

单词 服用毒品
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔get〕To experience euphoria, for example, as a result of taking a drug.飘飘欲仙的感觉:感受精神愉快,如服用毒品的结果美国传统〔head〕A habitual drug user.经常服用毒品的人美国传统〔hop〕She's hopped up.她因服用毒品而兴奋。文馨英汉〔use〕In jail, he continued to deal and use drugs.在监狱里,他继续兜售和服用毒品麦克米伦高阶It was after the breakdown of her marriage that her pill-popping started to get out of control.在她婚姻破裂后,她服用毒品无法控制。剑桥国际The athlete was given a stiff punishment for using drugs.这运动员因服用毒品而受到了严厉处罚。剑桥国际They were too doped (up) (= under the influence of drugs) to notice what was happening.他们因服用毒品而太迷糊了,以致于没有注意到发生了什么。剑桥国际You can't get much sense out of him when he's tripping.当他服用毒品产生幻觉时,你从他身上找不到什么理智。剑桥国际




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