

单词 服务公司
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Inc.〕Bishop Computer Services, Inc.毕晓普计算机服务公司剑桥高阶〔Incorporated〕Bishop Computer Services Incorporated 毕晓普计算机服务公司剑桥高阶〔MONEY〕Massachusetts Financial Services manages $43 billion in assets. 马萨诸塞金融服务公司管理430亿美元的资产。朗文写作活用〔REDUCE〕Several holiday firms are offering huge price reductions on winter holidays. 几家度假服务公司正推出冬季大减价。朗文写作活用〔TIME〕Rick was fired in August after a brief stint with a Portland courier service. 里克在波特兰的一家快递服务公司干了不多久,8月份被解雇了。朗文写作活用〔catering〕His catering business made him a millionaire at 41.他的饮食服务公司使他在41岁成了百万富翁。柯林斯高阶〔cater〕His party service caters at functions like the Cartier tournament.他的聚会服务公司为卡地亚马球赛这样的活动提供饮食。外研社新世纪〔floss〕Craft Resources also sells yarn and embroidery floss.工艺人员服务公司也售卖纱线和绣花丝线。柯林斯高阶〔operator〕Julian travelled with Caribbean Connection, the UK's leading Caribbean tour operator (=company that arranges holidays) .朱利安随加勒比联运 — 英国主要的加勒比旅游服务公司去旅游。朗文当代〔partner〕AOL remains the company's only online retail partner.AOL (美国在线服务公司)仍然是该公司唯一的网上零售合作伙伴。牛津搭配〔public-service corporation〕A corporation providing essential services, such as water or electricity, to the public.公共服务公司:为公众提供水或电等基本服务的公司美国传统〔rank〕Nomura is now ranked third among the world's information services companies.野村公司在世界信息服务公司中名列第3。麦克米伦高阶〔riser〕Old Mutual , the financial services group, was the biggest riser in the FTSE 100.金融服务公司英国耆卫保险,是富时100指数中股价上涨最多的。剑桥高阶〔shake〕As the airline industry shakes out all but the very fittest, catering companies could face serious troubles.航空业除了最盈利的大公司外,其他的都要被淘汰出局,因此饮食服务公司可能会面临严重的困境。朗文当代〔switch〕We switched over to a different telephone service.我们换了一家电话服务公司韦氏高阶AOL's president of/for technology 美国在线服务公司技术部总经理牛津商务Bishop Computer Services Inc.比肖普电脑服务公司剑桥国际Financial services companies are heavy users of IT.金融服务公司大量使用信息技术。牛津商务It's a service company, very light on assets.这是一家资产非常缺乏的服务公司牛津商务Smith's Catering Services (= a company) offers the best value.史密斯餐饮服务公司提供最物有所值的服务。牛津商务The banks have teamed up with the various card protection services to help those who lose their cards or have them stolen.银行已和各种信用保护服务公司合作,帮助那些遗失信用卡或信用卡被盗的人们。剑桥国际The company is rated A1 by Moody's and A+ by Standard and Poor's.这公司获穆迪投资服务公司评为 A1 级,标准普尔公司则把它评为 A +级。牛津商务They brought in an outside caterer for the conference.他们聘用外面的饮食服务公司承办会议饮食。牛津商务




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