

单词 服装业
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔costumier〕One that makes or supplies costumes; a costumer.服装商:制造或供给服装的人;服装业美国传统〔couture〕The business of designing, making, and selling highly fashionable, usually custom-made clothing for women.女式服装业:设计、制作并销售非常时髦的通常是定作的女式服装的行业美国传统〔couturier〕An establishment engaged in couture.女式时装店:从事女式服装业的企业美国传统〔deflation〕Deflation is beginning to take hold in the clothing industry.通货紧缩开始全面影响服装业外研社新世纪〔deflation〕Deflation is beginning to take hold in the clothing industry.通货紧缩开始全面影响服装业柯林斯高阶〔hit〕Clothing took the biggest hit, with sales down by 35%.服装业遭受的损失最大,销售额下跌了35%。麦克米伦高阶〔put onto〕This elastic is a powerful variety which a friend in the clothing trade put me onto.这种松紧带弹性很大,这是从事服装业的一个朋友告诉我的。柯林斯高阶〔rag trade〕The rag trade is extremely competitive, and one needs plenty of contacts in order to survive.服装业的竞争非常激烈, 要有丰富的人脉关系才能存活下来。外研社新世纪〔textile〕Another 75,000 jobs will be lost in textiles and clothing.纺织和服装业又要减少 75,000 个工作岗位。柯林斯高阶Jobs in the clothing industry have dwindled from about 500 000 to 175 000.服装业的工作岗位已从大约 50 万个减少为 17.5 万个。牛津商务The clothes manufacturer recently branched out into children's wear.服装制造商最近开拓了儿童服装业务。剑桥国际The redundancies are spread across the clothing, banking and building industries.裁员之风席卷了服装业、银行业和建筑业。剑桥国际Today's clothing industry is very high-tech and computerized.当今的服装业科技化和电脑化程度非常高。牛津商务




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