

单词 条纹
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-breasted〕The cock's breast is tinged with chestnut.这只公鸡胸部羽毛呈浅栗色,带有白色细条纹柯林斯高阶〔Baltimore oriole〕A subspecies of the northern oriole in its eastern range, of which the male is bright orange and black and the female olive brown with white wing bars.巴尔的摩黄鹂:在东分布区的北方黄鹂亚种,雄性为亮丽的橙色和黑色,雌性为橄榄棕色,翅膀上有白色条纹美国传统〔CLOTHES〕The uniform of the New York Yankees is white with a fine blue stripe. 纽约洋基队穿的是白底细蓝条纹的队服。朗文写作活用〔Gravenstein〕A variety of all-purpose apple having a red-streaked green skin.格拉文史泰因苹果:具有多种用途、有着红色条纹及绿色外皮的苹果美国传统〔LINE〕He was wearing a navy blue suit and a striped shirt. 他穿着一套海军蓝的外套和一件有条纹的衬衫。朗文写作活用〔LINE〕The American flag has red and white stripes. 美国国旗上有红色和白色的条纹朗文写作活用〔Sertoli cell〕Any of the elongated, striated cells of the seminiferous tubules of the testis, to which spermatids attach for nourishment during spermatogenesis.塞托利氏细胞:睪丸细精管中细长而有条纹的细胞,在精子生成时精细胞群会与之相连以获取养分美国传统〔agouti〕The alternation of light and dark bands of color in the fur of various animals, producing a grizzled appearance.深浅环纹:不同动物毛皮上深浅相间的彩色条纹,产生灰白斑的外表美国传统〔alternately〕They were streaked with alternate bands of colour.它们都带有各种色彩相间的条纹柯林斯高阶〔appliqué〕They appliquéd their sweaters with colorful strips.他们在毛衣上缝了彩色条纹韦氏高阶〔attired〕He was faultlessly attired in black coat and striped trousers.他穿着黑色上衣和条纹裤子,简直无可挑剔。柯林斯高阶〔banded〕Having bands or stripes of contrasting color or texture.有条纹的:颜色或质地形成对照鲜明的条纹美国传统〔band〕A strip or stripe that contrasts with something else in color, texture, or material.条纹:在颜色、织物质地或材料上与另外的东西形成对照的条带或条纹美国传统〔bar〕The flag was barred in red and white.旗子缀有红白双色条纹英汉大词典〔bass〕Any of various marine fishes of the family Serranidae, such as the sea bass and the striped bass.鲈鱼:一种鳍科的海生鱼,例如海鲈鱼和条纹石鮨美国传统〔belt〕That garbage can was belted with blue paint.那只垃圾箱被漆上蓝色条纹标记。21世纪英汉〔blazer〕A lightweight, often striped or brightly colored sports jacket having pockets and notched lapels.运动夹克:一种质量轻,常有条纹或色彩鲜艳的运动夹克,有衣袋和V字形翻领美国传统〔bold〕She wore a dress with bold stripes.她穿了一条有着醒目条纹的连衣裙。韦氏高阶〔breath〕Not even a breath of wind stirred the pine branches.一丝风也没有, 松树枝条纹丝不动。外研社新世纪〔breath〕Not even a breath of wind stirred the pine branches.一丝风也没有,松树枝条纹丝不动。柯林斯高阶〔brindled〕Tawny or grayish with streaks or spots of a darker color.黄褐色或灰色底上有暗色条纹或斑点的美国传统〔cardiac muscle〕The specialized striated muscle tissue of the heart; the myocardium.心肌:心脏有细条纹的特有肌肉组织;心肌(层)美国传统〔cat's-eye〕A marble having an eyelike design, such as concentric circles or a colored center set in clear glass.花纹大理石:具有眼状花纹的大理石,如嵌在清澈玻璃中的聚集条纹或彩色点美国传统〔catch〕When the sun catches these walks, it makes the hillside look like rich green corduroy.当阳光照射到这些山径的时候,半山腰看上去呈现出缕缕翠绿色的条纹英汉大词典〔central casting〕Wearing black shoes and a pinstripe suit, he looked like central casting's idea of the perfect civil servant.他穿着黑色皮鞋、细条纹西装,看上去是电影里标准的公务员造型。朗文当代〔check〕Do you prefer checks or stripes? 你喜欢方格还是条纹牛津高阶〔check〕Styles include stripes and checks.式样包括条纹和格子图案。外研社新世纪〔check〕Styles include stripes and checks.款式包括条纹的和格子的。柯林斯高阶〔cocobolo〕The hard, durable wood of such a tree, deep orange-red with black streaking or mottling, used for small specialty items such as knife handles.黄檀木:这种树的坚硬耐用的木材,深橙红色间有黑色条纹或斑驳,用于小的特制品如刀把美国传统〔corduroy〕Made of a fabric with vertical ribs.用带纵条纹的布做的美国传统〔diagonal〕The blanket is covered with diagonal stripes.毯子上布满了斜条纹韦氏高阶〔emphasize〕Horizontal bands on a shirt emphasize the roundness of your stomach.衬衣上的水平条纹使你的肚子看起来更圆了。外研社新世纪〔fess〕A wide horizontal band forming the middle section of an escutcheon.(纹章)中带:一种构成饰有纹章的盾的中部的宽且水平的条纹美国传统〔fringe〕Any of the light or dark bands produced by the diffraction or interference of light.(光学)条纹:由于光的衍射或干涉形成的或明或暗的条纹美国传统〔gingham〕A yarn-dyed cotton fabric woven in stripes, checks, plaids, or solid colors.条格平布:一种染织的棉布织物,织成条纹、方格、格子或紧密的颜色美国传统〔guest〕The other hotel guests sat under striped umbrellas.另外一些宾馆客人坐在条纹花阳伞下面。英汉大词典〔hairline〕A textile design having thin, threadlike stripes.有细直条纹的织物图案美国传统〔insignia〕White stripes on the cuff are the seamen's insignia of rating.袖口上的白色条纹是水兵的军阶识别符号。英汉大词典〔lace〕To streak with color.加上颜色条纹美国传统〔madras〕A silk, generally striped, cloth.马德拉斯丝绸:一种带条纹的绸布美国传统〔marble〕To mottle and streak (paper, for example) with colors and veins in imitation of marble.使…具有大理石花纹:用类似于大理石的颜色和条纹(如在纸上)弄上斑纹和条纹美国传统〔monochrome〕Bridget Riley's work from early Sixties Op Art, moving from rippling monochromes to colour, stripes, and diagonals布里奇特•赖利60年代早期的视幻艺术作品, 从涟漪般的单色画到出现色彩、条纹和斜线外研社新世纪〔offend against sth〕Would it be offending against good taste to wear a patterned tie with my striped shirt? 你觉得打一条有图案的领带来配我的条纹衬衫是否有些不伦不类?剑桥高阶〔parade〕Young men paraded up and down the street in striped blazers.小伙子们身穿颜色鲜艳的条纹运动衣在街上走来走去。英汉大词典〔pinstripe〕He was wearing a pinstripe suit.他身穿细条纹西装。剑桥高阶〔pinstripe〕She watched the businessmen walk past in their pinstripes.她看着那些身穿细条纹西装的商人走了过去。剑桥高阶〔press〕The set of proper creases in a garment or fabric, formed by ironing.熨烫的皱摺条纹:用熨烫的方法形成的衣服或布料上的适当的皱摺条纹美国传统〔prize〕Dad brought back his prize catch, a three-foot striped bass.老爸带回了他超棒的捕获物,一条三英尺长的条纹鲈鱼。韦氏高阶〔raphe〕Botany The portion of the funiculus that is united to the ovule wall, commonly visible as a line or ridge on the seed coat.【植物学】 脊,种脊:植物珠柄与胚珠壁连接的部分,通常表现为果实外壳上的一道条纹或突起美国传统〔rocker〕A curved stripe at the bottom part of a chevron worn by noncommissioned officers below the rank of sergeant.弧形条纹:军衔低于中士的官配戴的山形臂章底部的弧形条纹美国传统〔sarcoplasmic reticulum〕The form of endoplasmic reticulum found in striated muscle fibers.有条纹肌肉组织的内质网美国传统〔sarcoplasm〕The cytoplasm of a striated muscle fiber.肌质:有条纹的肌肉组织的细胞质美国传统〔sarcosome〕A large specialized mitochondrion found in striated muscle.肌粒:有条纹的肌细胞的线粒体美国传统〔sardonyx〕An onyx with alternating brown and white bands of sard and other minerals.缠丝玛瑙:一种带有综白色条纹相间的肉红玉髓和其他矿物的缟玛瑙美国传统〔solid〕I prefer solid colors like blue or green instead of plaids and stripes.与彩格和条纹相比,我更喜欢纯蓝色或纯绿色。韦氏高阶〔streak〕A line, mark, smear, or band differentiated by color or texture from its surroundings.条纹:颜色或质地与周围不同的线条、记号、污点或区域美国传统〔streak〕He streaked his face with black.他在脸上画上了黑色的条纹21世纪英汉〔streak〕Microbiology To inoculate in order to produce a streak.【微生物学】 为了产生条纹而嫁接美国传统〔streak〕The flames begin as a few streaks of red against the pale brown of the walls.火焰燃起时,犹如几条红色条纹映衬在淡褐色的墙上。柯林斯高阶〔streak〕The sky was streaked yellow and purple.天空布满黄色和紫色的条纹朗文当代〔streak〕To be or become streaked.使有条纹:加条纹或变得有条纹美国传统〔striated muscle〕Skeletal, voluntary, and cardiac muscle, distinguished from smooth muscle by transverse striations of the fibers.横纹肌:骨骼肌肉、自由肌肉和心脏肌肉,以纤维的横切条纹区别于平滑肌美国传统〔striated〕The canyon walls were striated with colour.峡谷壁上布满了彩色条纹剑桥高阶〔striate〕Consisting of a stria or striae.由条纹组成的美国传统〔striate〕Marked with striae; striped, grooved, or ridged.有条纹的:划有条纹的;有条纹,凹槽或参差不平的美国传统〔striate〕To mark with striae or striations.在…上划条纹美国传统〔stripe〕A strip of cloth or braid worn on a uniform to indicate rank, awards received, or length of service; a chevron.军士军阶:制服上的衣服条纹或徽章条纹表示军衔,获得的奖章,或服役的时间长短;V型臂章美国传统〔stripe〕A textile pattern of parallel bands or lines on a contrasting background.条纹:与背景形成对比的平行条带或线条的编织图案美国传统〔stripe〕A zebra is a black animal with white stripes.斑马是一种身上有黑白条纹的动物。外研社新世纪〔stripe〕He appeared in court in his convict's stripes.他穿着犯人的条纹囚服出庭。英汉大词典〔stripe〕She wore a bright green jogging suit with a white stripe down the sides.她身穿一套裤腿两边有白色条纹的亮绿色慢跑服。柯林斯高阶〔stripe〕The butterfly is black and white with a blue stripe running down each wing.这蝴蝶黑白相间,每只翅膀纵贯着一道蓝色条纹牛津搭配〔stripe〕The walls in the front bedroom are painted with broad, pale blue and white stripes.前卧室的墙壁被漆成淡蓝色和白色相间的宽条纹柯林斯高阶〔stripe〕The zebra is a wild African horse with black and white stripes.斑马是一种身体上有黑白条纹的非洲野马。剑桥高阶〔stripe〕To mark with stripes or a stripe.给…划条纹美国传统〔stripe〕We found a sofa in a subtle stripe to match the walls.我们找到了一款和墙壁风格很搭的细条纹布沙发。外研社新世纪〔striping〕The stripes placed on something.划上的条纹美国传统〔stripy〕He was wearing a stripy shirt and baggy blue trousers.他身着一件条纹衬衫和一条宽松的蓝裤子。柯林斯高阶〔tabaret〕A strong upholstery fabric having alternating stripes of satin and moiré.塔巴勒绸:一种结实的室内装璜布,其中缎子与波纹的条纹替出现美国传统〔them〕His dark socks, I could see, had a stripe on them.我能看出他的深色袜子上有道条纹柯林斯高阶〔throat〕His striped tie was loosened at his throat.他的条纹领带松松地挂在脖子上。柯林斯高阶〔tie-dye〕To dye (fabric) after tying parts of the fabric so that they will not absorb dye, giving the fabric a streaked or mottled look.扎染:把(织物的)一部分系起来后再染色,这样这些部分不被染色,给织物一种有条纹或斑驳的色彩美国传统〔tiger moth〕Any of numerous, often brightly colored moths of the family Arctiidae, characteristically having wings marked with spots or stripes.灯蛾:灯蛾科的多种色彩鲜艳且翅膀上有斑点或条纹的飞蛾美国传统〔tulipwood〕The irregularly striped, ornamental wood of any of several related or similar trees.各种类似或有关树种的带不规则条纹的装饰性木头美国传统〔veining〕Distribution or arrangement of veins or veinlike markings.条纹,纹理:静脉(或纹理)或静脉(或纹理)状标识的分布或排列美国传统〔vein〕A long, wavy strip of a different shade or color, as in wood or marble, or as mold in cheese.纹理;纹路;条纹:不同色度或颜色的波浪形长条,如在木材或大理石中,或在干酪中形成的纹理美国传统〔voluntary muscle〕Muscle, such as striated muscle, normally controlled by individual volition.随意肌:如条纹肌的肌肉,通常由自我意识控制美国传统〔wisp〕A thin or faint streak or fragment, as of smoke or clouds.一缕:薄或微弱的条纹或碎片,如烟、云等美国传统〔zebra stripes〕They spotted game in vans painted with leopard spots and zebra stripes.他们在涂有豹斑和斑马条纹的货车内发现了猎物。外研社新世纪He always wears stripy shirts with white collars.他总是穿白领的条纹衬衫。剑桥国际He was sitting there in striped pyjamas. 他身著条纹睡衣裤坐在那儿。译典通Spots and stripes are fashionable this year.今年流行点子和条纹图案。剑桥国际The beam (of light) was diffracted into several light and dark bands.光线衍射成为几条明暗条纹剑桥国际The parrot was green with red and grey bands on its wings.这只绿鹦鹉的翅膀上有红灰相间的条纹剑桥国际The stick of candy was striped with red. 这根棒糖上有红色条纹译典通There is an alternation of black and white stripes in that cloth. 那匹布黑白条纹相间。译典通There was a rather fat man wearing a capacious stripy suit.那儿有个相当胖的男人,穿了套宽大的条纹套装。剑桥国际White marble is frequently streaked with grey, black or green.白色的大理石上经常有灰色、黑色或绿色的条纹剑桥国际With his striped suit and his briefcase, he looks like a real city gent (= a man who works in business, esp. in a high position).他穿着条纹西装,带着公文包,看上去真像是个城市绅士。剑桥国际You can tell from the yellow streaks on the leaves that the plant has been infected.你能从叶子上的黄色条纹确认出这植物已被感染了。剑桥国际




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