

单词 未醒
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bleary-eyed〕He appeared at breakfast bleary-eyed and with a hangover.他吃早餐时两眼迷糊,宿醉未醒牛津高阶〔bleary〕His face had the bleary unfocused look of someone who is completely hung over.他睡眼惺忪, 目光涣散, 完全是一副宿醉未醒的面容。外研社新世纪〔hungover〕He was still hungover on the 25-minute bus drive to work the following morning.他第二天早上坐公共汽车去上班的25分钟车程中仍宿醉未醒柯林斯高阶〔hungover〕The next morning after the party everybody was hungover.宴会后的第二天早上大家都因宿醉未醒而感到不好受。英汉大词典〔land〕Pete and Jo were still in the land of Nod, so I went out for a walk in the morning sunshine.皮特和乔仍沉睡未醒,于是我就在晨光中出门散步去了。牛津高阶〔sleep〕She slept right through the storm.这场暴风雨中,她一直酣睡未醒牛津搭配




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