

单词 柱顶
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔abacus〕Architecture A slab on the top of the capital of a column.【建筑学】 圆柱顶板:圆柱柱顶上的背板美国传统〔annulet〕A ringlike molding around the capital of a pillar.环缘,圆箍线:柱顶的环状线条美国传统〔apophyge〕The outward curve at the top and bottom of a column where the shaft joins the capital or base.柱座凹线脚,柱头凹线脚:柱身同柱顶或柱基连结处,其柱顶部和底座的向外曲线美国传统〔entablature〕The upper section of a classical building, resting on the columns and constituting the architrave, frieze, and cornice.柱顶盘,上横梁:一座古典的建筑的上部,置于柱体之上,由柱式过梁、雕带和挑檐三部分组成美国传统〔pilaster〕A rectangular column with a capital and base, set into a wall as an ornamental motif.壁柱,半露柱:有柱顶和底座的长方形柱子,作为装饰图案置入墙内美国传统〔shaft〕The section of a column between the capital and the base.柱身:柱顶与柱基之间的部分美国传统〔stigma〕Botany The receptive apex of the pistil of a flower, on which pollen is deposited at pollination.【植物学】 柱头,眼点:花雌蕊花柱顶部,授粉时花粉被旋转于此美国传统〔stylite〕One of a number of early Christian ascetics who lived unsheltered on the tops of high pillars.基督教苦行者:生活于没有遮盖的高大圆柱顶部的早期基督教苦行者中之一员美国传统〔summer〕A large, heavy stone usually set on the top of a column or pilaster to support an arch or a lintel.盖顶石:一块巨大、沉重的石头,通常放在柱子或壁柱顶端以支撑穹顶或过梁美国传统〔taenia〕Architecture A band in the Doric order that separates the frieze from the architrave.【建筑学】 束带饰:将雕带和柱顶分开的多立安式的束带美国传统The column is surmounted by a statue. 柱顶上树立了一尊雕像。译典通




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