人用犁推土覆盖了许多小树苗21世纪英汉〔prick〕To transplant (seedlings, for example) before final planting.移植:在最后种植之前移植(如树苗美国传统〔regular〕The seedlings were planted in regular rows.树苗按固定行距种植。韦氏高阶〔sapling〕A young tree.小树苗美国传统〔set〕A seedling, slip, or cutting that is ready for planting.树苗:准备种的小树、接枝或插条美国传统These young trees were carefully nursed by the head gardener.这个花匠领班细心养护着这些树苗剑桥国际




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