

单词 松树的
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SMELL〕A cool autumn breeze blew past, carrying with it the scent of pine. 凉爽的秋风吹过,带着松树的芳香。朗文写作活用〔acerose〕Needlelike, as the leaves of pine; acerate.似针的,针状的:似针的,如同松树的叶子;针状的美国传统〔alight〕A thrush alighted on a branch of the pine tree.一只鸫落在松树的树枝上。柯林斯高阶〔bough〕I rested my fishing rod against a pine bough.我把钓鱼竿靠在一棵松树的大树枝上。柯林斯高阶〔drip〕The pine trees dripped sap onto the cars.松树的树脂滴落在汽车上。韦氏高阶〔hang over〕The tree hung half over the edge of the lake.松树的一半突出在湖的边缘之上。21世纪英汉〔heavy〕The air was heavy with the scent of pine.空气中弥漫着松树的气味。外研社新世纪〔mind〕The smell of pine sends my mind back to childhood.松树的味道将我的思绪带回了童年。韦氏高阶〔pervade〕The odour of pines pervades the air in the forest.林子里的空气中充满着松树的气味。21世纪英汉〔pine needle〕The needle-shaped leaf of a pine tree.松叶,松针:松树的针状叶子美国传统〔pine nut〕The edible seed of certain pines, such as the piñon.松子,松果:某种松树的可食种子,如矮松美国传统〔pinecone〕The cone of a pine tree.松果,松球:松树的球果美国传统〔pineland〕A forested area in which pine trees predominate.松林地(带):长有大片松树的森林地区美国传统〔pine〕The wood of any of these trees.松木:松树的木料美国传统〔piny〕Relating to, suggestive of, or abounding in pines.松树的,松林的:有关或使人联想起松树或松林的美国传统〔shadow〕She stood outside in the shadow of a large pine tree.她站在外面一棵大松树的树阴下。麦克米伦高阶〔wing〕A thin or membranous extension, such as of the fruit of the elm, maple, or ash or of the seed of the pine.翼膜:榆树、枫树或白蜡树的果实或松树的种子的薄的或膜状附加部分美国传统The pine-tree has a very wide distribution. 松树的分布区域极广。译典通




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