

单词 服务区
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bung〕I got the information in exchange for a bung handed over at a motorway service station.我在高速公路服务区花钱弄到了这一信息。外研社新世纪〔highway〕Once you hit the highway, the only services are at Eagle Plains.一旦你上了这条公路,只有到了伊格尔平原那里才有服务区牛津搭配〔plaza〕A parking or service area next to a highway.服务区:公路旁停车或服务的区域美国传统〔service area〕A driver who is tired should stop at a service area.驾驶员疲倦时应该把车停在服务区剑桥高阶〔service area〕The Equal Access to Justice Foundation serves the Northwest Texas service area.平等享用司法权基金会向得克萨斯西北服务区提供服务。剑桥高阶〔service area〕The cable TV company sent out direct mail to every household in their service area.有线电视公司向所辖服务区域内的每一户人家都发了信件。剑桥高阶〔service mark〕A mark used in the sale or advertising of services to identify the services and distinguish them from the services of others.服务标志:在销售或为广告服务中用于识别该种服务并将它们与其它服务区别开的标志美国传统




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