

单词 本金
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔alloy〕The relative degree of mixture with a base metal; fineness.成色,纯度:和基本金属的相对混合程度;纯度美国传统〔amount〕A principal plus its interest, as in a loan.本利之和:贷款的本金加利息美国传统〔bond〕A certificate of debt issued by a government or corporation guaranteeing payment of the original investment plus interest by a specified future date.债券:由政府或公司发行的,保证到一将来明确的日期归还本金和利息的债务凭证美国传统〔capital〕She leaves her capital untouched in the bank and lives off the interest.她不动用银行里的本金,靠利息生活。剑桥高阶〔capital〕With a conventional repayment mortgage, the repayments consist of both capital and interest.常规的按揭还款额既包含本金也包括利息。柯林斯高阶〔compound interest〕Interest computed on the accumulated unpaid interest as well as on the original principal.复利:以本金加上未付的利息为基数计算的利息美国传统〔compound〕To compute (interest) on the principal and accrued interest.以复利计算利息:以本金和不断累积的利息为基数计算利息美国传统〔corpus〕The principal or capital, as distinguished from the interest or income, as of a fund or estate.资金:基金或资产的本金或资本,以区别于利息或收入美国传统〔expenditure〕Capital expenditure can be financed by borrowing; operating expenditure should not.资本金可以靠借款,而运营费用不行。牛津搭配〔fund〕To provide money for paying off the interest or principal of (a debt).拨款偿付:拨款偿付(债款)的利息或本金美国传统〔monies〕Any monies received from this interest will be treated as capital.所有得自此利息的钱款都将被当作本金剑桥高阶〔point〕One percent of the total principal of a loan, paid up front to the lender and considered separately from the interest.贴息:一笔贷款的总本金的百分之一,预先支付给借出一方,并和利息分开考虑美国传统〔principal〕A sum of money owed as a debt, upon which interest is calculated.本金:作为债务的一笔钱,以此为基础来计算利息美国传统〔principal〕How much interest will there be on a principal of $5000? 5000 美元的本金可有多少利息?英汉大词典〔principal〕Of, relating to, or being financial principal, or a principal in a financial transaction.本金的,资本的:属于或关于本金的或财政周转中的资金的美国传统〔principal〕Our monthly mortgage payment covers the interest on our loan as well as some of the principal.我们每月的按揭还贷包括所借贷款的利息和一部分本金韦氏高阶〔principal〕She lives off the interest and tries to keep the principal intact.她靠利息过日子,尽量不动用本金剑桥高阶〔principal〕The capital or main body of an estate or a financial holding as distinguished from the interest or revenue from it.本金,资本:财产或金融资产的资本或主体,区别于由它得来的利息或收益美国传统〔principal〕Your spouse receives income and principal from the trust for the remainder of his or her lifetime.你的配偶在其余生都会获得该信托基金的收益和本金外研社新世纪〔put in〕If we don't put money in we will lose our investment.如果我们不再投入资金,我们会失掉本金柯林斯高阶〔redemption〕The bonds will be redeemed at 100% of their principal amount, plus interest to the redemption date.在赎取之日,凭债券可赎取全部本金,加上到期的利息。剑桥高阶〔refinance〕If you don't sell or refinance within 10 years, the principal comes due.如果你在十年内不出售或再融资的话,本金将会归还。剑桥高阶〔treble〕A debt at compound interest soon trebled in amount.以复利借入的债很快变成本金的三倍。英汉大词典〔trust〕Under the terms of the trust he receives interest on the money, but he cannot get at the money itself.按照信托协议,他得到那笔钱的利息,但不可处置本金剑桥高阶A 10-year bond paying interest every 6 months could be stripped into 21 stripped bonds—one for each interest period plus the principal.一张 10 年期每 6 个月付息一次的债券可以拆分为 21 张剥离债券 ── 每个利息期各一张外加本金一张。牛津商务Banks are subject to minimum capital requirements.银行受最低资本金额规定所约束。牛津商务Capital One Financial, the credit-card issuer 信用卡发行商第一资本金融公司牛津商务Investors want an immediate return on their capital.投资者要求本金有即时回报。牛津商务Shareholders in a small number of trusts may lose virtually all of their capital.少数几家信托机构的股东的本金可能会损失殆尽。牛津商务She leaves her capital untouched in the bank and lives off the interest.她不动用银行里的本金,靠利息生活。剑桥国际She lives off the interest and tries to keep the principal intact.她靠利息过日子,尽量不动用本金剑桥国际The government wants to increase the capital requirements for financial institutions.政府准备提高金融机构的法定资本金额。牛津商务The total interest is now more than the principal amount.利息总额现已超过本金牛津商务There is enough seed money for 10 start-up firms.有足够的本金开办 10 家公司。牛津商务Under the terms of the trust he receives interest on the money, but he cannot get at the money itself.按照信托协议, 他得到那笔钱的利息, 但他不可处置本金剑桥国际We have decided to reduce our equity capital.我们已决定减少我们的股本金牛津商务When the bonds mature, the principal invested will be repaid.债券到期时,将偿还所投资的本金牛津商务You must make the required interest and principal payments.你必须支付规定的利息和本金牛津商务You pay back the original loan amount plus interest.你须偿还贷款本金外加利息。牛津商务




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